
Caught in the Crosshairs

SHILOH CAREFULLY EXAMINED the designer racks at a high-end retail store. The store had sleek, modern decor with marble floors and attentive staff. He took his time, trying on various pieces before ultimately deciding on what to purchase.

"Fancy meeting you here…" A voice said.

Shiloh nearly jumped out of his skin when the figure walked up beside him. Placing a hand over his heart he looked up at the stranger who was leering down at him. It was the obnoxious dashingly handsome guy from the restaurant.

"What are you stalking me now?" Shiloh asked, eyeing the man suspiciously.

He laughed. "No, can't a guy go shopping in the same vicinity as the object of his affection without it seeming like he's a creep?"

"No," Shiloh responded.

The man chuckled. "I see you've decided to splurge. Although, someone should inform you that these sales will be going on tomorrow."

"I'm on a shopping spree," Shiloh snapped, defending himself.

"Ah, let me guess your boyfriend is trying to make up for canceling his plans again," The man said.

"I knew you were stalking me!" Shiloh accused. "Let me guess you have my phone tapped? Hidden cameras perhaps? You do look like the serial killer type."

"If I say yes to the hidden cameras, will you put on a show for me later?"

Shiloh grimaced causing the man to snicker.

"Nah, I'm just good at reading people. Plus, you have a neglectful boyfriend written all over your forehead," he teased.

Shiloh playfully slapped the man's arm. "Jerk."

He guffawed, dodging away from the blow. "Well, since you're planning on making him broke, how about I accompany you?"

"I don't think so," Shiloh said walking past him.

"Why not?" he asked, trying to keep up.

Clicking his tongue, he debated his argument before actually speaking. He guessed that outright telling the man to fuck off was impolite but he needed to get rid of him somehow. "Because you obviously know nothing about fashion."

He snorted. "Who are you the fashion police?"

"Exactly, you'd just annoy me with your comments on how everything is overpriced," Shiloh answered tiredly.

"Everything is overpriced." The man answered. "Who's going to pay fifty dollars for ripped jeans that look like they've been in the trash?"

"Exactly," Shiloh said. "Why don't you scamper off to the sports stores or somewhere else that proves your masculinity?"

He chuckled. "You aren't getting rid of me that easily Shiloh."

"You do know that it's really creepy that a complete stranger is calling me by my first name, right? "

"Well, how about I introduce myself? Then I won't be a complete stranger."

Curiosity got the better of him and he was oddly intrigued by the handsome stranger. "Fine go ahead."

"First, will you allow me to carry your bags and accompany you around the mall?"

Sighing through his nose, he figured there was no harm in that but the persistence of this guy made him feel discomfort. Sensing victory the man started to grin. Rolling his eyes, he said. "All right! But keep your suggestive comments to yourself."

He was a young man, handsome with a sly grin that always seemed to be playing at the corners of his lips. His hair was the color of rich, dark chocolate and styled in a messy, yet intentional way. His features were sharp and chiseled as if sculpted by a master artist.

Shiloh's cheeks warmed when those cool eyes landed on him. They were deep brown, like pools of molten chocolate, and they twinkled with mischief and intelligence. He moved with a cat-like grace, his every step was as calculated as a chess move.

The man smiled wide, exposing a set of pearly white teeth. Something about this man made him feel exceptionally troubled; his gut was screaming that something was wrong.

"Deal, Princess," he said slyly. "My name is Marcus Malfitano by the way."


SHILOH WALKED THROUGH the park with his fiancé, swinging their clasped hands and marveling at the sky, which was as blue as a robin's egg and the sun shone as bright as a diamond. Even the trees were as green as emeralds and the flowers bloomed as colorful as a rainbow. Shiloh sighed through his nose, taking in the air that was as fresh as a mountain breeze.

It was a day as perfect as a dream, made even more special by the company of his loved one.

The weather had been unseasonably warm, so they decided to take advantage of it and go walking through central park. Fall was his favorite time of year, not because of the brusque smell of bark and leaves in the air but the beautiful colors all around them. Dressing in a stylish navy-blue pea coat and his lucky black boats he hung close to his fiancé just wanting to bask in their togetherness.

"Are you okay?" Lucian laughed, feeling Shiloh's arm tighten around his.

"Yeah, I just missed you," he replied dreamily.

"Well, I'm here now," Lucian said. "I'm sorry I've been away so frequently…things have been crazy lately."

