
Baelon Wakes





"Shut up."

My eyes fluttered open. A sudden rush of pain entered my brain, everything was hazy... but surprisingly clear.

I tried to find energy in my body but to naught, my legs seemed numb among with which everything else.

However, surprisingly... my legs moved. My eyebrow raised involuntarily. How? I did not even feel any energy being utilized.


My eyes widened as shock plastered my face. I was currently standing on the ground... when I simply tried moving my body again.

What the actual fuck is going on?... Is this heaven? I do remember trying to stab Aegon in the ass for doing what he did forcefully to Dyana.

I pinched myself, no pain flowed into my body. I pulled my cheeks, and once again no pain. Walking towards the window, I could see the entire of King's Landing, places lit up with lamps.

This was reality... no doubt.

*Chatter!!!- Chatter!!!- Chatter!!-*

Loud noises entered my mind, I stumbled onto the ground. Tears threatened out of my eyes or so I psychologically felt since when I touched my eyelid none were present.

"Argh...." A whimper escaped. So many noises. The rustling of the wind, the crackling of a fire, women moaning, churring of metals at the blacksmiths, and most of all people simply fucking drunk talking and cheering.

Make it stop...


Instantly the noises lessened and I felt them slowly leaving my mind, although I could still hear them lightly.

I definitely am not dreaming. A frown ensnared onto my face as I examined my body.

It was the same as usual but dare I say, I felt a little taller, a little more broader... touching my stomach, I felt it hard... lifting my cloth, I noticed abs.

What the fuck just happened? Aren't I supposed to be skinny, scrawny, and most of all sick?

Why the sudden change?

I mean, I am happy... no I am ecstatic but this seems unreal. Have I been cured? Is this how normal humans feel?

I glanced at the Hourglass, it was barely four, if I had to guess somewhere in the middle, probably half an hour for four.

Looking out of the window, I noticed the night sky having green and red rays as well. This never happened to me before... I could only think of this as an aspect of my characteristics.

However, I never knew of a human who could hear so many voices and even see red/violet/green rays in the night sky.

Nor had I ever read about such humans in novels except ones in the fiction genre.

Maybe I am a unique case? It may be because of my Targaryen blood... after all, we are unlike normal humans.

Even in Old Valyria, the dragon lords would constantly do blood magic and rituals that are frowned upon in Westeros.

That explains why I can move my limbs without feeling fatigued. After all, I have never experienced such strength in my life. What a relief.

It could be possible that since birth I have been struck with this superhuman condition but illness is a side effect of it... overcoming the fever and passing through my limits, finally lifted the side effect off, revealing what was underneath.

Wait... why the fuck am I able to speedrun my thoughts? Hmmm, another characteristic.


A frown formed on my face. Since before waking, the back of my mind has been whispering 'Blood' like a psychopathic maniac.

I jumped a few times in the air. It feels great jumping! I could never do this in the past. Excitement filled me, I could follow my ambitions and dreams now.

I was just about to leave the room when the corner of my vision saw something unexpected.

I walked towards my desk, a white sheet was kept straight with my seal. My visage turned cold upon reading it.

Renouncing my heirship, to Aegon over all the people. This had to be a joke. Just hours ago I tried to murder him through his ass for raping a person close to me.

Who wrote this joke and left it on my table? Anger seeped through my veins and rushed toward my face.

Once again it reminded me of the reality I was in. Sure, my body magically cured and became superhuman but that does not change the fact that vultures revolve around me in the sky.

Their eyes observe every moment of my life, just waiting for the correct moment to devour my flesh.

I would not let that happen. Now that I am healthy, I have the power to properly become a player in this game.

However, unlike others, I do not wish to be a player. After all, dragons do not play... they destroy. A vulture is nothing but smoked ashes in my front.

Aegon did not conquer Westeros in two years by parroting, he took what he wanted and burnt what he did not.

In other words, I will take what I want and burn what I must. I crumpled the paper into dust before looking towards the door... ready to leave.

The Iron Throne is mine by blood. Speaking of the devil, the back of my mind similar to a serpent whispered in my ears.


My head throbbed a little.





I gritted my teeth and sighed. 'Just shut up.'

I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me.

I would love power stones. Let's rank higher so we gain more readers which will in turn motivate me.

_oinkchancreators' thoughts
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