
Titans Forever Pt. 3

You looked at yourself in the mirror. A F/C flannel buttoned up with a pair of jeans and some F/C converse. You hair was combed back in a nice style and you wore your watch.

Y/N: Good enough I guess.

You grabbed your wallet and headed out of your room. The plan was to go watch a movie then grab some dinner at a 50's style diner Lilith found. You headed towards her room when you bummed into Cassie by accident. You must've been completely dazed since you didn't see her. Her head was down and her hair was a mess. She was wearing a white shirt that swallowed her going passed her thighs and two different socks.

Y/N: Sorry Cassie. I wasn't....

She simply shot you a look and shuffled passed you towards her room.

Y/N: Paying attention. You ok?

Cassie stopped at her door and looked back at you.

Cassie: I'm fine. Enjoy your date.

Before you could respond she dissapeared. You stood there for a moment before you heard another door open behind you.

Bart: Yikes. That's harsh man.

You turned to face the speedster only to see him, Garfield, and Vigil poking their heads out from his room.

Y/N: What are you guys doing?

Garfield: Game night dude. You have that date tonight right?

You nodded and noticed Vigil's composure change slightly as he looked at Cassie's room.

Bart: Well have fun tonight.

Garfield: Yeah bro. Remember to wrap it before you tap it!

Y/N: Yeah yeah I on-hey! Nothing like that is going on!

The two ran back into the room laughing leaving only you and Vigil. He looked at you and nodded.

Vigil: Have fun. Don't worry about Cassie. She's a big girl.

He went back into the room with the door closing behind him. You didn't give it too much thought and finally made it to Lilith's room. You knocked and waited patiently. The door opened and you found yourself about to drool all over the tower. Lilith had her hair braided, probably Raven's work, and had some minimal nature makeup. She wore a green off the shoulder blouse with a black skirt and black knee high socks. She had the biggest smile when she opened the door.

Lilith: Hey!

Y/N: Marry me I mean hi. You look good.

Lilith giggled and wrapped her arm around yours.

Lilith: Let's get going. We don't want to be late.---------The movie was ok. Nothing special really. What made it so great was the fact that you and Lilith kept making fun of it. No one else was in the theater so the two of you could be as loud as you wanted. Sometime during the final battle you found yourself holding Lilith's hand. She seemed extra flirty during the big kiss scene when she made the offhanded comment.

Lilith: I bet that would be fun.

You looked at her only to find her blushing uncontrollably. You grinned a bit. She was still able to get into your mind after all.


You heard her squeak as her grip on your hand grew a bit tighter.

Lilith: .

Oh. The night just started. The two of you headed towards the diner after the movie was over. You did your best to keep her entertained by joking around and continously complimenting her. People walking around often pointed at the two of you and compliment how the two of you looked good together. You had her laughing the entire way and you were having a great time.

Civilian: HELP!

The two of you stopped walking and looked at each other.

Y/N: I'll catch up with you.

She nodded and you rushed into the nearby alleyway where you activated your watch. You flew out towards the screams and landed in front of a lady being mugged by two men.

Y/N: Hey now, that's not nice.

The two men turned towards you and you recognized the logo's on their vests to be the biker gang that's been causing problems.

Y/N: Well this is swell. I'm on a date and still have to fight crime? I swear.

The two men charged towards you as you got ready to fight.-----You finally reached the diner and found Lilith sitting down talking to the waitress. You smiled and limped your way over. You sat down and the waitress took your order.

Lilith: How'd it go?

Y/N: Piece of cake. Sorry it took a bit. Some bikers.

The two of you fell into idle chit chat before you eventually ended up talking about what happened in Philadelphia.

Y/N: I just thought it was bizarre. He made a copy of Black Adam and just disappeared. I just don't get it.

Lilith: Well the thing about Klarion is he never acts alone. Usually he does something that the Team can handle. Worse case scenario we have to step in but he's not that big of a threat.

Y/N: Yeah. He's not even mentioned in any history books. I just don't know what he was trying to do. Sure the league was informed but that doesn't mean...I just don't know.

Lilith slid her hand on top of yours and gave a soft smile.

Lilith: You did your part Y/N. Let the Leauge handle it now.

You returned the smile. She was right.-----The two of you finally made it back to the tower around 10 PM. The two of you were holding hands as you stared at the building. You turned towards her and grinned.

Y/N: Forgive me for being blunt but, want to try that thing now?

She looked at you and smiled.

Lilith: I wouldn't be against it.

The two of you stared at each other before you began to lean in


Suddenly a large explosion erupted from the top floors of the tower. The two of you snapped to look at the damage as Starfire landed in front of you injured.

Lilith: STAR!

Y/N: What the hell is going on?!

You activated your suit and looked up at the tower to see none other than Klarion floating down towards you.

Klarion: Well well well. If it isn't my favorite bat brat. Just the boy I'm looking for.

You hot ready to launch towards him before a force slammed into you sending you back to the ground. You looked to see Cassie in her gear floating above you.

Y/N: Cassie? What are you doing?

She didn't respond. She only growled. Klarion snickered.

Klarion: Seems like the spell really is working. Her emotions are truly getting the better of her.

You noticed the red haze in her eyes. So she was under his spell. It must be why she had been acting so strange. How long has this been going on for?

Y/N: Cassie, if you can hear me, I'm sorry for what I have to do.

You readied yourself for the fight as Lilith faced Klarion.

Y/N: I really am.

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