
6.Drop Zone(Part 2)

-Santa Prisca-

Back in trappable terrain, Robin pulls up hiss hologlove which shows off mines that have been set around them, then the safest and straightest path to the factory.

There’s rustling in the forest, but a snap of a twig catches Superboy’s full attention and stops him short.

Superboy:Did you hear that?

K.F:Uh, no..wait. Is this a super-hearing thing?

Miss Martian:You do have great ears.

The boys seem to not notice as Sean looks at Mgann confused

K.F:Okay, Rob, now what?

Kid Flash asks, but Robin is once again gone.

K.F:Man, I hate it when he does that

Aqualad:Superboy, Kid, switch to infrared, see if you’re being tracked.

Kid Flash smirks and drops his goggles down over his eyes. Immediately picking up on heat signatures further down the trail.

K.F:Got a squad of armed bozos incoming

The four, run further forward, but only because they can duck behind a rock and fallen tree to avoid being seen. Superboy looks in the opposite direction of Kid Flash.

Superboy:Two squads. But they’ll meet each other before they find us

"We should wait it out just incase you never know it could some kind of set up"

Gunfire commences. Clearly, they aren’t on the same side, which is good news for the Team.

K.F:No super-hearing required now..some wait huh?

"Oh shut up"

Aqualad:Swing wide, steer clear

Aqualad commands as Kid steps forward to be next to Superboy.

K.F:Yeah-yeah, just as soon as I find Rob

"*whispers*K.F no wait!"

But its too late as K.F runs off, then vaults over the tree, running down the trail. The trail is wet, and he loses his footing, falling down the hill and right into the firefight. As he falls, he looks up to find a surprised Bane to confirm that he’s seeing things right he even lifts his goggles off his eyes.

K.F:So much for the stealthy..

Bane’s surprise only lasts a moment before he starts firing rapidly at Kid Flash, running away doesn’t help him much as it gains the attention of the Kobra soldiers as well.

Superboy charges ahead, taking Bane’s blind spot and tackling him to the ground. Or at least attempting to, Bane gets himself over the teen and slams him into the soft ground. He goes for a wristlock on his captive right arm but finds Superboy overpowering him. Grabbing his shirt and throwing him into a tree.

Kid Flash continues to evade the bullets, and two of the men see a shadow pass over them, looking up Robin drops right on top of one of them.

K.F:What is wrong with you guys?

He questions, uppercutting the other and following up with a side kick to get his bubble back.

Robin:Remember covert? Why didn’t you follow my lead, vanish into the jungle?

Sean picks up a broken log from the ground and uses it as a baseball bat and starts to swing it at the soldiers knocking them

"Since when the hell we're you the leader of this group?"

Robin:Well I just--

"Look Bird Boy I could seriously give zero fucks about your bullshit excuse last time I checked were a team and when a leader is chosen it has to voted not self assigned"

He sonic claps some soldiers away as he rips the log in half and uses them to go after the other soldiers shooting at him

Kid Flash hits another assailant, backing him up into the clearing.

K.F:He has a point is that what you were doing?

Then hitting him with a front kick to the chin then completing a full flip before landing on the ground again.

K.F:Way to fill us in. We’re mind readers you know

Miss Martian throws another two assailants into the tree behind him telekinetically.

K.F:Er, I’m not anyway

Miss Martian:You told me I could only read the bad guys’ minds

Robin’s attention turns, hearing one run away. He pulls out a birdarang to throw at him, but instead, the Kobra soldier is stopped short by Aqualad dropping right in front of him. Not sure what to do as the Atlantean places his hand on his chest, and his tattoos glow before he zaps him right in the chest. Stepping on the communicator that fell out of his hand, which crunches under his barefoot.

Robin:I recognize those uniforms

Robin says, looking at most of the assailants that all now tied to the trees

Robin:They belong to the Cult of The Kobra

Aqualad:I am certain Batman would have mentioned it if he knew a dangerous extremist was running Santa Prisca’s Venom operation

He tells the Boy Wonder, not letting him leave his sight in fear that he will disappear again

"Really? Because it doesn't look like he wanted us to know either that or he was just misinformed"

Robin:Agreed. And since there’s no love lost between the cultists and those goons, im betting they came in and tossed them out. why normal supply lines have been cut off

K.F:We get it. Kobra wanted super cultists. Radio Bats and we’ll be home in time for--

Robin:These cultists aren’t on venom..

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