
Legends of the God of Speed!

Jay sat frozen. Barry asked "Jay, are you ok". Jay asked "Are you sure it's Savitar". Barry nodded and said "that's what He said". Jay sighed and looked down a little As he put his hand on his chin while in thought. Barry said "we were hoping you would know something about him". Jay said "all I know are rumours, Legends, tales from the speedforce". Barry asked "what have you heard". Jay said "many different stories, but all of them agree on one thing, Savitar was the first speedster". Kara said "but I thought Barry was the first speedster". Jay nodded and said "Barry is the first ever speedster, but time travel Ms Danvers, Savitar became the first speedster time wise". Kara nodded. Jay said "because he is going after you, that isn't good". Barry said "I figured that when he beat me a couple weeks ago". Jay asked "so He is already here". Barry nodded and said "he told me that in the original timeline, I trapped him in the speedforce for several thousands of years, He wants revenge by killing everyone close to me, except me, Kara and Dawn". Jay said "so you've technically beaten this God of Speed before, we just need to find a way to do it again". Barry asked "we". Jay said "I'm coming with you, you need all the help you can get". Barry said "no, no chance, you barely got out with Zoom, I can't let you get dragged into this". Kara said "he's right, we have this Jay". Jay smiled and said "both of you are so stubborn, maybe that's why you are perfect for each other". Barry smiled a little. Jay said "but I'm stubborn too, I guess you get that from my doppelganger, I can't let you go without my help, if the rumours are true, then Savitar may be one of the fastest speedsters around, and you are the fastest I know, and if you can't beat him alone, you need as much help as you can get". Barry sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he thought. Nora smiled a little and said "I'd rather have my husband here with me but He can help you Barry, this Savitar sounds really bad, you need to keep safe too, not just keep others safe". Barry nodded and said "ok, ok, but if you get hurt, I'm bringing you back here and you aren't helping". Jay nodded and said "sounds fair kid". Nora smiled and asked "are you two staying for dinner or do you have to go". Jay smiled and said "they should stay the night, we can head to earth one tomorrow and see what we can do". Kara said "sounds like a plan". Nora smiled and said "well I will get started on dinner, here is your little beautiful girl back". Kara smiled and took Dawn from Nora and said "thanks". Barry asked "do you need help with the dinner". Nora smiled and said "I appreciate the offer Barry but I have it, I'm sure you have a lot to discuss still". Barry smiled and nodded.

Nora headed to the kitchen and began preparing the dinner while the other three stayed in the living room and continued to discuss Savitar. Kara asked "if you trapped him in the speedforce before, can't we just do that again". Barry said "I think He would prepare for it, He would manage to avoid it". Kara nodded. Barry asked "is there any other things you have heard about Savitar". Jay said "not much that is useful, just stories about a person with incredible speed showing up in different moments of time, even Zoom was afraid of the rumours, that's one reason why he wanted to be faster, in case he ever had a run in with the God of Speed". Barry nodded and said "it's impossible to get faster than him, I mean when I was fighting him, I felt so useless against him, it was as if to him, I was barely moving, I'm nowhere near as fast as him". Jay said "but it isn't impossible Barry, you need to push yourself, train to get better, get faster, you have the potential to be the fastest speedster, you are unique Barry, only you generate the speedforce, you are the only speedster that I know of that has spoken with the speedforce, and we'll help". Barry said "I can't fully focus on training though, I have a family that I can't just ignore, They come before my training". Jay nodded and said "I get that Barry, that's why you should train in the speedforce, time doesn't work the same in the speedforce, and I'm sure they would be fine with it, once you have trained, just come out, and rest and spend time with your girlfriend and daughter". Barry nodded and said "we're also going to see someone on Kara's earth soon that might be able to help". Jay nodded and said "if you think it will help, it probably will". Barry smiled a little and nodded. Jay smiled and said "well enough talk about Savitar for now, when will we be getting an invite to the wedding". Barry chuckled a little As his face turned red. Kara blushed as well and looked at Barry with a smile. Barry said "um, well we decided to go from the start, I don't want to rush a proposal or getting married, I know that it will happen one day, maybe within the next year or so". Kara smiled and said "I agree with Barry, but I am just saying, if he were to ask me to marry him now, I would totally say yes". Barry chuckled and said "we'll get there soon". Kara smiled and said "I know babe". Barry smiled and pecked her on the lips. Kara smiled more and said "although, we both have the rings from Flashpoint so...." . Barry chuckled and said "maybe at home we can be married but not in public yet". Kara giggled and said "I like the sound of that". Jay smiled and said "well I can't wait to be there when the day comes". Nora who was stood at the door with a massive smile said "I hope to be there too". Barry smiled and said "you will both be invited". Nora smiled and said "thanks Barry, well dinner will be ready soon, come on honey, let's leave these three to have a little privacy". Jay smiled and said "sure". He smiled and followed his wife into the kitchen. Barry smiled and relaxed with Kara. Kara smiled and said "it's all going to work out". Barry smiled and said "yeah it is".

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