
CHAPTER {249-251}


"Merlin's pants!!" Tonks exclaimed in distress as she rushed in front of Harry to check on her former boss. It was quite obvious that she was worried about the woman, so Harry didn't try to stop her. Tonks rolled over Amelia before placing two of her fingers on her neck to check the woman's pulse, but she paled and turned to look at Harry.

"Harry, I can't feel a pulse" Tonks blurted out looking completely aghast, making Harry frown. He was certain that Amelia was alive, so he kneeled down beside Tonks and grabbed Amelia's arm to check her pulse. Tonks was right, Amelia didn't have a pulse and she wasn't even breathing. Harry decided to inspect her body through the Sigil and realized that yes, she was still alive.

"She had been placed under some kind of stasis" Harry revealed as he slowly stood up.

"You mean the Draught of Living Death kind of stasis?" Tonks asked, looking slightly more hopeful than before.

"Yes, that kind, but I don't think they used the Draught of Living Death. The Potion takes some time to kick in and Amelia would have noticed that" Harry pointed out as he started to rub his chin thoughtfully. He knew there were Spells to put someone in a stasis, but none of them were common. He was aware that Gellert knew all of them while Albus and Voldemort probably knew all of them too, but he didn't think that any of them were responsible for attacking Amelia in her office.

Rockwood probably knew the Spells, but Harry seriously doubted that he was in any condition to attack anyone and Amelia wasn't an average Witch when it came to combat…

"Let's make her comfortable before waking her up" Harry said and gestured Tonks to move aside. She gave her former boss a wary look before moving aside and Harry used Magic to Levitate her off the ground. "Gellert, why don't you join us? It might turn out to be interesting" Harry suggested, only to get a nod from him in return. They took Amelia to the nearest room and after laying her down on the couch, Harry decided to wake her up.

It took Harry three attempts before he finally applied the appropriate Counter-Curse. Amelia jerked up and started to look around in distress and when she finally realized where she was, she started to calm down… Anyone waking up to Gellert Grindelwald standing in front of them would be scared out of their minds, Amelia knew that she was in good hands. At least, she knew that she didn't choose the wrong side.

"Fuckkk…" Amelia trailed off with a look of relief on her face before she slumped back on the couch. Harry Conjured a few chairs for everyone and sat down.

"Do you want something to drink?" Harry asked sincerely.

"Some water please" Amelia answered and after giving her a nod, Harry summoned the jug of water from the nearby table and poured some water for her after Conjuring a glass. The woman accepted the offered glass while giving him a look of gratitude and then she chugged it down in one go. Harry poured her another glass of water, but this time, she only took a small sip from the glass before putting it away.

"So, what happened?" Harry asked as he leaned forward on the table.

Amelia took a deep breath and started to restate the whole incident to Harry and the rest of the group… "Can you give me the memory?" Harry asked as he didn't recognize any of the names she mentioned. Maybe, he would have better luck finding them if he knew how they looked. Amelia simply nodded her head and agreed to hand over the memory to him since they were clearly out of her league.

It was kind of vexing, but she decided that she was going to let the Titans dish it out while she stood at the sidelines…

"Thank you" Harry thanked her as she handed over the memory strand to him. Harry summoned Norton and asked him to bring a memory vial. The said house elf popped away and returned after a couple of seconds along with an empty memory vial. Without wasting any time, Harry dropped the memory strand inside the vial and handed it over to Norton for safekeeping.

"Amelia, why don't you Floo your Secretary and call it a day?" Harry suggested and after some pondering, Amelia agreed to call it a day. Then he turned toward Tonks. "If you want, you can stay with her and give her some company" Harry offered since Tonks was still kind of worried for her former boss.

"I am not dying, you know. There is no need for you to stay" Amelia pointed out in a bland tone while looking between Tonks and Harry. "By the way, Croaker wanted to know if you have some time to visit the Department to grab the Prophecy…" Amelia revealed, making Harry wince internally. He had plans to visit the Department the day after Christmas, but something came up and he was forced to postpone the trip.

