
Chapter 96: Welcome by Idols, for dwarves


today I discovered something, after seeing the movie Hungergames for like the 6th time and then I realized the true meaning of Mockingjay.

I never understood the name of the bird until I split the word into two parts, mocking-jay. It's a bird who mocks the people, like Katniss. Funny isn't it!


(Magnus POV)

Prepare to die? Well, if Ragnarok comes around within a few days everyone's dead.

Blitzen nervously shuffled with his feet, "Junior. Thanks for meeting us."

"Yes, we are really grateful." Percy snarled.

"Some nerve!" Junior snarled back.

"Would you like my seat?" Blitzen offered. "It is Keister-Home, made by –"

"No, thanks," Junior said. "I'll stand, compliments of my walker, Granny Shuffler, famous among geriatric products, made by Nurse Bambi, my private assistant."

Percy giggled, Blitzen shot a glare at him.

"This is Percy, son of Sally." Blitzen said.

"I know," Junior growled, "You brought the Greek and the son of Frey who found the sword of summer."

"I have a name." I said, getting irritated with this guy. "It's Magnus."

Junior cackled. "I like you. You're rude. Let's see this blade, then."

I showed him my magic-pendant trick. In the dim neon lights of the bar, the blade's runes glowed orange and green. The old dwarf sucked his teeth. "That's Frey's blade, all right. Bad news."

"Well, you need to help us." Percy said, his eyes flaring dangerously.

"Help you!" Junior wheezed. "Your father was my nemesis! You besmirched my reputation. And you want my help. You've got iron guts, Blitzen, I'll give you that."

The tendons in Blitz's neck looked like they might bust his well-starched collar. "This isn't about our family feud, Junior. This is about the rope. It's about securing Fenris Wolf."

"Oh, of course it is." Junior sneered at his bodyguards. "The fact that my father, Eitri Senior, was the only dwarf talented enough to make Gleipnir, and your father, Bilì, spent his life questioning the quality of the rope – that has nothing to do with it!"

Percy knitted his eyebrows, "Well, we are on a quest for Freya. So unless you say that she is lying it. Freya said you had a weapon and a replacement cord."

"I have it." Junior admitted reluctantly," She told us she would send someone to retrieve it but if I knew it would be you."

"Otherwise, the world will end." I offered.

"I would help if it wasn't that I was helping the Blitzen. For Freya's sake I will help you but my family's honour must be satisfied first. It's high time we settled this feud. What do you say, son of Freya? A contest – you and me. The traditional rules, the traditional wager."

Blitzen backed into the bar. He squirmed so badly I could almost believe he had evolved from maggots. (ERASE. Bad, long-term memory. ERASE!)

"Junior," he said, "you know I don't – I couldn't possibly –"

"Shall we say tomorrow at dawn?" Junior asked. "The panel of judges can be headed by a neutral party – perhaps Nabbi, who I'm sure is not eavesdropping behind the bar right now." Something banged against the catwalk. From below the counter, Nabbi's muffled voice said, "I would be honored."

"There you are, then!" Junior smiled. "Well, Blitzen? I have challenged you according to our ancient customs. Will you defend the honor of your family?"

"I'll accept." Blitzen said hanging his head. "Where?""The forges in Kenning Square," Junior said."Oh, this will be amusing. Come on, boys. I have to tell Nurse Bambi about it!"

The old dwarf shuffled out with his bodyguards in tow. As soon as they were gone, Blitzen collapsed on Keister-Home and drained Golden Bowl.

"Okay, I take the bait." Percy said, "What did you just agreed too?"

Just then the bar-room doors burst open. Sam and Hearthstone tumbled inside like they'd been pushed from a moving car.

"They're alive!" I jumped up. "Blitz, look!"

Hearthstone was so excited he couldn't even sign. He rushed over and almost tackled Blitzen off his stool.

"Hey, buddy." Blitz patted his back absently. "Yeah, I'm glad to see you, too."

Sam didn't hug me, but she managed a smile. She was scratched up and covered with leaves and twigs, but she didn't look badly hurt. 'Magnus, glad you haven't died yet. I want to be there for that.

"Where've you guys been?" Percy asked, suddenly a bright flash appeared next to him and the gold furred kitten appeared.

Meow! Rebel said while purring.

Where did the cat come from? Hearth signed.

"And where were you this morning?" Sam asked. "You suddenly disappeared."

Percy told them about the bet he made with Hel and how he ended up in Volkswagen.

"You are crazy!" Sam said accusingly, "Hel's Loki's daughter. She can't be trusted."

Percy glared back, "Ironically that you say that. Besides, there was not much else I could do except making a bet!"

"Guys, calm down." I said, "Let's attend to serious matters."

Samirah and Percy shot each other a final glare before turning to me. I told Sam and Hearthstone about the lost spear of Odin and how we had to retrieve a replacement for Gleipnir and Gungnir.

Sam's eyes widened, "Odin's weapon has been stolen? That's horrible!"

