

Gwydion and Lariat had gone flying towards the forest at a fairly considerable distance, the repulsive force of the barrier that Delphi raised with that twisted power took them by surprise, preventing them from making any countermeasures.

While in the air, Lariat screamed with fear, thinking that they would die from the fall, however, the old man remained calm, showing great serenity, he moved his cane saying "feather", and both began to slow down until they touched the ground. gently.

-Gwydion: staying calm during problems is the most efficient way to find the right solution for the moment, I remember teaching you the spell I just used.

-Lariat: I alone, I didn't know what to do, my mind went blank, I thought I was going to die, I didn't believe that my brother would be capable of doing something like that to us.

-Gwydion: This goes beyond a simple tantrum, he has done something unforgivable, from this point there is no turning back.

-Lariat: it can't be, someone must be controlling him, I know he's not the best, but he couldn't have gone to such extremes.

-Gwydion: There is something in that barrier, it is made as a countermeasure especially against us, where he obtained that information, this is not something he could have done alone, there is not even a recorded method to do something like that. I can barely do magic right now, this is serious, even so, come on... Come Cindirella!

A great flame came out of the ground that soon went out and from its ashes emerged a beautiful ash-colored three-tailed mare. Its size was considerably large, its withers were more than two meters long, but it was not a problem because it knelt down so that they could ride on it. your back. They quickly began to move forward while Lariat thought that if it were another type of situation, it would certainly be a very nice memory.

Even though they were far away, they saw how the barrier began to crumble and, wondering what had happened, they quickened the pace of the mare, who was moving her mane and tail, leaving behind a trail of ash that seemed to turn into mist.

Once they were close, they ran into a large number of monsters that were guarding the entrances to the town, forming a barricade, but it was not a problem because at the gallop and speed at which the monsters were moving, they were burned without even being able to touch them. It was then that they saw the meeting of Tylos and Delfos, barely able to stay safe with a sphere that the old man raised to defend himself from the pressure of the energy that those two were releasing.

-Gwydion: stay behind me, that Delphic brat, what he thinks he is doing, at this rate he will end up being corrupted, we must make him see reason before it is too late...

Lariat didn't say a word, she seemed very attentive to what was happening, the clash of both powers.

As the crimson red grew larger and larger it seemed to consume the light emerging from Tylos's sword, but then she saw something that disturbed her, Tylos's arm was beginning to tear, blood and pieces of flesh were slowly beginning to fall away. Little by little and in an increasingly vertiginous way, a chill filled his body. In the shadow made by the light, a dark silhouette was drawn holding the boy's arm. He began to regenerate faster and faster as the temperature increased. skill burn damage.

Just before the last moment where the meeting came to an end, she could see how this shadow seemed to "embrace" him until it disappeared along with the large cloud of dust raised by the explosion.

Both magicians ran towards where both subjects were, only to hear Tylos say "he left it to you."

Gwydion blew through his staff and could barely see the young man's back receding very quickly, and out of curiosity Lariat observed that that shadow was no longer with the boy, in addition to the fact that his arm was now fine.

-Delfos: Damn, this can't be happening, how could that nobody surpasses the power I've been accumulating for so long, shit... shit... shit... minions, come to me now.

A great roar was heard as a large number of monsters approached, however, Delfos, who was quite stunned and damaged by the clash of powers, had not seen that both magicians were there.

-Gwydion: not this time son, enough once and for all, put an end to your atrocities, what you have done here is unforgivable, end this madness once and for all.

Delfos began to scream as the monsters got closer and closer, but it was Lariat who intervened now, creating a circle that surrounded them. When the monsters came, stone thorns came out of the ground, piercing them everywhere, some dying instantly and others looking bad. wounded, these being reduced to ashes by a lightning bolt that the girl invoked throughout the place.

Gwydion took Delfos by one arm and lifted him up, Lariat without saying a word began to tie his arms even though he was quite injured.

-Delfos: it is quite unusual that you don't say the word to me, little sister.