"I will visit him today" Harry answered after thinking for a bit. Yes, there were some unknown enemies out there who were out to get him, but aside from that, his schedule was mostly free.

"Alright, and there is something else I want to talk about" Amelia said and Harry simply urged her to continue. "My friend, Connie Hammer also wants to join the Lost Garden" Amelia revealed, surprising Tonks since she didn't expect Connie to jump the wagon too, but maybe she shouldn't be surprised since Connie and Amelia were thick as thieves even though Connie was at least two decades younger than Amelia.

"Alright. I will send her an invite" After saying that, Harry decided to bid Amelia farewell so that she could finally take some rest.

"Gellert, leave the Guild for the time being. There are other important things to be worried about" Harry said after leaving the room. He wasn't worried about the Guild since they needed to find Mercenaries or Bounty Hunters who were foolish enough to accept the mission. "I clearly have enemies out there, but I don't know anything about them. This ends now" Harry finished with a growl.

"Send out your men, I want to know everything happening in Britain right now" Harry ordered firmly. There might be more enemies after him other than these three…



**Trigger Warnings**

~~Tipsy Pixie~~

"A Churchill Martini please" Himera ordered in a bored tone as she placed a Galleon on the table. The bartender greeted her before she started to prepare her drink, but Himera was simply way too tired to care. It took a minute for the bartender to prepare the drink and when she was done, she placed the cocktail glass in front of Himera with a napkin placed under it.

Himera gave the woman a grateful look before she grabbed the straw and took a small sip from it… She savored the flavor for a bit before gulping it down. After taking another sip from her glass, she rolled around with her chair, only to find that the pub was basically empty. Even the regular strippers were simply lazing around since they didn't have any spectators.

"Fuck…" Himera cursed before she turned around and slumped down on the bar.

"You look tired" The bartender pointed out while cleaning a glass.

"You can say that…" Himera mumbled tiredly. A part of her was cursing her past self for asking Harry to train her. The boy was beating her into the ground every day and by the time they were done, she would be sore all over. Himera knew that she was improving with each day, but she was also gathering stress with each passing day. She desperately needed some stress relief, but the pub was empty.

"I really need a good fucking" Himera grumbled unhappily, making the bartender chuckle. Himera had to gold to hire the deluxe service, but she was looking for an adventure.

"Don't we all, but the business is down with two Dark Lords running around" The bartender muttered bitterly and Himera winced internally since Harry was one of those Dark Lords.

"Yeah…" Himera mumbled as she continued to sip her own drink and the bartender got busy with her own work. When Himera finished her drink, she simply ordered another one and continued to sip the drink in a relaxed fashion. Then all of a sudden, Himera was broken out of her musings when a young couple arrived at the bar and sat down not far from her.

'I would tap' Himera decided after she finished checking out both of them. The girl noticed her gaze and turned to whisper something into the boy's ears. With a disappointed sigh, Himera decided to ignore the two of them since the two of them looked like a couple. There was a very small chance that she would be getting some action from either of them.

"Uh, excuse me?" The girl called out and Himera turned around, expecting to come across a Karen, but she was surprised. "Are you a local?" The girl asked, making Himera frown at the weird question.

"You can say that" Himera answered lazily as she took another sip from her drink.

"Well, you see… We are from Wales, so I was wondering if you could recommend us a drink?" The girl asked in a hopeful tone.

"What are you looking for? Something hard or…" Himera trailed off with a meaningful look on her face. She was kind of envious of them. They were probably around her age and they were enjoying their lives while her life was a kind of fucked up mess. It was getting better after she joined Harry, but her life was still fucked up in more ways than one.

"Something hard" The girl answered before turning toward the boy, who also grinned.

"Yes, definitely something hard!" The boy nodded his head with a grin.

Himera grinned in return… Maybe she could still have some fun with them. "Pardon my language, you can try Adios Motherfucker or Three Wise Men Down if you are looking for something strong" Himera answered and the duo looked at each other before turning toward the bartender who was looking at them with expectation clear on her face.

"Three Adios Motherfuckers, please" The boy ordered and the bartender threw Himera a saucy look before she went to work.

Himera internally cheered and chugged down the rest of her drink in one go… "So, what brings you two to Britain, considering the current climate?" Himera asked, trying to act welcoming. The two of them were buying her drinks, so there was still some hope.

"Well…" The girl turned around to look at the boy lovingly before she slipped her hand into the boy's hand and that was when Himera noticed the rings. "We are recently married and we came here for the honeymoon, but then everything went to shit" The girl grumbled unhappily and Himera felt like someone had poured cold water over all of her hopes.

"I see…" Himera mumbled while cursing like a sailor on the inside. They didn't chat anymore and when the drinks finally arrived, Himera chugged it down in one go, in an attempt to drown herself in her miseries.

"Hey, you want some?" Once again, Himera was brought out of her musings when the boy called out to her. Himera turned to see what he was talking about only to see a blunt in his hand.

"Sir, you can't smoke that here" The bartender decided to interrupt.

"Shite" The boy cursed before he went to put the blunt back inside his robes.

'So what if I won't get fucked, maybe I can get stoned?' Himera wondered as she decided why the fuck not? "Guys, I know a place if you really want to smoke that" Himera said and the boy simply grinned at her. So, after clearing their tab, the three of them decided to leave the pub, but the girl decided to grab a couple of bottles of rum and vodka from a muggle shop before Himera could take them to her spot.

"Hell… This place is nice" The boy grinned when the three of them finally arrived at the spot Himera was talking about. He pulled out the blunt from his pocket and lit it up before passing it over to Himera. She took a long drag from the blunt before passing it over to the girl. Soon, the three of them were drinking and smoking while having the time of their lives.

However, everything came crashing down when the couple started to get frisky, but then all of a sudden, the boy turned around and pulled in Himera for a kiss, making her sputter, and then the girl also stepped up and pulled her into another kiss, making her sputter even harder. "What the hell?" Himera managed to slur out with some difficulty as she stared at the couple weirdly.

"We were wondering if you want to join us… You know" The girl asked while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yeah, you are awesome, but no pressure, you know… We have some drinks, grass, and powder back in our hotel" The boy revealed as he leaned down on the girl. "However, no pressure if you don't want to join" The boy slurred.

Himera was really tempted to accept the offer. "Aren't you two recently married?" Himera asked with a hiccup.

"Yeah, but some adventure won't hurt" The girl exclaimed cheerfully. "And I want to show you the thing I can do with my tongue" The girl added and poked out her tongue. Only now did Himera notice the piercing in her tongue. Himera immediately started to think about the wonderful time she was going to have if she decided to accompany them back to their hotel.

"Sure, lead the way love birds" Himera exclaimed as she slung both of her arms around the boy and girl before the three of them engaged in a three-way kiss…



~~Hall of Prophecies~~

"So, this is the Hall of Prophecies… Impressive" Harry muttered as he looked around, thoroughly impressed. The Hall was simply massive and it was kind of impossible to see how big it truly was. As far as he could see, there were only the glowing orbs. "How many Prophecies are there in total?" Harry asked as he turned his head to glance at Saul.

"Do you want the exact number or an approximate?" Instead of Saul, the other Unspeakable, who was in charge of the Hall of Prophecies answered. Harry could see the man's name floating above his head, but Saul had previously warned him against revealing anyone's name before the man brought him here. Harry didn't particularly care so he was fine either way.

"Exact?" Harry asked, wondering if they really kept the count.

"4 million, 237 thousand, 524" The Unspeakable answered after a moment and Harry whistled, looking impressed. "And we only started keeping records after the establishment of the Department of Mysteries" The man added and even though Harry couldn't see his face, he knew that the man was grinning.

"Whew!" Harry breathed out, looking gobsmacked. "By the way, do you know how many Prophecies have been fulfilled since the Department was established?" Harry asked curiously.

The Unspeakable turned toward Saul and after getting a nod from the boss man, the Unspeakable decided to answer the question. "Only 234" The man answered solemnly.

"Hmm… That's not much, considering the total" Harry hummed thoughtfully. "Is there a chance that the rest of these Prophecies are going to be fulfilled?" Harry asked.

"Divination as a whole is extremely finicky and inaccurate… From my personal experience, all the Prophecies we keep here are going to come true. It might take time, like millions of years, but the Prophecy will come true, while some people believe that some Prophecies are never meant to come true" The Unspeakable finished glancing toward Saul.

The man simply sighed… "Well, I believe that some Prophecies are never going to come true. Still, Prophecies are not my speciality so I am going to defer to my colleague, who obviously knows more" Saul finished.

"All the Prophecies in here are True Prophecies" The Unspeakable leading them said.

"True Prophecies?" Harry asked as he inclined his head in confusion.

"Yes. True Prophecies. A True Prophecy is a Prophecy where the person giving the Prophecy will go into a trance and they won't remember what happened. They would wake up looking confused after delivering the Prophecies… In my experience, True Prophecies always come true, eventually. There are other forms of Divination too, but they are not that accurate all the time" The man finished.

"I see…" Harry mumbled, feeling somewhat fascinated. To be honest, he never considered Prophecies as important, but it was still interesting. He wouldn't deny that. "I have to admit, our chat was interesting, but I came here for something" Harry revealed and the Unspeakable nodded his head in understanding.

"This is not how we usually operate, but these are not usual times" The Unspeakable laughed good-naturedly. "Weird…" The man mumbled, making Harry raise his brows at the man.

"What's weird?" Harry asked without missing a beat.

"There are two Prophecies referring to you" The Unspeakable answered while looking at the book in his hands.

"Interesting… You don't mind if I grab the other one too, don't you?" Harry asked as he glanced toward Saul and the man simply shrugged, conveying that he didn't mind. "First take me to the one given by Sybill Trelawney in 1980 and we can grab the other one after that" Harry requested, wondering what the Prophecy entailed.

"Of course" The Unspeakable answered and started to lead the duo, and soon, the trio finally arrived in front of the Prophecy that altered the fate of Wizarding Britain in more ways than one. Harry stared at the orb with an incomprehensive feeling welling inside him… This was the elusive Prophecy that changed his life.

S.P.T to A.P.W.B.D

Dark Lord

And (?) Harry Potter

"Why the question mark?" Harry asked as he turned toward the Unspeakable.

"The Prophecy could have been referred to someone else, but the Dark Lord, in this case, You-Know-Who chose to go after you" The man explained easily and Harry nodded his head in understanding before he decided to ask the next question.

"My name is not Harry Potter, it is Hadrian Potter, so why does it say, Harry Potter?" Harry asked as he inclined his head in confusion.

"I am not sure, but I think both Dumbledore and You-Know-Who were unaware of your real name when the Prophecy was given and You-Know-Who attacked you" The man answered while rubbing his chin. Harry seemed to ponder the man's words before nodding his head in understanding. What the man said made sense…

"I was wondering if we could listen to this one. It might give us something to use against the Dark Lord" Saul requested all of a sudden, but Harry was already planning to reveal the contents of this Prophecy to some of his closest aides. They might be able to come up with something…

"Sure" Harry agreed with a smile and grabbed the orb from the shelf. "Now, the other Prophecy please" Harry requested with a smile. Even though he was planning to reveal this Prophecy to the others, he wasn't planning to reveal the other Prophecy to anyone except for his Mom. After all, he needed to know what it entailed in the first place.

The Unspeakable simply started to lead them toward the other Prophecy and it didn't take them long to arrive in front of the other one…

S.P.T to A.P.W.B.D

Harry Potter

|Well, that is kind of simple| Harry frowned internally… This was the second Prophecy given to Albus Dumbledore by Sybill Trelawney referring to him. He was wondering if someone was up there who hated him or wanted to see him shafted. Maybe this was why Dumbledore didn't want him to win… Well, he would know more after listening to it.

So, without wasting any time, he simply grabbed the Prophecy orb from the shelf, but then all of a sudden, his eyebrow started to twitch in irritation…


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