
Right Back Into It

Anne was sent away to their room to leave Madam Odette and me to talk. She seems on edge, which is uncharacteristic of her. She wanted to talk but we've sat in silence since Anne was sent away. "Red, I'm glad to see you're doing well." All that build-up. She doesn't know what to do here. Honestly, neither do I. Last time we met we spent an evening together before I ran off again. I can't leave her hanging, "It's been… a trip."

"I sounded like it. But you kept to your teachings."

I"m not sure if that's what kept me alive or not. There were a few moments there would I should have been dead. But I'm still kicking! "Red, I had to do some digging to try and find you. I came across a few things. I know that someone in your family is coming after you. And I promise that when I took you in that I would make sure to protect you from any threat while making sure that you can learn how to thrive in the world on your own."

If what she says is true, then she may know what happened to my parents. "Do you know who it is?"

"No. I wasn't able to get a name."


Her face let me know that she had hit a brick wall but never pieced it together. "Your cousin Reed? " I just nod. There's a lot that I need to share here and come clean about. "After Uncle Thomas's death, he sent me a letter very clearly stating his intentions. He didn't believe the story he was told about his dad so he blamed me. And rightfully so." She stayed quiet as she let me talk. I told her everything from the letter to my intentions that going to a proper school environment was a cover to ensure that he didn't come after me. When he found me on campus I took my security to the next level where he couldn't touch me.

She has this thing about her that has never changed where I cannot tell what she is thinking. I can only tell that she's not pleased. It's at this point I've taken control of my life once again. I worked with her for nearly a year and I learned more than I would have been able to without her assistance. She takes a deep breath as she stands up. I don't know what I expected but her hugging me was not what I would have guessed. "You're an idiot…"

That was a bit more of what I expected. She grabbed my nose bringing it down to her. With a soft kiss she let me know that while I was a moron, she still cared. "Red, you should have told me. I may serve your family but I serve you first and foremost. My family is dedicated to the nine-tailed fox." No matter what's happened or what I've had to do to survive and that may have hardened me, she let it all melt away. Her warm paws bring a familiar comfort that I've missed.

"Red, your life is your own to do with as you see fit. My job is to provide a guide on what to do." That was the reassurance that I needed. She made sure that she squeezed me tight as she spoke, "Just please don't throw that away." I take a deep breath to keep myself collected. I wrap my arms around her to hold her. It's been too long since I've had loving contact with someone. It's been rough. So many have tried to harm and kill me. It's nice to know that I still have someone on my side. There is still so much I have to do.

She moved back looking at me with tears forming in her eyes, "I would like for you to come back with us but I can tell you have your own thing to do." I nod to her affirming her statement, "I need to find where my parents went. They're expecting twins so for them to just up and leave is unlike them. I still have to deal with Reed. I also have some personal business that I need to attend to."

"I thought so. Just don't go starting a war."

She doesn't know how close to my intentions she is. There is a government entity that I need to have a chat with. "Madam Odette, I do need your help. I need to get access to my bank account again. And a new ID. Mine were all lost a while ago."

"I can make that happen."

"I would appreciate that."

She's a powerful woman who can ease that process. I need to keep myself focused on one task at a time. I need to get back to Phinnis. He may have some more information about me that I'll need.

But for tonight, I can relax. Anne and Madam Odette can take a break as well. Their mission and journey have ended. They were looking for me and turns out I found them. It may not have been in the best of circumstances.

I wish that Mdadm Odette stayed with me this evening but she knew that she and Anne needed to begin planning their way back home. She also thought it was a wise idea to let me think about what I needed to do next. I'm going to do something rash and stupid. There is no way around that. Finding my family comes before confronting my abandonment in a foreign country.

I don't know when I fell asleep. My mind just seemed focused on getting somewhere and moving forward. Eventually, I just passed out. Morning came with no warning. I heard the sounds of the birds outside as the day truly began. I force myself up to get going. I have places to be.

As I step outside I'm met by two ladies. Both look much more cleaned up than before. Madam Odette was smiling as she handed me a small envelope, "I made a trip to a local bank. This will be enough to get you to where ever you need to go. Now that I've found you, I should be able to keep up with you. I'll have your new cards sent to you when they're issued."

I look down at the plain white envelope. Just by the feel of it, I can tell that it's a sizable amount of money. I don't know to thank her. I don't think that I have to. She reaches out pulling me in for a hug. "You're destined to do great things. Please don't squander it."

"I understand, Madam Odette."

And just like that, the two of them left. Anne and she stepped into what looked to be a rental car they picked up that morning. With Anne in the driver's seat, I watched as they both left the parking lot of the hotel, turning a corner, and leaving sight. Once again, I'm on my own.

I grabbed a cab that was willing to take the long trip back to Phinnis. I catch what little bit more of sleep that I can as they pull up to the familiar location. I make sure I pay the man well. I turn to head inside with no idea what to expect going forward.

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