
More Than That

Fuyuki, Japan,

Fuyuki Church,

Okita Souji..... no, that wasn't her name. She was an Alter, an alter of the person that was actually the famed Japanese warrior. She, was also a Counter Guardian, people who had signed contracts with the combined subconscious of Humanity, Alaya, something that only sought the race's continued survival and progress.

Well... it sounded nice and all but it really wasn't, they were worked to the bone and treated like dogs. Sent across multitudes of timelines to deal with whatever Alaya considered unneeded or a threat, often powerful entities.... It didn't matter to her much though.

To Okita..... Okita Alter, doing what was told to was the only thing she knew to do. That's why like many missions before this one, she had without much thought on it, attacked the target she was given...

Ignoring the shocked gazes of whoever had been standing nearby, she easily put her blade through the heart of Roman Trambelio, the anomaly that couldn't be foreseen, the one person that was nowhere to be seen in any other timelines and the one person whose future was hidden to everything, someone who was actually, albeit with twisted meaning, free in this world.

A variable wasn't something the powers that be wanted.

Though, even she didn't expect what came once her sword, Rengoku, had actually passed through his heart.

From what they knew, he was a human.... That was why her eyes opened wide in alarm when his limp neck twitched just a moment or two after she'd stabbed him through the heart.

"Y-You...." The tall woman, no, servant standing nearby trembled in barely hidden rage, an ominous aura rolling off her figure as purple thunder flashed around. Raikou was mad, mad to the point where her other self had started to come through, her gaze turned sickly and a wicked smile formed across her face, this pest.... this pest had stabbed her Master! The one being that accepted one like her!

Okita ignored the raging servant, more focused on her task, and leaned a bit down before twisting her blade and ripping it out from the side horizontally. To ensure his death, she, in that same movement, spun around and sliced through the flesh that made up his torso, effectively cutting him in two halves....


That backfired though, as a lightning covered fist smashed into her face right after, sending her tumbling into the background... Still, she'd managed to react in the nick of time, using her sword to block the hit.

Releasing an unsightly roar, the Berserker servant launched at her, smashing her elbow into Okita's head and then kicking her in the sides, once more sending her flying.

Just as that fight began though, something unusual was happening with what Okita had left behind.

".....What?" Waver knelt down next to his friend's 'corpse', his tone was one of disbelief and his eyes wandered around trying to understand, one moment the man was standing there and the next someone had cut him to pieces?

"...." Gilgamesh stared at the 'corpse' intrigued, he knew the magician wasn't dead... No, it wasn't that easy to kill someone like that, he could 'see' that the man wasn't dead. Still, these people were reacting a little too adversely...

"R-Roman..?" Irisviel nearly fell back, horrified at the sight before her, it was only because Kiritsugu immediately grabbed her that she didn't fall on the cold hard ground. She wasn't used to such sights at all, it was even more mortifying that one who lay in two halves right now was someone she held dear..... This... What was going on?

She understood it but her mind denied it, it couldn't be right?

Still, Kirei and Kayneth understood immediately, neither of them were close to him and they'd seen far worse so it barely affected their mental states. It was however, ironic that he fell to one of the servants that had been summoned as a consequence of his actions and so damn soon too.

"....." Artoria averted her gaze, telling herself that the man had deserved this...


Waver partly shouted, recoiling physically, his words drawing the attention of everyone there to Roman's body again.

"....How is this possible?" Kayneth incredulously observed Roman's fingers twitch.

"I expected no less." Iskander grinned widely, there was no denying the man was shrewd. Getting killed was the one thing the King of Conquerors did expect the magus to plan for, who wouldn't? Still, it was an awe inducing thing to witness.

Under the shocked gazes of the other magi there, Roman's blood turned darker and far thicker before suddenly his eyes shot open,

"Hurensohn, that's never a nice feeling. You're gonna have to do a lot more than to get me."

Roman addressed someone that wasn't even there in the first place. The two halves of his body rejoined once again, the blood knitting them together before disappearing as if it had never been there in the first place.

A certain condition activated spell, or rather, an ability born of the True Magic he wielded. On the off chance that he were to die, he would instantly be revived and put back in the state he was just prior to dying. One of the many nonsensical abilities he'd made with the Magic, after all, he could 'desire' an ability right? It was more costly sure, but also far more efficient and beneficial.

In silence, the Magician stood up with slight difficulty, dusted off his coat and fixed his collars, before glaring in the direction his yet unnamed attacker was in, he wasn't expected to let go of this though right?

Sure he came back but it was bloody painful.

"What the hell just happened?!"

Waver lost his shit..

People don't just come back from the dead like that after all, even magi.