Instantly he was tempted to ask what things specifically but he knew his questions would be unwelcomed. Sometimes he felt like their whole relationship was for show and that Lucian had a completely secret life he knew absolutely nothing about. He could feel his dad's warning sending off giant red flags in his head, there was something peculiar about Lucian's secrecy. Maybe if it was some other day, he would have demanded to know what the hell was going on, but today he just wanted some peace.

"How about we have the wedding here," Lucian asked abruptly.

"What?" He asked. "No way."

"Come on, what's wrong with central park?"

"Even though it's hobo-central? And there's pee everywhere," Shiloh said wrinkling his nose.

"So? All we need is me, you, a priest, and a few relatives," Lucian replied. "It'll be short and sweet. We could even have the reception at your dad's house."

Shiloh's lips pulled into a frown, he turned away unable to think about the fact that his dad wouldn't be able to attend his big day. "If he comes…"


Shiloh sighed. "My dad can't come."

Stopping their pace Lucian turned to him sharply. "What the fuck do you mean?"

"He—He said he'd be on the campaign trail that week so he won't be able to fly back as quickly," Shiloh explained.

"If it's about the cost of the ticket—"

"It's not that. He just…look, you aren't his favorite person in the world and he just thinks I'm too young—what? Lucian!" he yelled as his fiancé suddenly spun around and started striding in the opposite direction dragging him along. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to march up to your father and declare my undying love for you because clearly, he doesn't think I'm serious enough," Lucian muttered.

Shiloh laughed. "Come on, don't be silly. He's just worried about me and he thinks I should be in college experiencing all those things that students do; alcohol poisoning, date rape, you know, the usual."

"Am I holding you back from that?" Lucian asked darkly. "Did I somehow manage to convince the dean that they shouldn't accept you because I'm some greedy bastard who can't be away from you?"

"No, of course not—slow down," he said, struggling to keep up.

"Call your father and tell him you want to see him for lunch," Lucian demanded.

"No," Shiloh said, wrenching his arm away from Lucian's.


"Because this is our day, I haven't seen you in so long can't we just enjoy it together? We can see my father tomorrow," Shiloh said stubbornly. "Now, we are going to walk through this park holding hands and I don't want to hear any more about it."

Lucian smirked shaking his head.

"Anything for you," Lucian said, taking his hand again. "Il mio bel ragazzo."


MARK WARNER WAS a simple man.

He loved his wife, adored his family, and kept the ones he loved close, often ruling over them with an iron fist and a soft heart. When his son came out as gay Mark had the shock of his life. At first, he didn't know how to act. He knew Shiloh was delicate, but he always thought that with time he'd change, and grow into his masculinity. However, he didn't and after Mark's first wife died things got even worse. Shiloh was bullied horribly at school, it was so bad that when he suggested moving to New York from New Jersey, Mark could do nothing but agree.

Shiloh was so much happier here and as a father, he wanted that the most.

It took him a while to accept his son and he's not proud of his behavior, but once he did, he began to notice how horrible the system was to LGBTQ kids and decided to run for congress to change that. Everything had been going smoothly until his life was shattered again when Shiloh announced he was dating Lucian Botticelli.

Since the day Lucian Botticelli walked into his life, he knew the man was nothing but trouble. He heard the rumors about the dangerous man because they were all over New York City. Nobody messed with the Botticelli's or else they'd disappear. Having ruled over the upper east side of New York for over a decade, they were known for money laundering, illegal drugs, prostitution, gambling, and worse; unexplained murders.

They had corrupted cops, judges, lawyers, and half the goddamn city eating out of their hands, the whole idea sickened him. What made things so unbelievably worse was that Shiloh was kept strategically oblivious to everything. Since he was sixteen, he's known nothing about the horrors that his fiancé has done. Lucian Botticelli stood for everything he was trying to eradicate by running for congress. However, he and his family seemed to be untouchable, and now that Shiloh was wrapped up in this mess people were starting to point their fingers at him. Mark scratched his head, wondering where his hair had gone in the last three years before loosening his tie.

"Tell them I'll meet them at the Café down the street," he muttered into the speaker phone.

"Yes, Mr. Warner," his secretary said, then hung up.

Seeing Shiloh for lunch was always a welcomed affair. He missed his son dearly, hardly having any time with him because of his travels and of course, his intense dislike for Lucian. Although if his son's fiancé was ever charged and convicted, he could go away for a long time, he could tell that Lucian loved his son deeply.

Some would say even past the point of sanity.

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