
A New Team Pt. 3

Everyone in the room silently watched you and the new Royal Flush gang stare each other down. The tension was so thick that you could cut it with a batarang.

Ace: What is doing here?

Y/N: I could ask you the same thing. Last I checked, you four should be locked up over in Jump.

Jack: What about you? We heard the Leauge took you and those chicks in.

Jason: So I'm guessing you don't need any introductions.

Y/N: These are the idiots I was fighting with the Family.

Queen: So what are you doing here now?

Jon: He is the leader of the new team I have told you about.

Suddenly, some was close to you with a wide smile.

???: Hello! We heard so much about you and everything you've done! My name is Megan.

You instinctively raised your hands to keep what little space you had.

Y/N: Uh, hey, Megan. You must be Jon's niece.

Megan nodded excitingly before she was pulled away by another person.

???: Sorry about her. They call me Arrowette.

Y/N: I'm guessing you shoot a bow?

Arrowette: Yeah. Well, me and Artemis.

You looked over and saw another girl leaning on the table.

You waved to which she returned. You looked around the room and recognized a few other faces.

Y/N: Static Shock, Beast Boy, and Impulse.

Garfield: You remember us!

Y/N: Only from Jump City and the Manor. Sorry.

Vigil: Don't apologize. You seemed to have calmed down since.

You rubbed the back of your neck embarrassed.

Y/N: Yeah. I guess you can say I opened my eyes a bit.

The three boys smiled before you snapped your finger.

Y/N: Lilith and Raven are joining us to! I guess that makes all the Titans right?

Bart: Uh, no. Where's Cassie?

Y/N: Who?

Vigil: Wonder Girl. Last I heard, she dissapeared to Themyscira with Diana. It was just a place to lay low.

So you didn't have a Wonder person. Great. Maybe Dick knows of another Wonder boy or girl or whatever just hanging around. John was joining with you guys today but it wouldn't hurt to have some more power.

Jason: So, what do you say bro?

You looked at everyone before your eyes landed on the four Flush Gang members. You sighed before you walked over to them.

Y/N: Hey, uh, look. I know this might be rough considering our history but, if you're here, you want to help. We have the same goal so if you're willing, I want you guys on this team to.

Ace looked back at her group before she shrugged.

Ace: Fine. I guess we can let bygones be bygones for now.

Y/N: Alright. Oh.

You looked over to the ginger kid.

Y/N: Sorry for kicking your ass and getting you arrested.

Collin: No sweat.

You turned back to Jason and nodded.

Y/N: I guess we're good to go.----------You leaned against the window as you looked at everyone interact. Thank god Burce own this entire buidling and you had nothing but empty rooms to fill. This looked more like a super orphanage than a team HQ. School was now out so the Bat Brats returned, the magic users were already here by the time you returned, and the ones you found at the Hall had just showed up. Damien would be here soon with John and the other person he told you about.

Y/N: Jesus.

Jason: Right? That's a lot of people. You think you can lead them all?

You smiled as you looked over to the other Bat Brats.

Y/N: I have help. What about you? You're going to be the one taking care of everyone.

Jason: Of course. Believe it or not, I once lead a group of kids. Plus, I'm not "taking care" of you all. I'm acting as a den mother to make sure you horny ass teens don't go around causing trouble. Plus, Bruce is paying me big stacks.

Y/N: Of course he is.

You cleared your throat and got everyone's attention.

Y/N: First of all, thank you guys for accepting the offer to join this team. I'm going go be honest, the odds are against us in ways they have never been. We have no one on our side except for each other. That's all we need. Those suited bastards think we're a bunch of helpless kids but they're wrong. The missions we will go on will be unofficially Justice League business. Leave the politics to me. Focus on being heroes.

Everyone nodded and there were a few cheers. You smiled as the elevator dinged.

Damien: It's so damn cramped.

Damien pushed his way to the front of the group followed by a boy and a girl.

Damien: I brought the Super Brats.

Y/N: Thanks. Just in time to.

The first one approached you and smiled as he held out a hand.

???: My name is John. You can call me Super Boy.

Y/N: It's nice to meet you John.

You then looked over to the other newcomer.

Y/N: And you?

???: My name is Kara. I'm Supergirl.

Y/N: Well, I guess we have more than enough power now.

You laughed a bit as Garfield raised his hand.

Y/N: What's up green?

Garfield: Do we have a team name?

Everyone looked at you while you just stood there awkwardly. You looked over to Jaosn who shrugged.

Y/N: Uh, to be decided. The name can come later. We're not exactly official.

Bart: We'll come up with some ideas!

Bart dissapeared and reappeared with a notebook as he wrote down names at supersonic speeds. You just sighed before you smiled. This was kind of, nice. You looked out the window and watched as a bat flew by.

Y/N: I guess this is the start of something new.

Jason placed a hand on your shoulder and gave you an encouraging smile.

Jason: I really hope this doesn't blow up.

Y/N: Me to bro. Me to.

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