

The drive from Seattle had been smooth sailing up until we crossed into Colorado. For the past three hours, we've been followed by an unmarked black 4x4 SUV with tinted windows which made it impossible to see who the driver was.

"Fucking hell" John cursed as he made a sharp turn onto a remote road making me slam into the door, "sorry Kai,"

"It's fine. Do you think he found us?" I asked and before he could reply my phone, a phone disposable phone I had bought four hours into our drive from Seattle, began to ring. I looked down at the screen and saw Rick's number flashing on the screen, "how did he get my number?"

"Don't even think about answering, Kai" John warned

"As if," I replied pressing the ignore button but a second later it began ringing which was driving me insane, "where are we going?"

"Somewhere safe. But right now I'm going to lose them as best as I can because where we're going, no one is supposed to know," he replied and I furrowed

"Then how do you know how to get there? Or know of it if no one is supposed to know?"

"Because it's my home. This place is the safest place for you to hide in," he said as he continued making turns left and right for the next half hour before finally, we lost the SUV, "throw the phone out. He's probably tracking you down, how? I have no fucking idea but you need to get rid of it"

I nodded doing as he said and lowered the window before tossing the cellphone out the window not caring where it landed before John made a new turn onto the expressway once again before driving off and down a long winding dirt road.

"What did you mean by that the place you're taking us is your home?" I asked and before he could reply, we were coming towards a large black gate that has two intricate R&R engraved on them.

"That's not import right now, Kai, what is important is getting you into safety," he said stopping in front of the gates where two heavily armed men in black suits that had the same R&R letters on the left side of their suits stepped forward and inspected the car before giving John for his ID before we were giving the green light and the gates opened allowing John to drive in, "before we go on, I have to tell you that no matter what happens inside these walls, that I have brought you here for your own protection not only because you're not only my best friend but because I know the person who owns this place will do a better job at protecting you than me"

"You've protected me good enough, John," I said and he smiled before assuring me out of the car.

"Welcome home, Commander Alexander," a chorus of voices greeted as we stepped out of the car. I frowned looking at John but he only nodded at the people greeting us. Commander?

"Has the Don returned from his trip yet?" John asked and the old man dressed as a butler shook his head, just like guards guarding the gates, he and the others behind him wore suits that had the two uppercase 'R's on the left side of their shirts while the maids had them on the corner of their skirts and shirts.

"He should be on his way with his brother and brother-in-law," the butler replied and John nodded

"We'll wait for him in his office," John said and the old man nodded giving him a bow before he moved aside as John turned to me, "Come on,"

Even though I was confused beyond belief, I nodded and followed John inside. The inside, just like the outside, was breathtaking. As soon as you walk in, the first thing you notice is the marble floors that have been waxed to perfection that you could practically see your reflection on the floor. The next thing you notice is that in the center of the foyer there was a black marble table with a beautiful assortment of white and yellow flowers. And just behind the table stood two grand stairwells that led to the second floor. I had to crane my neck up since the ceiling was tall maybe 20 ft tall with a hanging crystal chandelier.

"Come on, you'll have plenty of time to gawk at the house," John said snapping me out of my trance, "we need to be in the office before the Dom and bosses arrive,"

I said nothing and just followed him down hall of the foyer towards a set of double doors before pushing them open. The double doors apparently led to an enormous office. It had a two-floor book shelve that nearly reached the top of the ceiling. There was floor to ceiling window behind a large mahogany desk that had piles upon piles of folders and other items such as a laptop, cup filled with pencils and pens, and a small lamp. In front do the desk was a large white sofa with a throw blanket over it. There was also a small black loveseat with black and white pillows. And like the foyer, there was a chandelier hanging but unlike the crystal one, this one was black.

"Damn" I whispered with wide eyes as I looked at the room.

"Sit down, Kai" John murmured and I nodded and not even second later one of the double doors open and in walked one of the most intimidating yet most handsome males I have ever seen in my life. He was tall maybe 6'3 with black hair that was styled perfectly. He wore a two-piece black tuxedo with a white button-up shirt underneath and matching black shoes. What caught my attention, even more, were the tattoos that covered every inch of his skin from his neck to his knuckles.

"Don" John greeted as he stood up before bowing to the male the had just entered making me frown even more in confusion. What's a Don?

"Commander Alexander," the male stated before his eyes turned to me, I don't know why but this guy not only intimidated me but also gave an aura of safety but I couldn't place my finger on what that was, "who is your companion?"

"My apologies, Don, this is my friend, Malachai, but he prefers Kai, Jacobson" John replied and something flashed in the male's eyes before it was gone and he nodded

"What seems to be the problem?"

And so John explained then recent situation we have found ourselves in, but I couldn't help but feel that he was skipping around but the male only nodded before saying, "are you sure they didn't follow you here?"

"Yes, I made sure to make the necessary turns to loose them. I also had Kai toss the phone he had purchased on our way here away incase he was tracking us,"John said and the man nodded.

"Alright, I'll have Tony and the others do rounds to make sure that they hadn't followed you," the stranger said before facing me and I swallowed the lump on my throat, "and you, you'll remain inside at all times and will be guarded 24/7 until I deem it safe for you to roam around without guards."

"Wait, wait, what?" I asked shocked and confused, "you can't lock me inside it's against the law!"

"It may be against the law but you will be safer indoors while Rick is still out there Kai,"John said before the stranger could speak and added, "remember when I told you that I'd bring you to a safe place if and when Rick found us?" I nodded, "this is what I meant by that, Dom Zeke will keep you safe from Rick so please just bear with it for a while until we know Rick is no longer a threat."

I ran my tongue over my teeth and looked between John and the stranger, Zeke, before nodding. Something told me that my life was about to go on a crazy yet adventurous ride.

"Okay, if you trust him, then so will I" I replied and John nodded.

"You're safe here, I promise"

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