
Day 4

Lucas woke up without the horror of an alarm ringing and was happy that he finally felt like he had gotten enough rest. As he had nothing to do and nowhere to rush to, Lucas immediately opened his fourth day reward.

'Day Four Reward Has Been Claimed. Obtained Class Quest. You Must Fulfil Requirements To Obtain The Class Generated From Your Soul. The Requirements Are As Follows:

1: Kill 1000 Enemies Of Any Species (200/1000).

2: Have At Least Three Different Elements (Completed).

3: Can Not Be Specialised In Any Element (Completed).

4: At Least King Grade Potential (Completed).

5: Kill 5 Boss Monsters (1/5).'

"That doesn't seem too bad, I can probably get it done today if I try hard enough."

As he had fallen asleep in his clothes, Lucas was already dressed and wearing his equipment. Therefore, he saw no reason to bother getting changed or washing as he planned to go into multiple dungeons in a row. Lucas thought of creating a dungeon portal and one appeared in front of him.

He stood up and walked through it and he immediately found himself in a forest. He knew that the dungeon would be more difficult this time as his level had increased after going into the first dungeon.

He began to walk quietly through the forest in an attempt to look for monsters which he could kill. After a while, he found what seemed like a village surrounded by large wooden walls. Lucas climbed a tree to get high enough to be able to see into the village and when he did, he saw a large number of goblins and their homes.

As he had no stealth skills, the only option that Lucas had was a frontal assault on the entire village. He wanted to test out his new skill, so he walked directly in front of the village's main gate and activated his 'Flowing Ink Arms' skill.

The tattoos on both of his arms flowed out of his body and appeared floating in a much larger state above where his regular arms were. He tested out his level of control with them, and the arms did everything that his regular arms did.

He pulled his arm back and punched forward, despite his real arm not hitting anything, the ink arm smashed through the gate and loud shrieks of goblins could be heard. These came from goblins which had been directly behind the door and were injured, as well as goblins which were calling for assistance.

Lucas ran through the gates and began to kill every goblin in sight without hesitation and with absolute ease. The ink arms absolutely decimated every building in the village and eventually all of the goblins were dead.

Well, not every building was destroyed as Lucas had left the largest building for last as he assumed the boss monster was inside. He confidently walked towards the building and smashed the door open. Inside of the building, he saw a huge goblin with a crown and a large sword.

Despite the size of the boss and its weapon, Lucas was not intimidated and walked towards the enemy who had now stood up. He clenched both of his fists and sent out a fast barrage of punches at the boss which all smashed directly into its stomach over and over again. This caused a large hole to be formed in the monster, and it disappeared leaving behind a silver bracelet with a small metal sword attached to it like a charm.

Lucas picked it up and looked at its stats.

Item Name: Spirit Sword

Item Abilities:

+ 5000 Strength

+5000 Speed

Spirit Form: Takes The Form Of What Your Spirit Wants.

Hidden Form: Has The Appearance Of A Bracelet While Inactive.

Permanent Addition Of 'Swordsmanship' Passive Skill. (Effect Disappears After Initial Use)

Lucas was mostly impressed by the stat increase that the item would give him, but he was also happy to have a weapon and a new passive skill. He used his doubling ability to turn the stat increase from + 500 to + 10,000 and then he put the bracelet on and another portal appeared back to his home.

As soon as he went through this portal, he immediately opened another one and walked through it. This time, he found himself by the side of a lake and was surrounded on all sides by a steep mountain. The only option he had was to go into the water and search for enemies there, luckily he found them.

There were a large amount of monsters which had the body shape of a human but had the characteristics of a fish with their heads being mostly fish. Lucas wanted to defeat them, but found that he could not breathe underwater for long enough to get near them.

As his ability to cover his body in scales came from a hydra, he wondered if it would allow him to breathe underwater as hydras were monsters that lived in the water. Lucas activated his skill and covered his entire body with scales up to his neck and, as he had hoped, he developed temporary gills on his neck.

He dove into the water and swam quickly towards the monsters who were wielding spears and began to swim at Lucas as well.

He used his new item and activated his spirit sword. He still had the bracelet on when it was active, but the sword charm had disappeared. In his hand was a silver kukri sword which was curved just as it should be.

Lucas slashed with his sword and immediately cut the head off of one of the fish monsters. He continued on like this and defeated every fish monster that came his way until they eventually stopped. He continued to search the lake, and could not find any more fish monsters.

However, he did find a cave at the bottom of the lake which he proceeded to enter confidently. The cave went downwards further into the ground before going back up again which led to an area which had no water in it. Instead, he saw a large tree with a single fruit on it which he was curious about.

Lucas also spotted something else, as there was a huge snake coiled around the tree's base which seemed to be the boss, and also the guard of the fruit. Lucas did not particularly want to battle the monster due to its immense size, and he chose to use a skill which he had yet to use yet.

He opened his hand and pointed it towards the snake and thought about using a radiation beam, Lucas felt something leave his hand but it did not have any colour. However, he could feel the location of the beam, and he knew that it had connected with the snake.

Lucas waited for a while, and he eventually started to see the boss writhing around in pain and foaming at the mouth. Lucas looked upon this with happiness as his skill worked well, and he saw the boss disappear and leave an item behind.

Lucas walked to the item and picked it up before checking its stats.

Item Name: Giant Snake's Fang

Item Abilities:

Blessing Of Poison: Able to give an item the ability of poison.

Lucas thought that this could be helpful one day, and he put it in his storage. He could have used it on his sword, but he didn't know if he would receive a better item in the future. After this, Lucas approached the single fruit on the tree and plucked it before checking its stats.

Item Name: Fruit Of Potential

Item Abilities:

Able To Increase Any Living Being's Potential By One Whole Grade Underneath King.

Lucas looked at the fruit and decided to try and use double on the effect in case it would increase the effect and happily for him, it changed the fruit's ability into being able to increase any living being's potential by one whole grade underneath legend grade.

The fruit would not have any effect on Lucas as he was already at Legend Grade, but it would be useful if he tamed a monster with a lower potential. He could use it on Artaois, but it would only do half a grade increase whereas if he tamed a creature with a king grade potential he could make it legend grade which would be the best use of the fruit and reap the best rewards. Due to this, he put the fruit in his storage as well.

As there was nothing more for him to gain from this dungeon, Lucas checked the completion rate for the quests and saw that he had killed 600/1000 enemies and 3/5 boss monsters. It seemed as though the dungeons each had 200 monsters including the boss, or at least the last three had.

Lucas did not even bother returning home from this dungeon, and instead just opened another portal which he walked through. This dungeon was more dungeon-like than any of the others, as he appeared in a prison cell which was being guarded by large lizard men with horns that were holding short swords and shields.

Lucas did not want to waste any time and ripped the cell's bars off and walked through them. The lizard men attempted to stop him, but they were met with a splash of poisonous blood in their eyes which burned through their faces into their skulls. Lucas had cut his arm open with his sword to test his poisonous blood on an enemy. After a few seconds though, this cut disappeared due to his regeneration ability.

As the lizard men had died due to the blood melting through their faces into their brains, Lucas also wanted to test a new skill out as he used 'undead revival' on the corpses. This caused the flesh to fall off of the monsters and two skeleton lizard men stood up. As he had already killed them before, Lucas' domination skill was active and despite not choosing to make them his familiars, he could control them.

He chose for them to follow behind him, and proceeded to make his way through the prison by killing lizard men and reviving them in skeleton form. He eventually escaped the prison and found himself in a grand building which was full of stronger looking lizard men who had scimitars and attacked Lucas on sight.

However, they were met with the resistance of a mass of skeleton lizard men who had become stronger in death. Lucas also revived these and created much larger skeleton lizard men which he ordered to stand in front of him while the original lizard men skeletons stayed behind.

After searching the building and adding more monsters to his ranks, Lucas found a large door which led to a throne room which had what seemed to be a lizard man king on it. Instead of attacking it himself, Lucas ordered every single skeleton lizard man to swarm the king who Lucas assumed was the boss.

This caused an absolute overwhelming victory as the king's guard lizard men were destroyed as well. As the revived monsters were not actually that strong in the grand scheme of things, Lucas cancelled the skill and they returned to piles of bones.

Lucas walked to where the king had been sat and picked up the item that it dropped.

Item Name: Lizard Man King's Claw Necklace

Item Abilities:

Permanent Addition Of 'Lizard King's Claws' Active Skill. (Effect Disappears After Initial Use)

Lucas was pleased to have another active skill even if it didn't necessarily seem too powerful. It was then that he had a thought, his double skill allowed him to double the abilities of an item, so maybe it could double the effects of the skill an item provides.

He checked the item's stats after doubling it and was very happy.

