
Ready-Set-Action (IV)

While Harry had asked her not to attack them on her own, he never told her that she couldn't kill anyone if they decided to attack her… Jacklyn had long realized that Harry was basically keeping her away from the action. She could understand why he was doing that… She knew that it wasn't because he didn't believe in her skills, he was doing this because he cared about her. While Jacklyn would admit, it was really sweet, but to be honest, it was getting on her nerves.

"Where the fuck did she go?" Jacklyn heard one of the grunts following her whisper furiously.

"Fucked if I know!" The other grunt scoffed in dismissal. "She could have Disapparated" He suggested after a few moments of silence, making the first grunt scowl unhappily.

"Boss is not going to be happy" The first grunt muttered while looking around frantically. While the grunts were busy looking around, Jacklyn was watching the two of them from the roof of the building the two of them were standing by.

"I know that! Fuck! Let's check around that corner before we leave" The second grunt suggested and the first grunt simply grunted in consent as there was nothing else they could do.

Now that Jacklyn knew that there were two people following her, she had three options to choose from… She could either leave, which was out of the question. She could sneak around and murder them with none the wiser or she could confront them and beat them into the ground before killing them… Her choice was kind of obvious.

So, she simply jumped down from the room and silently cast Arresto Momentum on herself before her feet touched the ground. Even though her landing was safe, it wasn't silent, which was obviously noticed by the two grunts, not that Jacklyn cared, especially with her desired choice. The two grunts quickly turned around only to find the woman they were looking for standing by the wall with a lazy look on her face.

"Hey losers! Looking for me?" Jacklyn asked mockingly, trying to rile them up, but the grunts weren't even listening to her as Jacklyn had to duck down to dodge a Blasting Curse. She immediately realized her mistake, these two might be grunts, but they were experienced grunts. They didn't even bother to waste their time by bantering with her, they simply decided to kill her and get this over with.

While Jacklyn knew that she had made a mistake, it wasn't anything serious… The Blasting Curse sailed over her head, but she paid it no mind as she was already casting Spells at the duo. With a quick jab of her Wand, she cast a Cutting Curse at one of the grunts while the other grunt attacked her with a flame whip. Jacklyn grinned and a green-colored astral shield appeared in her other hand, which she used to parry the flame whip masterfully.

The grunt who barely defended himself from Jacklyn's Cutting Curse never saw the flame whip coming towards him. The flame whip landed on his chest, making the man scream as he fell to the ground while screaming bloody murder. "You bitch!!" The one who had cast the flame whip at her snarled in fury.

"Ohh… So, you can talk!" Jacklyn exclaimed in mock surprise as she cast a Bone Breaker at him before she stepped aside to dodge a Cutting Curse. "Goodbye, my brief enemy" Jacklyn grinned at him cheekily before casting three Spells at him in rapid succession. The man was able to defend himself against the first two Spells, but the third Spell hit him on the chest, blasting him back a few meters away from the spot he was standing.

Jacklyn decided to ignore that grunt as her Spell had concaved his chest, but the grunt who was hit with the flame whip was still on the ground, groaning in pain. She walked up to him, but decided to keep some distance from him… The man noticed her arrival and turned his head to glare at her… "Y-You do-don't know who you are messing with…" The man wheezed with some difficulties and Jacklyn was certain that one of his lungs was punctured.

"Oh! I assure you, I know who I am messing with, but you guys have no idea who you have messed with… Your boss should have accepted the olive branch. Ah, well… There is no medicine for regrets" Jacklyn shrugged with a 'What can you do?' look on her face before casting a Cutting Curse to behead the man. Jacklyn turned around to leave, but she stopped and decided to leave a message for the Guild.

'Regards from Lost Garden' Jacklyn inscribed the message on the forehead of the man she just beheaded… Nodding her head in satisfaction, she dropped the head beside the body before opening a portal in front of her. She stepped through the circle and arrived on the roof of one of the buildings at some distance from the Guild building. She knew what she had done… She had just killed two people, but instead of feeling guilty or anything, she was feeling ecstatic.

She decided to explore her feelings later as she needed to inform Harry about the development… She placed the tip of her Wand over her Mark so that she could send Harry the message…

'They denied'

'As expected' Harry answered after a few seconds.

'Tried to silence me'

After she sent the second message, there was an uncomfortable stretch of silence.

'Are you safe?' Harry asked after some time.

'Yes, killed them'

'Good, return for now' Harry's reply was immediate and Jacklyn simply decided to accept his order and return for the time being…

<Line Break>

~~Austrian Alps, Austria~~

|Is she alright?| Lily asked with a hint of concern in her voice. She will never admit it, but she had started caring for Jacklyn and Brittany and she also knew that Harry would be hurt if something happened to either of them.

|Yes, she killed them. I told her to leave| Harry answered stiffly. He didn't have any problems with killing as he had the time to come to terms with that side of him, but Jacklyn had just killed, so he was feeling slightly worried about her.

|That's good! So, we are declaring War on Guild, right?| Lily asked excitedly.

|Yes, I offered them an olive branch, but instead of accepting they chose death and destruction…| Harry stated firmly. The Guild was going to regret their decision, but there was something else he needed to do before that. |We are here, mom| Harry declared as the Nurmengard Castle finally came into his view.

|Whoa!| Lily was quite surprised by the sight.

|Grindelwald build this place on his own| Harry declared and he had to admit, he was impressed by the place. The man had built the Castle on his own and it was quite an impressive feat… Of course, Harry was sure that Harry could do the same, but that didn't mean that he couldn't appreciate the hard work of another person.

|This place is massive! How the hell did he build this place on his own?| Lily questioned in bewilderment.

|Just goes to tell everyone how powerful he really was, even if he had the Elder Wand in his possession| Harry praised the man. True, the man was defeated, but he was ready to fight and die for the cause he believed in. |Now, how do I do this?| Harry rubbed his chin with a thoughtful look on his face. Right now, he was close enough to notice the guards milling around Castle.

He could either sneak inside or he could go in guns blazing, but after some consideration, he decided to go with the former option… He was sure that he could butcher his way through, but that would bring too much attention to him. Harry quickly landed on one of the hills and tucked away his broom in the snow… The place was cold as fuck, but thankfully, Harry was a Wizard, so Heating and Warming Charms to the rescue. When he was feeling warm enough, he opened a portal and stepped through, arriving inside the Castle.

After casting a Disillusionment Charm on himself, Harry started to look for a guard patrol and it wasn't that hard for him to find a couple of guards on the round. He quickly morphed into one of the guards and cast Imperius Curse on both of them. He knocked out the guard whose looks he decided to borrow and shoved him inside one of the storage lockers, but not before nicking some blood from the said guard to get past the Wards inside the Castle.

After that, he dropped the Disillusionment Charm and without wasting any more time, he ordered the guard under his control to lead him toward Grindelwald's cell. Harry crossed the Wards without any problems as the Wards recognized him as the man he was posing to be… The two of them came across quite a few more guard patrols, but none of them said anything besides casual greetings. Harry had to admit, Nymphadora's Metamorphmagus abilities were quite overpowered.

Harry finally arrived in front of Grindelwald's cell and started to cast various types of Notice-Me-Not Charms without his Wand as casting Magic with a Wand could trigger the alarms. When he was finally satisfied with the measures, he knocked out the guard who was with him before he started to unlock the cell with his Magic. Unfortunately for Harry, he was severely underestimating the security in Nurmengard Castle as soon as the door was unlocked, the alarm was triggered.

|Shiiiit!!| Harry cursed loudly inside his mind as he felt the Wards inside the Castle tighten…


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