
Chapter 87

Ramiel appreciated all the things that were happening around him as a blessing, at a very young age he saw the importance of personal obligation toward another beings safety and development, as he contemplate the events that were happening, he thought that he might lose track on what was important, so with all the things that were going on he asks Alpha if he was doing the right thing,

"As long as you continue to prioritize the safety and development of others, you are on the right track. Remember to also take care of yourself so that you can continue to help those around you."

"I think, most of your decisions are based on the situation that unfolds in your daily life and is still based on the teachings you shared with me, and that is to Adapt, Overcome, learn and survive."

"Remember the teaching that your mother queen and teacher had taught you, about the history of this land and what lurks within the underbelly of the empire,"

"you have seen the expression and emotion of the displaced inhabitants of the land, in a land filled with magic and wonder you still haven't even scraped the tip of a huge rock."

"It is important to acknowledge and address the struggles and challenges faced by displaced inhabitants and work towards finding solutions that can provide them with a sense of security and stability."

"Exploring the vast wonders of this magical land can wait until we have taken care of those who call it their new home."

Ramiel thank Alpha as he fall asleep while his 3 commanders stood in front of his bedroom, Alpha walked toward him and gently brush his white hair and gave him a soft kiss on his forehead and said

"I am so proud of you, rest well my dear Ramiel!"

Ramiel finally got a well-deserved rest and wanted to ask Beta if the knowledge stored in its memory was updated and in sync with what was happening, he wondered why there are increasing numbers of refugees, before fulfilling his promise to meet the Vandom Ragnar Hellmane later he went out to check out the surrounding area, he orders his three commanders to return into void temporarily,

it was early in the morning the entire Mansion was busy as ever, Finbor was already managing and delegating a task to newly posted officials and greeted Ramiel by kneeling he wanted to change this act into a more refined manner but the Orc insisted that they must pay their respect toward their leader,

Ramiel instructed him just place his hand over his chest and greet him or anybody with a government or position of power in that manner, Finbor ask what was the symbolic meaning of placing one fist in their chest, and he just told it to look cool and more flexible to act immediately if they get attacked,

Finbor saw that it was right to change this manner of greeting, so he orders everyone that on this day everyone should greet a person with high authority in this kind of gesture and action, Ramiel just smiled and went out to just observe the daily life, He noticed that residents were more respectful towards each other and there was a positive change in the overall atmosphere of the place. he felt satisfied with his decision to ask them in doing the same thing to those who were hungry and lost their home by treating everybody at the very beginning with respect and dignity but firm in upholding peace,

he didn't even expect the facility that the Dwarfen and Gnome race was proportionate with the earth's technological advancement, thinking history books from his home world might be actually wrong, and it is actually the other way around, he can now say that humans didn't all gradually evolve to understand and gain knowledge, he thinks that there was a possibility that some humans learned from them when dimensional rift occurred thousands of years ago because earth also was stories of Dwarf and Gnomes and other mythological beings.

while walking around he saw children of different races happily playing as one Beastkin mother was selling fruits, and greeting him with a smile,

"My guess is that not everyone knows who I am, and what I look like on a personal level."

many residents talk among each other as they work, many were sad because they could not personally see their king because the vast number of people surround the mansion at that time, but after seeing the mark on their backhand and hearing the king's explanation their sadness change into hope, The mark was a symbol of the king's promise to always be with them and protect them. This gave the residents a sense of comfort and reassurance, despite not being able to physically see their king.

Beta believes that Lady Galadhiel's expertise in creating devices could be beneficial in processing and evaluating the influx of unmarked refugees. He hopes that this will provide him with valuable insights into the situation and enable him to make informed decisions.

Ramiel told Beta that was his actual plan, knowing this he opened a transfer gate and went to Laerdya Galadhiel's home town and invite her and those who are willing to join their flourishing community, after an hour a huge dimensional transfer gate opened the mansion front yard as dozen of dark elven race from the house of Galadhiel pass through with wagons and with their persona belongings,

Finbor welcome them openly as Ramiel introduce his mother's best friend whom he now considers to be her Aunty, Lady Laerdya Galadhiel greeted Finbor with respect and delight, as he equally greeted her with the new gesture knowing that their king personally visited and accompanied her to join them,

Sharn greeted everybody with a huge smile and informed them that they had prepared a small feast to welcome them, Ramiel informed them that after joining them in eating he shall be leaving and will return after a few days, so he left the task at hand to Finbor and Laerdya, While eating, they were accompanied by most of the appointed officers, Alpha just watched inside her void chamber and comfortably waited for their next adventure Sharn became sad after hearing that he will be leaving as soon as he emphasised his plan toward the newcomers

Sharn tells them that Master Ramiel is valuable to everyone's future, but they understand his need to leave and will continue their mission in his absence. Sharn also encourages everyone to enjoy the feast and make the most of their time together before the king's departure. Sharn then raises a toast to Ramiel's safe return and the success of their mission.

it was noon when Ramiel was able to finalize most of the main task that we saw was important to address, Laerdya submitted the blueprint to create a device to be the main mark registration However, there were still a few minor details that needed to be ironed out before the project could be considered complete. Additionally, she planned to conduct a thorough testing phase to ensure that the device met all necessary specifications and requirements,

Ramiel left all of this in her capable hand as seen in her brimming energy as a crafter, all Dwarfen and Gnome forgers were huge admirers of Laerdya Galadhiel's design research book about new technics in building and forging, and she was considered a prodigy and a genius and was the foremost expert of rune development at a very young age, her knowledge and contribution in this field was so advance many scholars and great forgers envied her, the until she disappeared ten years ago,

until they finally saw her alive and well face to face with a living legend, all of the forgers in the hall were in an uproar, they can't believe that their idol is related to their king, seeing one of her mothers best friends finally smile as a drove of crafter in different area and race wanted to learn from her, she was stormed with so many questions left and right, Ramiel just wave to his hand, as she saw him and just stood up from the hall tall chair and sent him a flying kiss,

as he went on his way, Sharn politely asked Ramiel if it is fine for him to receive a humble gift from her, he answered with a soft voice

"of course, it would be his honour to receive a gift from you!"

"Please accept this as my humble gift,"

Ramiel saw a chain that could be attached to his battle mace, so he uses it as a projectile weapon. With the help of the chain, he can retrieve it easily. He was happy and tested the new addition to his weapon by throwing it towards a tree, and it successfully wrapped around and struck the huge tree trunk, destroying half of its massive body before he pulled it back towards him,

"This is perfect Sharn! thank you very much,"

Sharn smiled and was pleased to see his approval as he placed his new weapon inside his coat, cast " Dominion Transfer Gate," and left, saying "Till next time!" As he walked into the transfer gate, Sharn couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He had finally obtained a good addition to the weapon of choice and was eager to test it out in battle.

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