
First Day, Not Impressed.

The walk to the classroom is what I can only describe to be tense. Momo seems ecstatic to finally become a hero, constantly looking over at me with sparkling eyes at every cool thing she sees, me being forced to follow.

She'd tried dragging me along earlier on the walk, but [First Attack Immunity] triggered when she reached for me and I couldn't for the life of me muster up any resistance at the sad look on her face afterwards, so I now have to walk hand in hand with her across the campus.

As I was saying, underneath all that excitement there's an underlying fear in her, of not being good enough, not being worthy. I'd tried to talk to her about it several times but when you're immortal just because you thought hard about it once it becomes difficult for people to take your advice on things like this seriously. Even still, I'm happy that she can enjoy this. Things will go downhill very quickly from this point on.

While I've been pondering along, it seems as though she finally got a grip on herself and realised we need to get to class, awkwardly shuffling away towards the door once she found it on a map.

When we walk in, the place is almost completely empty barring 3 people. Todoroki, Iida and Sato. There isn't much fuss made about our entrance other than a raised brow from Todoroki and some words about my sword from Iida. I tried to explain that it wouldn't come off but he wouldn't have it, so I just walked away.

When we finally sit down, Momo once again turns to me and asks a question I hadn't expected someone to ask in the middle of a classroom rather than the privacy of her room, but she does maintain some discretion.

"You'll stay by my side, right Reinhard? All through UA?"

"Of course, Momo. I wouldn't dare do such a heinous thing as leave such an adorable thing like you alone."

Honestly, I'm confused as to why she asked that question, but all I can sense is immense relief coming off of her with [Emotion Reading] so I'll just take it for what it is.

After that, she simply sits down and reads through some notes she made after having a scan through the syllabus and focusing on scheduling and how to efficiently spend her time outside of school.

"Say, Reinhard, would you like to train with me? It saves us time and allows us to have 7-10pm free with eachother."

"Momo, much as I would love to, I think it would be better for me to train you. After all, I have a [Divine Protection] that increases knowledge learned for anyone I train by 450 percent."

At this point, she doesn't even bother showing the exasperation, having fully come to terms with the fact that I am a walking Quirk dispenser before eagerly writing that into the schedule book in big capital letters.

Time quickly flies by, and both Izuku and Bakugou enter the classroom, the former after the latter, with Bakugou looking a lot less aggressive than I remember. Maybe decimating the competition in the entrance exam showed them I meant business, and he wasn't used to the challenge.

Just as I'm about to try and see if I can use the [Divine Protection of Demand Sleep] to fit a quick power nap in, my [Life Detection] alerts me to a being moving outside the classroom. Guess that's the queue.


The scraggly man himself, Aizawa finally decides to get out of his bag after being noticed by the other students, but not before shooting me a look that spoke of danger when he noticed I had locked eyes with him several times over the last few minutes. He stands up to the podium and begins laying out uniforms across the main table.

"My name is Shota Aizawa. I'm your homeroom teacher. Now, put these on and head to Field Gamma. And Astrea, drop the sword you won't need it."

I'd reached the limit of how much I can take being told the sword needs to go so I make sure to get all eyes on me before I walk over to the window, grab Reid and drop it straight out of the 13th story window. A few seconds later, and it literally just appears on my hip.

"I can't, Sir. The sword won't let me. Reid has been with me since I was a child, after all."

He grumbles something incoherent entirely, even to my [Enhanced Senses] so i just ignore it and grab a uniform before heading to the changing rooms with [Swiftness], having already finished and reached the field by the time everyone else had arrived.


Now, I stand on the field alongside an irate Aizawa who's not a fan of waiting. After a few terribly disguised glances towards me, he opens a can of worms for a conversation.

"Nezu told me you're a bit of a special case. Care to explain what that could mean?"

"If by special case you mean currently the strongest living being on the planet then I suppose you are indeed correct." He scoffs.

"Arrogance will get you nowhere in this profession. You're saving lives, not your ego."

"I suppose you'll just have to come to terms like the rest of them. A shame."

