

6 months later…

Max opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling and said, "A hospital, huh? Well, I guess those pests weren't able to end my life"

Then max felt something in his mind and tried to look into it.

"Hmm, somewhat similar to the TV remotes in my past life," said max as he tested the abilities.






The moment max attempted to use his abilities to delete a primitive fear deep in his being stopped him.

"That "

Max stuttered as tried to calm himself and thought about what had just happened.

"I almost deleted my memories." Said max realizing that he almost destroyed his sense of self.

"And it won't just delete one memory but would fragment thoughts, feeling of other memories related to that it, it could even split my mind into 2 or 4 or uncountable. Though getting another partition of myself would allow me to develop faster than normal and perform multiple tasks, and it's a very good trading cheat." Thought max as he concentrated on the details.

"I would be a genius among geniuses.

A monster.

A damn super prodigy.

But enough of that.

Just what is this ability?

Memory control.

Conscious control.


Could I?"

Max concentrated and closed his eyes. After opening it, he could see electromagnetic wavelengths. He then tried harder, expanding his perception to see microscopic creatures around him and looked down on his skin and.


Max stops and doesn't go through with it, and just tries to forget tiny moving creatures that crawled on his skin, though the thought would still pop up at certain times.

Max then tried to feel his internals and make a 3D representation of it.

"That was disgusting. Although there are certain difference between this body and the one from my past life. Like the threadlike structure that glows if I use my Innate abilities or strain myself hard enough or use my ki. Although, with this ability, I could make my martial arts practice faster than the average practitioner. And I could browse my past life memories. With that, I will invent stuff that this age should not have. They would have already done it if they focused time on it. But fame of Ki abilities, adventures and geaste research on biology and space became the norm. It's kind of scary when someone who perceived their environment 10-50 times slower than the average human focuses solely on one research.

In this age, there's cloning, limb regeneration, replacing one's limb with that of other worldly monsters, targeted evolution, etc., making lizards with wings grow to the size of mammoths.so if I focused on technology, I would have to strike fast," Sad max as he stood up and suddenly.


Max punched the wall.

His Ki suddenly changed from a calm flow to a disordered one

Fist clenched.

"They kill my teachers! They beat me up! Destroy my home! And put me in a hospital for months!For what? Just because they want to spread their legs to a couple of abominations.They will die! I will kill their family! I will dissect their friend!

I will desecrate their graves!

I Will make them remember me!

They will run at the sight of me,!


I- I- I-"

Tears flowed down max eyes as he remembered the faces of those who trained him, those who taught him about this world. That he talked to for years.

Dead gone lifeless.

The more max thought of it.

The more he remembered of it.

And his Ability replayed the event multiple times, carving into his mind just as he was about being to be consumed by hate and sadness.

Suddenly, a sound came from the door

The door was unlocked as multiple people walked in a group of phatmasicts.

"I see our young fighter has woken up. How was your nap, you going to pay for that wall?" said the man, half armored looking middle-aged with a slightly militaristic expression.

Max looked up and instantly recognized who it was

The abnormal soldier.

The humanoid war machine:

The Inhuman.

City lord REX.

After max got over his surprise, he politely bowed to the man.

He then asked, "do you want to know about what happened?"

"I will ask you about the incident when you're well-rested and less wall breaking".

"Any pains, young one?"

Asked the middle-aged man.

"None that matters," said max.

"So, what you going to do now?" asked Ren tiredly

"It depends on how you answer the next question," Said max staring at the man seriously.

"What would that be" curious Rex asked.

"Are my parents dead?" asked max.

"We sent people to check the route they followed months ago, we came across a giant pit caused by what we assume to be from a very, very strong monster cause no man could have caused such a thing; it was like a giant larger than mountains stomped with its full force." said Rex as his expression worsened.

"We couldn't piece the bodies together, but we saw the flag of your family".

"Although there might be a chance they survived, I advise you not to have too many expectations," said Rex.





"Let's give him time to think, Rex said to the rest as they left the room".










Memories flooded.

No more tears to shed, but sadness.

The sadness.

Max grips his heart.

"I can't breathe".

"Are the windows locked?".

"No, why is ?".

Max's vision darkens.

2 months pass.

"He has not moved a bit".

"He doesn't eat for days, he just stares at the food."

"I guess those nobles feel the same as us".

"Shut up, why would you say something so vile"?

"What? They always act like they know better than us".

"Both of you, shut up".

Max opened his eyes slowly.

He used his innate ability to hear sounds from a hundred of meters away.

For the past 2 months.

He used the information, he heard to find any hostile faction, that either wants to cause harm to him indirectly, and ones associated with the church.

He has found enough to begin the beheading operation. When night falls, he will drag them out and kill them.

He stood up and jumped out of the window.

In the cover of the night

A legend will spread.

A purge that will be recorded in history as the birth of the most ferocious killer in the empire.

In another location.

A person was healing, missing a leg, and an arm, with bronze skin and one of their eyes cyan blue.

But what struck most were the occasional flashes of light from the lighting they emitted.

This person was.


10 seats of the church of ascendants.


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