"All of you can do whatever you want for today, but remember to gather at the city entrance tomorrow morning," Cole said to all the students after coming out from the airport of the Naphliam city.
They arrived here earlier than Evan expected. He thought they will reach here in two days, but they arrived in less than thirty six hours.
It was already nighttime when they reached the city, so after giving them some general instructions Cole and the other teachers left from there.
All the students of the academy are mature hunters so there was no need for them to keep an eye on them.
Most of the students were tired after the flight so they were not in the mood to travel around the city. Most of them took a taxi and left for a nearby hotel.
Evan also left the airport and took a taxi. But instead of going to a hotel, he asked the driver to take him to a nearby artefact shop first.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: