All the people were silent and were looking at the wild earth bore that suddenly dropped dead to the ground.
Slowly a pool of blood started to form under the wild earth bore.
"What the hell just happened?" Edward asked with a baffled expression on his face.
"Play replay," Wyatt said not believing that stupid-looking D+ rank student killed C rank wild earth bore without doing anything.
'Is he a hacker?' Wyatt thought wondering whether Evan hacked the VR somehow.
Soon they saw the replay where Evan was running with a carefree expression, and the wild earth bore was charging toward him.
Their entire focus was placed on the bore so that they can see what happened.
Suddenly they saw just when the bore was twenty meters away from Evan, its shadow flickered a little and a black bullet shot out from it, piercing all the way through its heart.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: