
Loving the Enemy

IN ONE SMOOTH movement, Lucian moved to grab the discarded container of lube from the dresser drawer. He uncapped the bottle, squeezed some lube on his fingers, and didn't wait to slide two fingers smoothly into Shiloh's stretched entrance. Shiloh groaned, hands flying to cover his eyes and clenching in fists. He lifted his hips into the touch as Lucian roughly pumped his fingers in and out.

"You like that?" growled Lucian, Shiloh's whole body squeezing around him. He intentionally dragged his fingers over Shiloh's prostate with every thrust.

"Ahh—" Shiloh cried out.

Shiloh practically screamed when Lucian added another finger, mouth falling open in a wordless cry as Lucian kept the hard rhythm up. Shiloh was already stretched, so it didn't take much, and after a few minutes he was shaking so hard that Lucian knew that nothing would be able to stop him from coming if they kept this up.

Soon enough, Lucian's straining cock was drenched in more lube and he easily picked Shiloh up, too desperate to be gentle, positioning them so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed with Shiloh straddling his hips, facing one another. Shiloh's chest was flushed.

When Shiloh leaned down to kiss him, Lucian quickly took control; he grabbed the back of Shiloh's neck, dragged his teeth over Shiloh's lips, and breathed in the small needy noises Shiloh kept making into his mouth. It was hard and ruthless, a claim. He grabbed Shiloh's hips as they kiss, hands wide enough to stretch around and knead into Shiloh's ass, and then he pulled the slender boy down onto his cock.

"Fucking yes," Shiloh hissed as Lucian pulls him down.

"Don't disobey me, slut. Ever again," Lucian growled. "Questo è la tua punizione, puttuna —Ugh, yes."

Lucian guided Shiloh down until he was fully inside him, Shiloh's arms wrapped around his neck and his whole body shaking. He knew his boyfriend was too boneless and overwhelmed to move, so Lucian gripped his hips and moved Shiloh's whole body up and down as he pushed up into Shiloh's body in tandem. Shiloh threw his head back and groaned as Lucian used his strength to slide Shiloh's body onto his cock over and over again, the hot stretch of Shiloh's body around him feeling so good to seem unreal.

"Never," Shiloh gasped, clinging to him frantically.

"Only mine!"

"Only... o-only yours. Fuck, Lucian, please."

Shiloh reached down and began to desperately touch himself, his hand trapped between their bodies as he frantically pulled himself off. The sight of Shiloh unable to help himself any longer was too much, too much, and Lucian tightened his grip and pounded up into him. Shiloh coiled, arms tightening around Lucian's neck as he held on while his whole body was being jerked and moving in time with each of Lucian's powerful thrusts.

His eyes rolled back into his head, cock bobbing up and down as the pleasure blossomed in his stomach, spreading the warm through his entire body. He gasped and grunted every time Lucian plunged deep within him, sending sharp spikes of pleasure through his entire body.

"Ugh, I'm so close," Shiloh nearly screamed, closing his eyes tightly.

Lucian moved faster, harder, like a wild man. The entire bed slammed against the wall which each movement and Shiloh found himself clawing at his boyfriend's back. Biting down on his neck, Shiloh screamed, as his orgasm plows through him, blinding him temporarily with white lights and sensational whiplashes of electric shockwaves as he came in hot spurts all over their stomachs. Going completely limp, he could hardly hold on anymore, but he knew Lucian wasn't finished yet, because even though he was overly sensitive Lucian was still fucking him, relentlessly, and it hurt.

The grip on his hips was painfully tight and he knew he'd have a bruise there tomorrow. Sweat was pouring off his face and back. He desperately wanted to tell Lucian to stop, but he didn't, because he loves feeling so full. However, the dull ache had now turned into splitting pain. After three forceful thrusts, Lucian was coming deep inside him, shaking and panting into his neck, hips periodically jerking forward to ride out his release.

Once he was done, he collapsed onto the bed, hugging Shiloh close and breathing harshly. Weaving his fingers through Lucian's wild hair, Shiloh gave him a solid kiss on the mouth.

"Are you okay, beautiful?" Lucian asked tenderly, kissing his cheek. "Sorry, I was a bit rough."

"No…" Shiloh breathed. "I liked it."

Lucian smirked. "Of course, you did."

After that comment, his breath even outs and Shiloh knew he fell asleep.

Leaning into Lucian's arms, he found himself in a whirlwind of doubt. Throughout the whole conversation, his boyfriend had been dodging his questions, instead giving vague answers that didn't make much sense to him. The trust he once thought was their unbreakable bond, now seemed unbelievably fragile, like it could break at any second. Without trust what kind of relationship did they have? Biting his lip Shiloh didn't want to think about the answer to that. So, instead, he lay there in Lucian's arms, debating with himself, unsure if this is the life he wanted.

There was a decision he needed to make.

And he needed to make it fast.


"WHERE ARE YOU going?"

"Where do I go every morning, Fazio?"

"I don't understand why you feel the need to mingle with commoners," Fazio answered tiredly as he sat down across from his brother. "We have coffee here."

"So?" Marcus asked, looking up briefly from the paper that was stretched out in front of him. "I like the way they make it."

"What makes theirs better than ours?"

"I don't know…It just tastes better..." Marcus answered, not taking his eyes off the paragraph he was reading.

Fazio pressed his lips together; he didn't like being ignored. "So, what's the plan for tonight?"

"No plans."

Fazio sputtered. "What the hell do you mean? Botticelli has begun mobilizing close to our area and we aren't going to do anything about it…? "

"Nope," Marcus said, popping the p and turning the page.

His brother's nonchalance was starting to madden him greatly; leaning back in his chair, Fazio calmly threaded his fingers together. "Hmm, so what do you propose we do once he gets his hands on our merchandise?"

"We wait," Marcus continued, finally looking up at his brother's tensed expression. "We won't make any hasty decisions... we can't afford to pay off the cops like Botticelli yet. But in time, once we've built up enough respect, we will. Besides I've got something else planned."

Fazio scoffed. "I sincerely hope you don't mean the lowly waiter, do you? Because he is just so unbelievably pathetic."

"He may be pathetic, but he's Lucian's plaything. Surely, he must have some significance, and he'll come in handy when we want to do some damage..."

Fazio smirked. "Well done. I see you've learned a thing or two from father. This plan might have some precedence, and we'll have someone useful, unlike that whore Natalia you keep around."

Marcus glared at his brother. "That whore, specifically Kayla, is the ex-girlfriend of detective Cole and he wants Botticelli brought down just like we do."

"I suppose you're right," Fazio sighed. "But the Latina…She is so feisty. Why must we keep her around?"

"For your annoyance," Marcus joked.

"Can't we just throw her in a ditch somewhere?"


"Please," Fazio whined.

"No, now I need to get going," Marcus said, throwing his newspaper on the table. "The girl stays. Stop antagonizing her; she's one of our best sellers." He was just about the leave the table when his cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He smiled looking at the caller ID and picked up smoothly after the third ring.

"Why hello Detective Cole…to what do I owe to pleasure?"

"Cut the shit, Malfitano." Ashton roared on the other end. "Do you have the evidence to bring Botticelli down or not?"

"I will soon," Marcus said calmly. "You sound a little tense."

"Never mind that," Ashton spat impatiently. "Just procure the evidence and get back to me quickly."

"Sure, will do. I'm on my way to the restaurant right now."



Shiloh closed his eyes, his body drooping as he wiped off one of the tables. He was so tired from last night he could barely stand and now it seemed his shitty day was getting shitter.

"Please Lord, give me strength because I honestly can't deal with this today," Shiloh muttered, then approached the table Marcus was sitting at. "What do you want?"

"I'd like to discuss the terms of our agreement."

"What does that even mean? What agreement?"

Marcus' lips dragged into a smirk. "Well, if you go out with me, I can't promise to keep my hands to myself."

"Ugh," Shiloh threw his hands up in the air. "You're impossible."

"I know."

"I'm not interested."


Shiloh scoffed. "How so...?"

"Everyone is interested in me," Marcus said. "Admit it you're curious to know what good sex is like."

"I know what great sex is like," Shiloh quipped.

Marcus laughed. "Is that why you always look so unsatisfied?"

"Just stay out of my business," Shiloh snapped, now getting angry.

He held up his hands in mock surrender. "Fine, but don't think people don't notice how unhappy you are."

"I'm not unhappy."

"Who are you trying to convince here? Because I know for a fact it isn't me," Marcus continued with the same infuriating smile.

Shiloh bristled; clenching his fists together he stood, staring at the man who could all of sudden read him like an open book. It was unnerving how Marcus knew exactly what to say to get under his skin and torment him.

"That'll be three-fifty," Shiloh replied through gritted teeth.

Tossing some money onto the table, Marcus stood with an unfathomable expression. "You matter, Shiloh and so does your happiness." He shoved his hands into his pocket and walked out the door.

For a minute, Shiloh just stood there, staring after him. What he said made his heart clench uncomfortably in his chest. Sighing, he went back to work, busing the tables and cleaning up after those people's mess. When he caught sight of gelled hair, his smile widened and he approached his fiancé's table.

"Hey, baby!" Shiloh called dancing towards him. "Sorry I kept you waiting, Mr. Harris just wanted me to put some stuff away." He leaned down to kiss his boyfriend's cheek and when he pulled away, he noticed the stoic maddening look on Lucian's face.

"Baby…?" Shiloh said gently, unsure of what could have happened in the past few minutes to piss Lucian off. "Are you okay?"

"No." Lucian said brusquely, jaw clenched. "I just want to know when the fuck where are you going to tell me that Marcus was coming to the restaurant?"

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