
Chapter 59 : No One Likes to Lose

Jenny helped me stack up the final boxes. I looked around my apartment. It was completely empty now. I’d had most of the furniture put in storage until I could get to where I was going and have it all shipped to me.

“Well, no turning back from here, at least for a while,” Jenny concluded.

“It is better this way, anyway,” I said, putting a hand on my belly. I’d told Jenny everything about what happened with Ellis since he’d gotten stabbed right up to the conversation I’d overheard with Claire.

“I’m going to miss you,” Jenny said. She hugged me tightly.

“I’ll miss you too. But you’ll come visit me and meet my baby,” I said.

“You know it,” Jenny promised. We pulled apart and I sighed. “Will you keep me posted? Let me know when you leave and when you land.”

“I will,” I promised.

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