"Technically we don't know it has been stolen we only know it's lost. Maybe he just left it at the bus." Percy offered.

"And now Blitzen is going to do a craftsman duel with old commons." I added.

Meow Rebel finished it and began to run circles around Keister home.

"What are old commons?" I asked, seeing Hearth's worried expression.

"I am rubbish at crafting," Blitzen said beaten and avoiding the question.

Not true, Hearth protested.

"Hearthstone," Blitzen said, "even if I was excellent at crafting, Junior is the most skilled dwarf alive. He'll destroy me." Percy said. "You'll do fine. And if you lose, we are going to steal the rope and weapon."

Blitzen looked at him mournfully. "It's almost impossible to steal something from a dwarf and if I lose I pay the traditional price."

"Which is?" Percy asked.

"My head."


next morning


(Percy POV)

A piece of advice doesn't make a rubber duck that can triple in size out of stress, it will give you anxiety.

It was the first round of the crafting contest and so far Blitzen was killing it.

Just kidding, he was actually falling short of our expectations. Ha!

"You can do it, Blitzen!" shouted Magnus over the crowd of jeers.

Yes, you've got this signed Hearthstone, though I don't think Blitzen could hear him.

"Don't fall short of the prize!" I said.

"Honestly, could you be more immature?" asked Sam.

I forgot she was here. It's tragic, as I was starting to enjoy not having to hear her annoying voice and attitude.

"Sorry, I just thought the stakes were too high." I responded.

"You're hopeless." said Sam, rolling her eyes.

'She has a point.' said Chaos

'Not helping.'

"And thus, the first round of the crafting contest has ended," announced the announcer, "in this corner, we have the disgraced Elf Blitzen, who will show us what he has crafted!"

"T-thank you." stuttered Blitzen nervously.

"W-what I have here is the Rubber Duck 3000, capable of maximizing its size by three times."

"Sounds like something you could use, Blitz," said Junior, "after all, you're both pieces of junk!"

Everyone in the crowd laughed besides us.

"That guy reaaalllly irritates me." I said gritting my teeth.

"Don't worry, Blitz will get to show him what's for." said Magnus encouragingly.

"And now, we will get to observe what Junior, reigning champion, has created for us." shouted the announcer.

"Introducing, this sword," said Junior, "Made of bone steel, and the best part is, it can burst into fire!"

The crowd, enticed by his weapon, stared in awe.

"It isn't even that good." I mumbled.

"It looks like we have a winner for this first round, give it up for Junior!" said the announcer.

The crowd went nuts. And here I thought they were dwarves, not Nyx on Halloween.

That is to say, crazy.

"Now, before the second round, we shall commence a brief intermission, and to turn to our sponsors, Monster Donut!"

"I hate those guys." I muttered under my breath.

We moved from our seats and met up with Blitzen under the stands of the stadium. It was damp and dark, and the hygiene of the place looked like the inside of a Nuckelavees' mouth. Disgusting.

"Hey Blitz, are you all right out there?" asked Magnus.

You need to calm down, sighed Hearthstone.

"I know, I know," said Blitzen frantically, "It's just that Junior is the best craftsmen known to dwarves at this point."

"Then why don't you distract him?" I questioned him.

"Don't be silly, that-" Blitzen paused for a second, as if deep in thought, "-that could actually work!"

"Really?" asked Magnus.

"Yeah," Blitzen explained, "In ancient times, when something similar to this happened, Loki aided in distracting the Gods competitor by turning into a bug and buzzing around the opponent."

Supposedly, it worked very efficiently signed Hearthstone, with a sign that strangely resembled an upside down dog.

"Luckily, we have just the candidate for the job." I said, smirking at Sam.

"Nuh-uh, no way." said Sam.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I have my own reasons for saying no." Samirah's face darkened.

"But if we don't, how will we get the rope to re-bind the Fenris Wolf and the weapon?" pestered Magnus.

"Come on Sam," I pleaded, "I know Loki plays a big role in your choice, we don't like that snake either, but we need this."

"...Fine," Sam obliged, "But you two owe me big time."

"Deal." Magnus and I said at the same time.

"Now that that heartfelt moment is over with-" said Blitzen.

Thank the Gods signed Hearthstone.

"-What's the plan now?"

"You just leave that to me." I said with a grin.

"I don't like the sound of this," said Magnus.

I told them my plan (honestly, aren't I brilliant?).

"Would both competitors please return to the stage?" shouted the announcer.

"Good luck," said Magnus

"Break a leg!" I shouted.

Isn't that bad? signed Hearthstone.

"I'll tell you the joke another day." I said.

"Hopefully this works." said Magnus.

"Oh please, with our little angry bug on our side, how could we lose?" I asked.

"I guess we'll find out." responded Magnus.


(Magnus POV)

With 30 seconds on the clock, I saw Blitzen rushing to finish his creation.

Back in our 'planning session', I had given him the idea to create a piece of armor, seeing how he's into fashion.

When the buzzer rang, I was caught off guard and I jumped, alarmed by the sudden sound.

