
Chapter 21 - Day After Christmas

Kara is the first to wake up on the day after Christmas, or Boxing Day, as some countries call it. As Kara wakes she shifts over in the bed and is filled with so much love and joy when she spots Lena and Alura laying together, still cuddled. In the night Kara must have drifted away from the two, or maybe they just unconsciously pushed her away seeing as she's a literal space heater. But Lena and Alura have remained cuddled together. In fact Lena and Alura have got even closer. Alura is currently laying almost entirely on top of Lena's chest, with her head resting on Lena's right shoulder. Lena for her part has her arms tightly wrapped around Alura, and even though she is sleeping she has a small smile on her face. It truly makes Kara so happy that she has found someone, found a girlfriend, who loves her daughter so much, and her daughter loves just as much as well. As a single mother that has been the biggest worry for Kara's love life over the last four years, or lack of love life really. There has been a few people Kara has dated here and there, but none of them for that long, and not a single one of them ever met Alura. Of course she did date James at one point for a few weeks, but that just didn't work out, so technically Alura had met him before they dated, but it doesn't really count.

As Kara watches Lena and Alura she does feel a tinge of jealously wash over her. Kara is a bit jealous of her daughter as she would like to be the one that wakes up wrapped in Lena's arms, or wake up with Lena wrapped in hers. But Kara knows, and hopes, that there will be many many more opportunities for that to happen. Even so Kara remains slightly jealous, as silly as it is. Eventually after watching Lena and Alura sleep for about 10 minutes Kara decides to make a move and get up out of bed, leaving the two to sleep and cuddle for longer. Kara gets up and grabs her phone, noticing that it's 9:30AM. She heads downstairs to the kitchen, her stomach obviously hungry. As Kara walks into the kitchen she notices that Eliza is the only one that is currently awake, or at least the only one that is in the kitchen or living room and awake.

"Morning sweetie." Eliza smiles as she notices Kara.

"Morning Eliza." Kara smiles back.

"How did you sleep?" Eliza asks.

"Great thank you." Kara nods.

"Are you letting Alura sleep in then? You usually get her up when you wake up." Eliza questions.

Kara bites her lip awkwardly, realising that she might just have to tell her adoptive mother that she and Lena are together and that they all shared a bed with Alura last night. Kara is pretty confident that Eliza will be happy that Kara and Lena are dating, but Kara can't be 100% sure, so it's still very unnerving.

"Oh uhmm...... Alura came into my room last night scared about the thunder and lightning.... so she got into bed with..... me and Lena...." Kara says.

Kara waits for Eliza's reaction.

"Oh the poor darling." Eliza replies.

Kara is literally shocked. She just mentioned that she and Lena were sharing a bed and Eliza brushed it off like the most natural thing in the world. Kara thinks that perhaps Eliza missed it, so she decides to make sure.

"So....... I just left her to remain sleeping in the bed with Lena." Kara says.

Kara waits for Eliza's reactions again, but once more there isn't one. Eliza just gives Kara a nod with a smile.

"I'm making us all bowls of freshly cut fruit for breakfast, would you like some?" Eliza asks.

Kara groans at the idea of eating healthy fruit. Yes, Kara is trying to eat more healthy food just to encourage Alura, but that doesn't mean Kara is happy about it. Kara can eat whatever she likes with no consequences, and everyone knows that the food that is the most unhealthy just so happens to be the best tasting food.

"I guess.... I'd prefer a burger through." Kara replies.

Eliza chuckles.

"Oh I'm all too aware dear. But the rest of us have to have a healthy balanced diet." Eliza grins.

"You poor souls." Kara grins.

Eliza chuckles again and continues to cut up the fruit.

"Would you mind getting me some bowls from that cabinet over there?" Eliza asks as she nods her head in the direction.

"Sure." Kara replies with a grin.

Kara walks over to the cabinet and gets the bowls and then walks back over to Eliza and places them down beside her.

"Thank you sweetie." Eliza says.

"You're welcome." Kara replies.

There is a moments silence as Eliza continues chopping.

"I'm very happy for you and Lena by the way." Eliza says.

"What?!" Kara says, surprised Eliza is finally commenting on it.

"I said I'm happy for you and Lena. Lena seems like an absolutely amazing woman that cares about you and Alura so much. I think you both will be good for each other." Eliza says.

Kara blushes.

"Thanks..... we kind of only started to date yesterday morning.... sort of..... we just had to make things clear because of Alura.... I had to tell Lena we can't be casual, as I don't want someone coming into Alura's life, us dating casually, then things not working out and Lena leaving Alura's life. But Lena's okay with not being casual, so everything's great now." Kara says, ending with a smile.

"Well I'm very glad. Particularly that you kept Alura in mind and are thoughtful enough to actually have that conversation with Lena before jumping into things. I'm very proud of you Kara." Eliza says.

Kara blushes once more.

"Thanks." Kara says, flustered.

There is another moments silence as Eliza begins to place the fruit into the bowels.

"You know who else I think would be a good couple?" Eliza says.

"No, who?" Kara asks, intrigued.

"Sam and Alex." Eliza says.

"What?!" Kara says, surprised.

Eliza turns to look at Kara.

"Oh don't think me so blind that I don't see what is going on. The two clearly like one another, and I'm not gullible enough to think that Alex really suddenly felt sick the other day right after Sam kissed her on the cheek." Eliza replies.

"I uhh...." Kara says, not sure what to say.

"You and Alex talked about it, didn't you?" Eliza asks.

"Uhh yeah...." Kara replies, awkwardly.

"That's good. You don't have to tell me about it. I'll talk to Alex myself, or allow her to talk to me when she's ready." Eliza says.

"Okay." Kara nods.

Alex is sitting on the couch on Christmas Eve with Sam right next to her. She is engaged in a conversation with Lena and Sam about whatever is going on between Kara and Lena, or whatever is NOT going on between the two.

"You are the best Alex!" Sam says and kisses Alex on the cheek. "I want you to give me all of the details!"

"I.... uhh..... yeah..." Alex awkwardly replies.

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