
Chapter 76 - Danzo? More Like Donezo.

One hand casually resting in the pocket of his athletic pants, Jin unlocked and slid open the sliding shoji door leading into the inn room he booked for the next few days. Inside, he found two partitioned areas. Tatami flooring and bamboo walls gave the main room a traditional aesthetic, not to mention the simple furnishings like the square table in the center of the room. 

In the other partitioned room, he found a smaller area which had a closet containing futons. A small bathroom with relatively modern appliances was connected to it. Several amenities like robes, towels, and sandals sat on a shelving unit by the bathroom door.

'I might visit the hot spring later, but for now…'

Turning his head to look at the dimming evening light leaking in through the paper-like walls and bamboo windows in the main room, he chuckled to himself and stuck his hands in his pockets. Ever so briefly, his eyes moved upward to look at the ceiling. He could sense Shisui's life force there, but the kid did not put much effort into hiding, either.

'Guess he knows I can tell where he's at.'

Rubbing his chin in a thoughtful manner, Jin walked over to the closet and pulled out the futon within. He casually set it down on the floor, took off his outer windbreaker jacket, and crawled into it. 

Once settled in, he pulled his phone out, checked the chat group to make sure he hadn't missed anything important, and finally retrieved a small pill-like object from the inventory. He placed the pill in his mouth, unsummoned his phone after sliding back into his pocket, and then swallowed the pill. 

The next moment, he sat up. He looked down and saw his torso clothed in a white haori sitting up yet overlapping with his physical body sleeping soundly in the futon.

'Don't think I'll ever get used to that.'

Leaving his physical body behind, Jin stood up. He looked down at his attire and saw the loose-fitting black pants and sandals other Soul Reapers might have as well as his Zanpakuto strapped to his hip.

While patting Kokūnokoe's handle, he raised his gaze to look at Shisui again. However, the young Anbu showed no reaction to Jin's soul form. Just to confirm that Shisui could not see him, Jin jumped up and phased his head through the ceiling. Even then, the boy showed no response.

Floating back down to the floor like a leaf falling in the breeze, Jin thought, 'Good. Alibi in place. Let the trolling begin, then.'

* * * * *

Later that night, the young man with purple hair and eyes stood high up on a telephone pole deep within the residential areas of the village. He quietly observed the minimal night life of Konoha. 

So far, nobody noticed him in his soul form. Thus, his gaze drifted over to what looked like a gated community of sorts, albeit one that fit the traditional Japanese aesthetic common to Konoha. Although no clan symbols adorned the houses, he saw the surname 'Shimura' on the posts outside most of the houses and manors.

Not sensing the life force he was looking for, Jin summoned a barrier board beneath his feet and flew deep into Konoha's back forests. Following his senses, he eventually discovered a portion of the forest with multiple human life forces lurking beneath the earth. It did not take long to discover a set of stone stairs leading up into a well-hidden cave.

'It took a few hours, but I vaguely sense his life force in there. Glad I encountered him today, or I might have had trouble finding him quickly.'

Not minding the sentries or the alarm Jutsus set up in the air, Jin floated through all of them without anything identifying the presence of his soul. Just in case, though, he dispelled his barrier board in favor of using spiritual power to float through the air. Even though it demanded more of his concentration due to still learning how to use Reiryoku, he still did not know if the barrier magic could trigger any alarms while using it in his soul form. 

As such, Jin floated down to the cave and casually sauntered through the thick front doors as though they were only an illusion. He traveled deep into the bowels of the structure without paying much attention to the few guards posted along the way wearing Anbu armor. 

Eventually, he passed through an opening and reached a crossroads of railed metal pathways. Only a few torches illuminated the paths ahead. Both the left and right pathways led to dark passageways, whereas the one directly ahead led directly to an uplifted platform with an audacious throne-like chair on it. 

Led by his growing sense of the specific life-force he was searching for, Jin followed the path directly in front of him. He ambled directly past the small throne-like chair and through a set of metal doors behind it. There, he found his target seated at a desk looking through what looked like reports inscribed on ninja scrolls. Even with one eye bandaged, the man quietly perused the scrolls at a quick pace with his unbandaged eye.

'What a hard worker. Even an eyesore can have a positive trait, I suppose.'

Then, Jin retrieved a black fingerless glove from his inventory. A blue and red flame graphic with a skull in the middle of it was stitched to the palm. Jin slid the glove onto his right hand. He clenched his hand a few times to test the feel of it.

'A bit small. Guess Urahara's are smaller than mine or something.'

Shaking his head at the unimportant intrusive thought, Jin approached the brown-haired man seated at the desk. He extended his palm outward. Then, he shoved his palm against the side of the man's head. 

Finally feeling something with resistance, Jin shoved the man's head sideways. The force smacked through the man's head and sent his soul flying across the room. A chain attached to the man's chest clinked across the stone floor along the way.

Coughing after slamming against the wall, Danzo crawled to his hands and knees and exclaimed, "What?! Intruder! Root! Attack the intruder!"

Silence followed. 

Then, Danzo suddenly found himself struggling to breathe. He was still able to do so, but he felt like he had just come down with a high fever that completely weakened him. At that point, his eyes widened. His hand reached up and patted his chest. The chain linked to where his heart should be rattled in response.

"What kind of Jutsu is this?" He asked aloud. His eyes raised and immediately spotted Jin. "You! I should have known! I knew you had evil intentions! You'll regret this!"

"Hm. Well, too bad I don't think I will. In fact, there are millions who would probably cheer for your demise should they have been here to see it," Jin calmly retorted while knocking the man's soulless body off his desk chair with the flick of a finger.

Danzo's two black eyes stared at his body in confusion. Then, he struggled to his feet, reached up toward his right eye, and grumbled, "You've made a grave mistake, outsider."