The man clearly does not like my responses, having already considered me a brat with a God complex and too much power to back it up, a possible danger if left unchecked. I appreciate the caution, at the very least.

Finally, after a few minutes of awkward silence between us, the rest of the class file into the area, having wondered where I was the whole time and eventually finished.

I shuffle towards the middle of the group, not trying to make myself an outlier before realising that Aizawa will call on me either way for his little assessment, which as of right now the class is going crazy over.

"Those of you who do not perform will be deemed liabilities, and expelled on the spot."

Way to encourage teenagers into the profession of life saving heroics, beat them down mentally and make them develop inadequacy complexes just to pull a sike.

"Astrea. You scored the highest on the entrance exam, beat the previous record too if I'm not mistaken. What was your high-school ball pitch?" Huh. Didn't know that.

"I've never done one before, Sir. This is a first time experience for me."

He chucks the ball at me and tells me to throw it as far as I can, all out he wants. I just grab it and get into a pitcher stance, pointing at the air. I want this fucking ball out of the stratosphere and I'll have it happen.

Every muscle in my body tightens like a wind up coil, the Divine Protections in my blood and the innate power my body has enhancing my strength hundred fold over and over, a cycle of multiplication.

Finally, after having held on for long enough, I let the coil loose and watch as the ball disappears from sight entirely, a small shockwave of wind being all that remained of it, pushing back those near to me slightly.

I hadn't noticed it while doing so, but Aizawa had activated his Quirk on me during my throw, hoping to humiliate me enough that he could try and subdue my ego as he believes, however now all he has is dirt in his eyes and a whole lot of questions for his boss.

"Infinite." He says in the most dry voice i can possibly imagine. Just like that, the testing begins.


It doesn't take a genius to know that there are eyes on my now. More specifically, Bakugou, Todoroki, and All Might. I would say Izuku but he has been oddly quiet recently and the only eyes on me other than those are Mineta's, which are seething in anger after learning that myself and Momo are engaged once he saw what she wrote her name as on her uniform.

I will happily say that the simple act of writing a name that, while not entirely mine, represents who I am now and identifying herself as a van Astrea gave me more joy than I had anticipated. Honestly, she's so fucking wholesome, her existence is a blight on evil. I mean seriously, its the Yaoyorozu Dynasty, i don't think she could take my name if she tried.

Anyways, as I was saying, the eyes of Bakugou and Todoroki settling on me have been getting more and more droopy as the tests go by. Grip strength? Crushed. Side steps? [Swiftness] not required.

Finally, I had come up against Todoroki in the 50 meter sprint challenge. He didn't say a word but his eyes radiated hatred. I don't even know what I did wrong.

The gunshot erupts and he immediately sends ice around him in a blast, before speeding off by using momentum and smooth ice to effectively slide around. Sadly, it didn't mean anything because by the time he had ready considered the thought of entrapping me in ice. I had already crossed the finish line, abusing [Swiftness] sure is fun.

His seething glare only deepens as I send him a sly wink, eyeing the score I received of 0.03 seconds before going back over to Momo to discuss further training for her.


The tests continued along the same path as one might expect, with Izuku being the last up on the throwing list. Though, because of Aizawa's already mounting frustration at my immunity to his Quirk, he took out quite a lot of it on Izuku, basically saying that he is worthless and a disgrace to heroism for expecting to coast with such a powerful Quirk.

I get the feeling he was discreetly mentioning me there, which makes zero sense considering I have aced every test I have been in displaying skill and control with my power but okay pal.

Anyways, the throw goes the same, a broken finger and 700.3, an impressive score considering he barely made throwing contact with the ball. I can never not be intrigued by the wellspring of power power held in One For All. Wasted potential if I might say.

The moment he finishes his throw, Bakugou in an enraged frenzy throws himself at Izuku, explosions in his hands until suddenly he finds himself on the ground, my knee on his throat as he struggles desperately to take a breath, his hands bound facing his head rendering him defenseless.

He snarls and screams in anger, his fury reaching the eats of everyone present until finally I decide to give him a bit of a shock and lightly smack both of my hands against his ears, not enough to shatter his eardrums forever but enough to cause some pain.

He stops for a moment, screaming in both pain and anger before eventually settling his most venomous glare at me and deciding to stay still for a moment. That moment is when I choose to get off of him, though the very next second I find myself suddenly dodging to the left, [First Attack Immunity] having activated, and seeing Aizawa's special scarf in my previous position when I turned around.

Yet again, the man is pissed off at me, but quite frankly his anger is misplaced. Bakugou literally just tried to assault little Izuku, all I did was remove the threat.


In Aizawa's unlimited wisdom he decides to try and go for a second toss of the capture scarf, intent on binding me to make an example I assume. Yet again, it is dodged, [Second Attack Immunity] causing the throw to be null and void. He looks both angered by his inability to pull me in line but also just my ability to dodge him in general.

I'll make an excuse for the man, maybe he's had a bad day at work, maybe the home life isn't too happy. Either way he goes for a third strike and I won't be a very happy student.

He resorts to his default, incoherent grumbling as a way to reduce the tension of the situation before putting up a results board on the small screen he brought along. Myself, proud at first place. He may hate me, but he can't deny numbers.

Izuku goes through his same little spiel as before in the story when it comes to his supposed expulsion but I don't pay any attention, instead choosing to look over at a sweating All Might and give him a small thumbs up. Unsure of what to do, he simply gives me a thumbs down.

Honestly I would say this entire thing has been mentally exhausting but [Mental Strength] means that isn't physically possibly for me anymore, that thumbs down however may just have proven me wrong.


After the test, I had decided to enjoy the scenery on the walk back to UA with Momo, which was a mistake because now I'm in the male changing rooms surrounded by people who seem to gravitate towards power.

"Hey, Reinhard, how come you're so strong? Honestly you make the rest of us look like chumps. Whats your Quirk anyway?" Kaminari innocently asks, hoping to find out possible weaknesses, or maybe just spark conversation.

Either way it always comes back to the Quirk. Hell, the entire room has gone silent now, people intently listening in to find out what power I wield. I think even the girls changing rooms have gone quiet too. Todoroki and Bakugou, and Izuku unsurprisingly seem the most invested by far.

"Alright, I'll bite. I call it Divine Blessings. Any power I wish for is granted to me, no matter what it may be, as long as in that moment I truly desire said power."


His voice is feint in response. Nobody knows how to process what they've just been told. It seems like such a Godly ability, any power at the tip of your fingers, free Quirks just because you wanted it.

"Yes, I know. Why, I'd wager that with all my Divine Protections, I'm one of the strongest men currently alive, but that's just an estimate."

"Pfft. Yeah right, no way that's a real Quirk. You're probably just trying to make yourself feel better, huh, you fuckin wannabe samurai?"

I simply give him a smile before exiting the changing rooms, leaving him to think on what he saw for himself. I don't need him to believe me anyway, it's not even a real Quirk. God forbid I tell them about [Sword Saint] or Reid.

I will not lie, though, seeing the look on Todoroki's face was interesting. It was a mix of familiarity and confusion, he must assume that no such ability would exist without Quirk Eugenics.

I will not he held accountable for my actions if he tries to act as if my parents are like his father.


After finally returning home for the day, we are met with Gillard who gleefully listened to Momo telling stories about school. He tries to get my input every now and then, but Momo just cuts me off with more excited rambling.

Honestly the guy seems like a better father than Safuku, that much is for sure. That becomes clear when dinner is served and the conversation witu him lasts for around 3 sentences, all focused on how we compare to our classmates, if we thinks we want to stay at UA and whether anyone had approached either of us with romantic intentions.

He is extremely invested in our relationship after all, already having told each of his friends in the aristocratic circle he has that his darling daughter has found the perfect man and that our child will be perfect.

I would honestly say the creepier aspect of it all was the eery silence Miko gave. No questions, not even a response to Momo when she greeted her. The more I stay here the more I realise this family isn't right.

Its a problem I'll need to address later, but right now I'll just enjoy the usual bedtime routine. Snuggles, embarrassed kisses from my adorable wife and plotting how to kill every big bad guy without being considered one myself.

Siguiente capítulo