
Turf Wars Pt. 2

Kid: So I got some bad news for everyone.

The entire gang was currently in the living room when Kid walked in with a annoyed face. He tossed his phone onto the old table where Red snatched it up.

Red: The Titans East are looking into us? Why?

Kid: Oh I don't know. Maybe because you and that damn cat caused a scene downtown the other day.

Red: Ok so the Titans are looking for us. Big woop.

Croc: I know you ain't all there kid but these ain't cops looking for us. They have powers and there are a lot of them. Especially if they call in backup.

Terra scoffed.

Terra: Like they'd call the Leauge to deal with us.

Kid: They could. They have a lot of reasons to.

Red: What reasons are there? We're a bunch of nobody's. Kinda the reason Jinx brought us all here.

Kid rolled his eyes.

Kid: Right. Cause your girlfriend is right all the time. She knows everything.

Red glared at him and pointed at him.

Red: She isn't my girlfriend. And I'm not saying she was right. I'm just saying none of us are that important. As far as they know we're just a bunch of punks.

Kid grinned while still staring at him.

Kid: Right. Cause you two don't spend all night fu...

Croc cleared his throat catching their attention. While he was glaring at them,  Terra was blushing at the comment, Jinx and Dex walked in and noticed the phone.

Jinx: The Titans? Why are they looking for us? We're just a bunch of nobody's.

Red snickered while Kid rolled his eyes and walked out of the room with a simple "whatever". Red allowed himself to sink into the old couch before Jinx sat next to him. He threw an arm around her shoulder which she leaned into. Croc looked at the two and rolled his eyes.

Terra: Not a couple huh?

Red just flipped her the bird. Terra didn't say anything else but seemed rather jealous. Red just smirked as he sat up causing Jinx to sit up as well. Red then leaned forward so that he could get a good look at Terra.

Terra: What?

Red: When was the last time you laid?

Terra's face was suddenly redder than his X's. Jinx caught on to what was happening and smirked. Croc must have also caught on because he stood up and made up some excuse so that he wouldn't be there for the conversation to come.

Terra: Why would you ask me that?! What the hell is wrong with you?!

Red just smiled as he reached his hand out.

Red: With everything going on we can all use a break. If you'd like I can be a helpful distraction.

Terra looked over to Jinx who simply nodded. Terra slowly reached her hand to grab Red's.

Jinx: Let's go have fun.-----------Night had finally fallen over Jump City which allowed the Family to move freely. Tonight was Red X's and Kid's turn to look for the Flush Gang. With the help of a local info broker, they learned that King and Jack were supposed to be going to some club. That's where they were going no.

The 10 of Spades was a bit too cliché for Red. It was hidden in the slums of the city but they found it. True to the broker's words, they spotted the people they were looking for. King and Jack.

Red and Kid took a seat in the corner of the club just to keep an eye on them. Intel could be what they need to take them down. They just had to wait. It was about an hour later when they moved to leave. Red and Kid decided to follow.

Kid: So long hair can grow big and the other one can teleport. Which one do you want?

Red mentally debated and ran through his odds.

Red: Screw it. I'll take long hair.

Kid smiled as he suddenly vanished. Red watched as he appeared in front of Jack.

Kid: Hola.

He grabbed the boy's collar and vanished once again. Before King could react, Red delivered a hard kick to his side which threw him outside. Red followed and pulled out two Xs. King recovered and looked at Red who was now wearing his uniform.

King: You guys again?

Red: Us again.

He threw his Xs but missed once King rolled away. Red watched as he threw a punch from where he was standing. His fist seemed to grew before it collided with Red X which sent him flying towards the busy street. Once he landed, he managed to stand up just in time for a now large King to step out. Everyone began to panic and flee from the area while King lifted his foot over Red. The boy managed to roll out of the way in time. He threw two more Xs at the giant's foot which began to beep. The small explosion was enough for the boy to loose his footing causing him to fall back.

Red stepped back and watched as King returned to his normal size. He shook his head and spotted Red.

King: Why are you even attacking us?! We didn't do anything to you!

Red just grinned under his mask.

Red: You stepped on our turf and chose to rob our targets.

He threw a hidden X which stabbed into the boy's shoulder earning a cry from pain. He plucked it out before growing once again. His shoulder was suddenly hit by a strange blast of energy.

Red: What the hell?

He then looked to see where the blast had come from.

Red: Shit.

Bumblebee and Jericho moved to fight him while a flash of red knocked King to the ground. Red watched as the dust settled to see who it was.

Red: Double shit.

Red realized he was outnumbered and outmatched. It didn't matter. If they wanted to take care of King for him then he'll let them. He picked out two pallets from his pouch and threw them to the ground. He then ducked into the nearby alley and activated his watch before emerging on the other side now in his normal clothing.

Red: I hope Kid is having better luck.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and made his way around the streets as the loud sounds of fighting echoed behind him.

???: Don't you want to join?

Red stopped and grabbed his head. That damn voice.

Red: No. Jinx ordered me to stand down if the Titans East showed up.

???: So you get laid and she gets to order you around? Pathetic.

Red: Shut up.

He continued walking but stopped when someone was through through a wall in front of him. He covered his head with his arm as the dust began to gather. He coughed a bit before looking up and saw that it was the pink girl.

Red: They don't know what I look like. I'll be good if I just go somewhere else.

???: Or you can take care of her now. She's weak. Finish the job.

Red froze. That feeling was back. The one that filled him with rage. The one that made his head hurt. The one that made him want to draw blood. He turned to the girl that was disoriented in the rubble. He could end her now. No one would stop him. He found himself walking towards her while reaching for the extra X in his pocket.

???: Finish her. Finish her. Finish her. Finish her.

Red stood over the girl and looked her over. Shame. She was quite beautiful. Maybe in another life. Her eyes began to flutter open and she began to gather her surroundings before she spotted him. Red watched as her eyes grew wide. Knowing her life was about to end. Oh to know that feeling.

???: You need to go.

Red: What?

???: She's awake. You need to leave. Now!

Just a moment ago the voice was telling him to end her. What changed? He looked back down at the girl who was struggling to stand up.

Girl: Y-Y/N?

Who the hell is Y/N? Was she talking to him?


Red felt a stinging pain in his head and decides to listen. He spared the girl one last look before running away. He survived to fight another day. Though that name continued to echo in his head. Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. Why did it sound so familiar?

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