

"Any news?" A middle-aged man with short black hair wearing a black suit asked in a neutral tone.

"Our people are looking for them everywhere but there is still no news about them."

"What about Percival, did he find anything?"

"I contacted him a few hours ago. Unfortunately, even he wasn't able to find anything."

The man wearing the black suit raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Even using his foresight skill, Percival couldn't find anything about them?"

"Yes, Master."

"Hmmm..." The man in the suit tapped his finger on the chair with a pondering look on his face.

"What about Alaric? Any news from him?"

"No, his subordinates are searching all over the dark forest, but they also didn't find anything."

"I see..." The man in the suit spoke in a neutral tone, but his eyes were filled with frustration, indicating he was not as calm as he was trying to show.


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