"So Magician, are you done playing around?" Gilgamesh raised his head, folding his arms, it would surely be some entertainment befitting one such as himself... The King of Heroes pondered on whether he should contract with Roman.

Once again, a shocking piece of news was delivered to those unaware.

"Ja.. I'm thinking I make a little bang. Isn't that great? You get to be entertained." Roman smiled calmly, raising a hand to the front and clenching his fist, "Fall."


"H-How could you?!" Raikou slashed in an arc, only for her katana to collide with a bigger pitch black one, her superior strength however rendered the block completely useless and Okita was sent crashing into a building. The Berserker pulled out her bow instantly, drawing and firing countless arrows in less than a second, arrows coated in purple lightning.

Yet she wasn't done, no, she was nowhere near done.

Raising her katana diagonally, she growled as thunder surged from her blade once again. Slowly, it coalesced into a wild and roaring pillar of destruction that she then brought down on her enemy, not caring for the civilians that would get caught up in it.

Commanding the thunder of the heavens was Raikou's right as the Divine Child of the Storm God who ruled over the skies, the Gozu Tennou.

Lightning arched around, sizzling and tearing asunder everything that it came across as it fell on Okita's unmoving figure.

The Counter Guardian, having manifested under the Saber Class, held most of her true power too.

To combat what was before her, she too deployed a part of her noble phantasm, "Absolute Sword." A golden hue covered her pitch black as she pulled it back, holding it by the bottom of it's hilt, "Begone."

A crimson line appeared at the centre of the blade.

Okita thrust forth her sword, releasing a brilliant black beam that seemed to eat away at the very world itself from it's tip.

Such was her power, three beams of light as one that had no end, the power to erase even that which did not exist.

Purple lightning clashed with a brilliant beam... No, it was no clash. Okita's attack extinguished the very existence of her enemy's.

That was her own noble phantasm, an attack performed with her sword, able to annihilate or remove from the world what which was not supposed to exist, or even what cannot be allowed to exist.

Yet, it wasn't nearly enough to stop the raging Raikou.

What she'd used then wasn't even a fraction of her true power, blasting off with a sonic boom, the Berserker once again swung her sword at the Saber Class Counter Guardian. Her hit however, was blocked by Okita who was now starting to get used to her movements.... Raikou wasn't a beginner either though and grabbed Okita by the throat the moment she moved to block her initial swing.

With a roar the Berserker slammed Okita into the ground, and the ground, unable to handle the force, cracked and collapsed inwards.

The two were moving at a speed where those who bore witness could only see small glimpses, the next thing they knew was either death, injury or ruin.

"....." Okita stared up at Raikou, her emotionless stare seemed to confuse the Berserker for a moment, "Why?" The Counter Guardian didn't understand her rage.

She wouldn't be getting an answer either though as just as Raikou opened her mouth, both of their eyes shot to the side. Their very instincts warned them against the sudden fierce shift in atmosphere...

Something was coming... Something extremely powerful.

Their guesses were right too.

For the very next instant, an enormous force crashed on both of them, pushing them to the ground, the buildings around them cracked and fell down and the humans were crushed into puddles of blood..... or were they?

The terrain around them had been flattened in but a moment.

The only sound that came then was that of a distinct finger snap.

Okita barely noticed Raikou disappearing before the force increased several folds further.

Yet, whoever was attacking her then wasn't done at all.

A brilliant flame came down from the sky and when it neared the ground, the earth seemed to bend and move away, as if afraid of coming into contact with whatever it was.

A sea of flames erupted from all around, tearing open the very earth.

.... But it didn't really frighten her much... What could fire do to a servant?

That was precisely why her eyes widened in shock when she felt the searing heat coming from the flames as they neared.


"You can call me petty if you want."

Roman observed the destruction he'd brought about with a hand on his chin, he had just created what was essentially a miniature star, turning more than several districts of Fuyuki to scorched Earth in an instant.

Who knew how many had died from that even if he dissipated not more than a few seconds after it's creation.


Share thoughts.

Awwww shit, did Roman just wipe out a part of Fuyuki? Did he just kill a shitton of people? Do you think he'd do it? Does he have it in him to do it?

Did he finally lose it?

Did you jump to a conclusion without reading the next chapter?! Did you aSsUMe?!

For those confused, don't worry, everything is about to be explained.


P.S: The hate got to me and I'm dropping..

.. Nah I'm just fuckin with ya, it's bloody hilarious when authors do that though no kiddin.


Oh yeah, anyone got any input on how him and Tamamo been developing? I personally have a 'Damn, I wrote that?' face each time I go over it.




We need new cover... Anyone got suggestions?


You can find up to 7 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/stoned_face

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