-Lariat: stop, please, don't continue hurting yourself.

-Gwydion: leave it alone, Lariat, don't play along.

-Delfos: you will never stop preferring it, right? Grandfather.

-Gwydion: you lost the right to call me that from the moment you abandoned yourself to the wrong path.

-Unknown: Don't be so cruel, the poor guy is devastated, you should give him a little love.

A shudder ran through the bodies of Lariat and Gwydion who turned to look back seeing a woman with dark hair and red eyes, her beauty was incomparable, but far from appearing beautiful to the eye, a terror invaded them inside, the old man seemed to retain more composure while Lariat remained silent and crossed his arms as if he were cold, shivering non-stop.

The old man thought about using his spells, but it was simply impossible, the imposing presence and the fear he was feeling were indescribable and paralyzed his reasoning completely.

The lady raised her hand to the sky and as if it were a huge black hole, all her bodies and blood began to be absorbed by her hand until there was absolutely nothing left.

-Unknown: This is far from being a joke, this time I will forgive you, because I found it interesting what will happen, especially with the boy with the yellow eyes.

-Gwydion: wait, you can't take him...he's my grandson, you can't.

-Unknown: he now belongs to us... maybe you weren't judging them a moment ago, it is the perfect time for them to cut their bond.

-Gwydion: you have no idea what has happened...

The old man lost consciousness just like Lariat.

The ground began to shake dizzyingly!

-Unknown: I can handle my presence quite well, it's a shame he fainted, well I guess one of the broods will finish the job here, let's see if that boy has what it takes. Gargantua, come here.

The sky darkened and a huge jaw appeared from the clouds, it opened to make way for that woman with Delfos.

But suddenly the woman's face became quite serious, it seems that that earthquake came from a beast "the brood", but that was not what disconcerted her, but the enormous explosion of energy that destroyed her monster, vaporizing it instantly and destroying it. part of the jaw that that woman had called.

In a flash he was next to the boys, Tylos was kneeling holding Alexa in her arms in the center of the explosion that little by little was consumed.

-Elise: Stay away from them!

"She is the same prowler who was at the inn, but what is this, this terrifying feeling, she is too dangerous, Tylos tried so hard to rescue us, I'm going to do it. I have to stop her! "Now that I can use my power, it doesn't matter that there is no moon, I have to do it."

Prismatic Singularity!

That woman found herself enveloped in a sphere that seemed to be made of glass, and within it she began to feel a force of attraction that took her towards a singularity within it, probably what reached that point would be destroyed by the force of attraction that was being exerted.

-Unknown: wow wow, I must say I'm impressed, it's very strong, this is lunar magic, right? However, even if there was a moon this wouldn't be even close to working, don't try to make an effort when you're younger, it's barely possible. you can stop the bleeding.

-Elise: impossible, how come it doesn't affect her.

-Unknown: you are stubborn, your nose is bleeding, and all I have to do is snap my fingers to get out of here.

As if it were glass, the sphere broke at the snap of the fingers of the dark lady with crimson eyes, because that was how Elise could describe it because she was dressed in a black suit that clung to her body and covered her feet, which was as dark as her hair.

Guilt and helplessness in the face of such power was what she saw in her eyes as she succumbed to the overload of energy from having used her ability to its maximum without success.

With no one to stop him and with everyone onlookers, the only thing left to do was get to the young man, since her interest in him was evident.

-Dark Lady: Let's see what you have for me, that power, it looks really tempting.

She took him by the chin and joined her lips with the boy, but something happened that she did not foresee, an immense wave came out from where they were, and that woman began to bleed from her nose, her expression changed completely and the astonishment on her face it was obvious.

-Dark Lady: What is this? Because I can't get it, this guy, ahg... it only makes me want it even more... this isn't over... I'll come back for you.

But more than a farewell, the paleness on his face and the blood gushing from his nose and even his mouth was more than enough to realize that something had happened that made him have to forcibly withdraw, disappearing into the great maw.

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