
Chapter 13 : Ellis Apologized?!

**Ellis POV

I hadn’t been in the best mood the last couple of nights. At least, not since I had kissed Olivia.

Damn, I couldn’t get the way her soft lips felt on mine off my mind, or the way her body felt beneath my fingertips. The way she had given me the gift of her kiss and touch made me feel more spoiled than I had in a long time. Not to mention the memory of that night wouldn’t stop haunting me, teasing me, and making me crave more.

I needed to get my head on straight and the best remedy for trying to solve that was walking through my garden. I had paid good money to make it look as gorgeous as it did.

The shouts and hushed whispers from nearby echoed in my ears and drew my interest. I had no f*cking clue who was meeting in secret in my garden to shoot sh*t, but clearly someone was.

Turning a corner around a wall of roses, I found Carl and Bethany talking about something that seemed unimportant. Honestly, I had no f*cking interest in what Carl was doing.

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