Item Name: Dragon King's Claw Necklace

Item Abilities:

Permanent Addition Of 'Dragon King's Claws' Active Skill. (Effect Disappears After Initial Use)

The skill seemed to be a lot stronger and Lucas was happy to have gained it, but also happy that he had discovered a new feature of his double skill. Lucas then checked the requirements for his class quest and he was at 800/1000 enemies killed and 4/5 bosses killed.

As he only had one more dungeon that he needed to complete to finish the class quest requirements, Lucas opened another portal and walked through it. He found himself in a mountain range which had a large amount of monsters wandering around. Lucas recognised them to be trolls and wanted to test his new skill on thumbnut decided to pair it with scale manifestation as well.

His while body became covered in scales apart from his head, and his hands and forearms became intimidating looking black dragon claws as well as his feet and legs up to his knees becoming that of a black dragon's as well.

He burst forward with a massive amount of speed and before he even realised it, he was in front of a troll and his claws had penetrated its body and completely destroyed the monster's heart.

Lucas continued to bounce around with inane speed leaving a trail of dead trolls in his wake and eventually reaching the end of the mountain range which had a huge drop off of the side. Once he was at the very edge, Lucas heard a rumbling noise behind him as a monster pulled itself from the ground.

It was a ginormous troll with two heads and a massive axe which it wielded menacingly. Lucas had levelled up a lot in the dungeons that he had been in and wanted to test something out. He summoned Artaois as he remembered that his level would increase alongside his own.

Instead of the baby bear that had previously been summoned when Lucas wanted his familiar to come out, an eleven foot long and immensely powerful looking bear was in front of Lucas. H ordered Artaois to attack the monster, and even though he was huge In size, his speed was enough to make him look like a blur.

Before the enemy knew what had happened, multiple white blades of energy were sent flying at it which cut the boss into hundreds of pieces. The boss then disappeared and left behind an item which Lucas checked the stats of.

Item Name: Giant Troll's Eyeball

Item Abilities:

Whoever Eats The Entire Eyeball Will Be Able To Double Their Size And Change Back At Will As The Active Skills 'Double Size' And 'Return To Regular Size' Will Be Permanently Added.

Lucas did not want to eat the eyeball as the skill would not be very helpful to him and the method of gaining it was disgusting, but he did know someone who would have a use for it. He there the eyeball to Artaois who swallowed it whole and demonstrated his new abilities.

His size doubled and he became 22 feet long before he turned back shortly after. Lucas checked the quest completion and he saw that he had completed all of the conditions.

'Congratulations On Completing The Class Quests. You Have Received The Class 'Unbound' And Can No Longer Gain A New Class.'

Lucas checked his status to see what it looked like after gaining a class and levelling up a lot, but noticed that It had become overcrowded and messy. Due to this, he decided to try and organise his status and succeeded.

Name: Lucas

Age: 16

Species: Human

Level: 50

Potential: Legend (Can Increase)

Class: Unbound: Increases Effects Of All Skills As You Are Not Bound To One Path.

Elements: Radiation, Portal, Pet, Number, Hydra Constellation.

Title: -

Day: 4

Radiation Skills:



Radiation Beam


Radiation Immunity

Portal Skills:



Dungeon Portal


Natural Portals

Pet Skills:


Trust Taming




Number Skills:





Number Resistance

Hydra Constellation Skills


Scale Manifestation

Poisonous Blood


Enhanced Regeneration

Miscellaneous Skills:


Undead Revival

Flowing Ink Arms

Dragon King's Claws


Abnormal State Immunity


Familiars: Artaois (King-Legend)


Strength: 64,000 (+10,100)

Speed: 64,000 (+10,100)

Endurance: 64,000 (+100)

Magic: 64,000 (+100)

Looking at his status, Lucas was incredibly happy with the massive increase that he had experienced in his stats and abilities. He also wanted to check Artaois' status to see how it looked.

Name: Artaois

Species: South American Giant Short-Faced Bear

Potential: King-Legend

Elements: Strength, Moon.

Level: 50

Strength Skills:


Strong Bite

Strong Claws


Strength Increase

Moon Skills:


Moon Slash

Lunar Shield


Moon's Blessing

Miscellaneous Skills


Double Size

Return To Normal Size



Strength: 32000

Speed: 32000

Endurance: 32000

Magic: 32000

Lucas was happy with both his own and Artaois' statuses and created a portal home which he walked through. As he had spent the entire day clearing dungeons, Lucas was very tired and decided to go to sleep. He summoned Artaois who barely fit in his room, and went to sleep while lying on him.

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