"Magnus, don't tell me you're a cat?" asked Percy.

"Oh, shut up." I responded.

"Well then, it is time for the demonstrations!" said the announcer.

"First off, Blitzen."

"What I have prepared for you all is a shirt," said Blitzen enthusiastically, "However, this is no ordinary shirt, as it also doubles as a chestplate!"

A lot of "Oohs" and "Aahs" came from the crowd.

"It also counts as a heat regulator, so you can wear it to the beach on sunny days!"

"I love the beach!" shouted one Dwarf, which was weird considering they had a issue with sunlight.

As a few cheers came from the crowd, I couldn't help but think that Blitzen seemed a little more confident this round.

"Hey, your buddy looks a little more confident this round." said Percy.

"Are you a mind reader?" I asked.


"Nevermind," I said.

"Wonderful!" exclaimed the announcer, "Now, Junior!"

"What I have created is an antique sword, capable of slashing through the hardest of metals." said Junior, proudly.

"Another sword?" questioned one of the elves in the stand.

"Show some originality!" screeched one elf.

A little bit of an uproar had begun to form in the stadium and not the cheery type.

"Hey, Hearth, are Elves capable of being bloodthirsty?" I asked.

Only when they want to be. Signed Hearth.

"That's unsettling." I responded.

"So is their height." said Percy.

I ignored him.

"Quiet down," shouted the announcer, "Now, as the results are in, let us move on to our final round of this crafting contest!"

The attitude of the crowd quickly returned to one of a festive mood, with elves crying out the names of who they'd thought would win.

"Begin!" said the announcer.

Both Blitzen and Junior started to move their hands at an astounding speed, rushing back and forth between their respective workshops.

At one point, Blitzen pulled something out that looked like dung.

Then I found out that it actually was dung when the crowd started to shout "He pulled out the mystic dung!"

Needless to say, I lost my lunch.

"Magnus, look." Percy said.

I looked up from the ground and saw where Percy was pointing.

There was a bug flying around Junior, buzzing in his ear, while he tried to swat it away.

It looks like plan is working. Signed Hearth.

"Indeed, it is." said Percy with a spooky smile.

"You look evil when you do that." I said to him.

"Want to see something better?" He challenged and fixed his gaze on Junior.

Around Junior's anvil green, vines began to sprout from the soil, suddenly it began flaring and coming to instantaneous life. It grew rapidly around Junior's anvil and before he could react to the sudden presence, it wrapped barbed tentacles around the anvil. It squeezed the piece of metal (what is an anvil made of?) abd cracks began to spread across the surface. The plant squeezed again and the anvil split into 4 pieces.

Percy's green eyes burned with unbridled fury and he had a smirk on his face.

Within a second the vines had retreated back into the soil and Percy smirked. "Well that was weird." he said innocently.

Junior cried a protest out, but it was ignored.

"Stop!" shouted the announcer.

"It is time to unveil these rounds craft," said the announcer, "Now, show us your masterpieces!"

"I am proud to demonstrate, this!" exclaimed Blitzen.

"My bulletproof chainmail necktie," cried Blitzen, feeling himself, "Have you ever had to worry about looking fashionable, yet defend yourself at the same time?"

"All the time!" cried several dwarves.

"Well then, look no further than this beauty. It is a necktie made of chainmail, and is capable of absorbing multiple attacks!"

"Not only that, but if you flip it around," Blitzen demonstrated, "It turns into a regular necktie that's in style with the new fashion trends!"

The entire stadium erupted at his explanation.

"Someone's killing it." said Percy.

"Yep, " I responded, "Unlike someone who likes to kill everything hostile."

Percy signed Hearth.

"Not all the time." He pouted.

"What a wonderful device," shouted the announcer.

"Fashion is very important to us dwarves!" He joked.

"And now, let us see what Junior has prepared for us."

Standing there, covered in little red bumps, stood Junior with a little hand-held toy.

"Looks like Sam did a number on Santa's elf." said Percy, snickering.

Dignified, yet a little shakily, Junior said, "What I have prepared is a toy tank which features various weapons, making it the perfect undercover tool."

'Small but deadly.' said Chaos.

'It's 'silent, but deadly'.' I responded.

'I know.' Chaos laughed.

"Does it work?" one of the judges asked.

Junior shook his head, "It would've but a horsefly!"

"Horsefly?" Percy asked innocently.

"And my anvil!" Junior wheezed

"Your anvil?" Percy asked with a hidden smirk.

"Well, this is Junior's craft."

The crowd, at his demonstration, started a light applause, but it was nothing compared to the applause Blitzen received.

"Now that the results are in, the judging shall commence!" shouted the announcer.

With a short intermission, snacks and drinks were passed out in the stand. The name of the chips being passed out were called "Short Stacks" and had the motto "Big servings for the smallest of Dwarves"

"We have reached a decision," said the announcer, "After intense judging, we have determined that Blitzen, Son of Freya, is the winner!"


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