
Chapter 111: Foolish Family

**Ellis POV

It was a shorter plane trip to upper Maine where my grandfather resided than I had anticipated. Maybe it was my nerves, but I felt like we were deplaning as soon as we got on.

Ken skipped out onto the tarmac while Olivia chased after him. She was still smiling at this point, but I knew that would fall soon. I didn’t want her to be upset, but if my family is good at one thing, it’s making people frown. Especially if they’re seen as a threat.

I pulled Olivia into the car with me and Ken tried to buckle himself in next to me. I helped him along while the driver gave us a brief look. I could feel him staring at my beautiful lover in the seat next to me. If Ken wasn’t on the other side of me, I would have let the driver have a piece of my mind.

Olivia leaned into my side, slipping her arms around my midsection tenderly. I kissed her head, clinging to her like she could be ripped from me at any moment.

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