
Something Is Wrong (Part 1)

Just when the Doom Sword was about to hit the mid-level Rank Three Eldritch Goblin, a hand glowing with Eldritch Energy and covered in shiny black scales appeared between them and effortlessly caught the sword's blade.

"It was a good trick. Unfortunately, in front of absolute power, all tricks are useless," Evan heard the indifferent voice of the peak Rank Three Goblin and before he could react, he was sent flying backwards by the burst of energy that erupted from the peak Rank Three Goblin's body.

Although Evan was sent flying by the tremendous force, he didn't panic. Instead, his lips arched upwards in a sneer.

"Got you."

The three goblins heard Evan's low voice, and before they could understand what he meant...


The sound of air being sliced apart entered their ears and the eyes of the beginner-level Rank Three Goblin widened in shock. The Goblin tried to shift its body sideways, but unfortunately, it was too late.


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