
Formidable Challenge

"Will of the goddess?" Rosalind sneered. A subtle display of contempt played across her features, reflecting her skepticism and perhaps even a hint of disdain. However, before the tension could escalate further, Martin swiftly intervened, redirecting the focus to the wounded.

"Instead of arguing, let us attend to the wounded," Martin spoke before Dorothy gets the chance to answer her. "Since I am here, it is best that I help out in the infirmary. Dorothy let us go. People are wounded. Let us not waste our time arguing."

Dorothy smiled.

"Of course, Father," Dorothy replied, gracefully bowing to Rosalind before following Martin towards the infirmary, a sense of purpose and compassion emanating from her.

Observing their departure, Rosalind turned to Denys, her expression retaining a touch of concern. She sought his perspective, hoping to gain insight into the strange aura she sensed around Dorothy.

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