
Date (Mammon x reader)



"Hey Mammon?" I was sitting in his room on the couch, and a thought came to mind.

"What?" He simply asked.

"When are you going on that date?" His face turned red.

"U-Uh...." Mammon glanced away, making me feel a little annoyed.

"Did you forget or something?" I asked.

"N-No! You should feel bad for underestimating the Great Mammon!"

"Then what is it? I thought you wanted to take me on a date, and...I wanted to go on one with you." I looked into his blue eyes.

"H-Hey! Don't give me those damn puppy eyes! I-I just don't have the money right-"

"Typical. You're being cheap as always." I stood up, and started to walk to his door.

"F-Fine! We'll go on a date tomorrow!" Mammon yelled from behind me.

"You better not "forget your wallet." I said as I left the room, and went back to my room.

Not long after, I got a text from Mammon. I unlocked the D.D.D and read the text.

I chuckled. Even though he is kinds cheap, I can tell that he means well. Even if he has a weird way of showing it.

I was walking towards the center of town, looking around for Mammon. There were a lot of people walking around, so I had to keep an eye out.

"Hey there beautiful." I heard an unfamiliar voice, and continued walking. Since I assumed they were talking to someone else.

"You! In the the F/C dress." That caught my attention, so I looked around cautiously.

"Who's talking?" I asked. A demon with dark blue hair approached me.

"That would be me. Now, what are you doing here alone?" I backed away a little bit. I was getting a bad vibe from him.

"I'm going on a date if you must know. So please leave me alone." I turned around, but he grabbed my wrist.

"Why go on some crummy date when you can have some fun with me?" His hand traveled up my side, making me freeze.

"Hey! Get away from her!" The guy's grip on my wrist loosened for a second, and I broke away.

"Mammon!" I saw him with some casual clothes on, and I hid behind him. The blue haired demon glared at us, but turned around and left.

"Are ya alright? If he hurt ya I'll-"

"I'm fine..." I placed a hand over my side, and a shiver went down my spine. Mammon

"C-C'mon. We're getting food." He grabbed me by the hand lightly, and started walking.

Soon, we ended up at a small café. Mammon blushed a little as he held the door open for me.

We sat down and ordered our food. I took the time to examine Mammon's clothes in more detail.

He was wearing a casual brown shirt with some jeans. It was somewhat strange to see him wearing something other then his brown jacket.

"W-What are ya looking at?"

"A handsome demon." I chuckled. Mammon's face was a red as a stop sign.

"Here's your food. Enjoy." The waitress placed down a couple plates, and walked away.

Since I had eaten breakfast earlier, I just ordered a small slice of cake. On the other hand, Mammon got some kind of drink.

"What exactly is in that drink?" I ask as I eat a small piece of my cake. It was delicious and moist.

"Why? Ya wanna try it?" He held the cup to my face, and, being the curious person I am, I took a sip.

"H-Hot!" I quickly gulped down the glass of water the waitress had brought earlier.

"Pfft-" Mammon was trying his best to contain his laughter.

"Pffffft-" I was doing the same. I didn't want to burst into laughter and interrupt the other customers.

"Here." I got a small piece of the cake, and held it up to Mammon.

"W-What are ya doing?" He asked in a nervous tone.

"You gave me a sip of your....whatever it is. So I'm giving you a piece of my cake." I explained. He slowly opened his mouth, and ate the cake.

"T-Thanks...I guess." He blushed.

We left after we finished the cake and drink, and we began walking home. I glanced down at Mammon's hand.

Without another thought, I carefully grabbed his hand. I felt him flinch, but he didn't remove his hand from mine.

"Hey." I looked up at him.

"What is it?"

"This was the best date I've ever been on." I smiled as I used the same words he told me yesterday.

"U-Uh...." He blushed again.

"You're blushing again~" I teased.

"N-No I ain't! It's just hot!"

"Suuuure it is." I chuckled.

"Whatever! Let's just hurry and get home." Mammon pulled my hand forward as he stormed towards the manor.

By the time we got home, it was around 6 pm. We walked inside, and I noticed that Mammon was still holding my hand.

"Oooh~ since when do you two hold hands?" Asmo just happened to come to the door and looked at our hands.

"T-That's none of yer business!" Mammon answered.

"I'm honestly surprised that Y/N even went on a date with you." Asmo shook his head.


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