Not showing much reaction, Jin sighed and looked down at the man's physical body that showed no signs of life except for subtle breathing. 

In response, Danzo smirked confidently and moved to undo the bandage around his right eye. The moment his hand touched where the bandage should be, he froze. Then, his hand patted his face all over. His face contorted in horror. His two black eyes quivered anxiously. Finally, he noticed the white robes that had replaced his normal black and white clothing as well as the lack of wrinkled white skin that had become a common sight on his right arm.

While the man started panicking in the corner, Jin's arm reached toward the man's body. He cast a barrier around the right eye and pulled it out of the socket. An eye with a red iris and four black pupils slid through gaps in the bandaging and into the air. 

"Looking for your friend's eye?"

Without saying anything else, Jin floated the eye over to his hand. Then, he summoned his phone. The Sharingan eye turned into particles sucked into the screen. The phone then followed suit and vanished from his hand again.

Seeing this, Danzo grit his teeth and started forming hand seals. However, he froze again halfway through upon realizing that he could no longer feel the molding of chakra in his body.

"What have you done to me?!"

"This is the form of your soul. I simply pulled it from your body."

"Who are you and what village are you from?!"

"Are you familiar with the Shinigami?"

Danzo paled.

"No. Impossible. The Shinigami doesn't look like a human. Do not play games with me. It will only take moments for countless shinobi to storm this room and take you down regardless of what you have done to me."

"Think whatever you want. I'm not interested in playing games with you."

The next moment, Jin drew Kokūnokoe from her sheath and sliced through the Chain of Fate connected to Danzo. Instantly, it started disintegrating.

"What did you just do?" Danzo anxiously asked. He cautiously watched the chain dissolve. He even tried to activate the self-destruction seals on his body, but even then, nothing happened.

"I just want to know what happens to the souls of this world when their Chain of Fate is broken now that I know they can have one here. Testing it on a corrupt figure in power like you seemed like a good idea."

"You… Why are you doing this?"

Jin paused. Inwardly, he considered that his current actions were quite dark compared to anything else he had done in this new life of his. However, when he recalled how he had been used and thrown away as a soldier in his last life by powerful figures like this character in front of him, he inwardly came to terms with it.

While reminiscing on his days as a soldier in his previous life, Jin smiled wryly and answered, "Many people from this village taught me important lessons when I was younger. One of those was actually yourself, but that particular lesson was that even the most vibrant of trees can wither and die if there is cancer in its roots."

"You have no right to interfere in the affairs of our village! Who are you to critici- AhhhGGHHHH!"

Before Danzo could retort, the chain link directly attached to his chest disintegrated. He roared out due to a searing pain as a hole slowly ripped open in the center of his chest. White liquid leaked from his mouth and gradually took on the spiritual aspects of Reiki. All the chakra from his original body then siphoned over in what looked like chakra strings and morphed into Reiki as well.

"Huh. I didn't expect this. Fascinating… Perhaps a bit gruesome, though. Don't think I'll ever do this again."

While the white liquid-like substance spewed out of the man's mouth, Jin met the man's pained and furious glare. Frowning, he activated his geass. 

The next moment, the two found themselves in a world of white.

"What is happening now?" Danzo angrily asked.

Jin avoided the man's gaze and hid out of sight as soon as the man's memories started constructing a world around them. He left the man to get lost in his own memories while looking for anything useful he could glean from the memories. 

After what felt like days, Jin left the man to alternately loop back through the memory of when Tobirama chose Hiruzen to be the next Hokage as well as a memory of losing an eye and arm in the Second Shinobi War. Meanwhile, he tested his ability to peruse the man's other memories. He took his time studying all the Jutsus, Seals, Taijutsu, and knowledge hidden within the man's mind and committed them to memory as best he could aside from the basic Jutsus he would receive from Hiruzen later.

'It's a good thing my rote memory has improved alongside my other powers.'

He didn't really know how much time he spent studying techniques in Danzo's memory when he finally decided he could no longer glean anything from it. Hence, he left Danzo to stew in his worst memories and exited the mental space. 

Outside, Danzo's hollow transformation accelerated. Without his mind awake to fend off the transformation, it proceeded at breakneck speed. The white substance gradually formed a large misshapen mask that looked like it had multiple formless faces on it. His body bubbled and bulged. As the seconds passed, he ballooned outward until he looked like a four-legged chimera of sorts with a bone-like mask sporting the multiple indecipherable faces. As its body fully took shape, the hollow hole moved and took root near where a right eye would be on the biggest face of the misshapen hollow mask.

A loud hollow roar echoed outward, rattling Jin's eardrums. The entire underground Root fortress shook as though beset by an earthquake.

The next moment, a hand slapped against the hollow's mask. From it, a blue beam of lightning fired directly through the hollow's mask. The hollow's bellow stopped.

"Hado #4, Byakurai."

Jin then floated back down to the ground and watched the hollow slowly dissolve into ambient Reishi. His eyes narrowed as the energy fused into the world itself.

'First time using that one, but it's even more effective than I expected. Now that the hollow is dissolving like this, though, maybe I should keep a close eye on this world in the future in case anything weird happens.'

Outside the cramped office, Jin felt multiple life forces approaching. Thus, he shook his head and jumped up through the ceiling into the earth. He only briefly glanced at Danzo's lifeless body that looked like it had passed away from a heart attack. 

'So long as nobody outside Root knew about Uchiha Kagami's Sharingan, they should assume he died of natural causes. I wonder what will happen now with him out of the picture.'


A/N: Shoji - A sliding outer partition doors and windows made of a latticework wooden frame and covered with a tough, translucent white paper

You should gib stones for such justice. Make Konoha great again, lol.

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