
Chapter 2

“Thanks–wait. Wait a second, how do you know my name? How did you know it’s my birthday?” He was going to say more until he saw the burned, crumbled, ruined wreckage of the orphanage across the street. He slowly tried to stand, both girls leaned in to help him, but he brushed them away as he stumbled forward.

“This…this happened in the morning. Why didn’t firefighters pull me out? How am I alive? It doesn’t even look like…anyone has been here! Parts of it are still glowing!” He yelled as he pointed to some spots of glowing embers amidst the wood.

“We’re going to try and explain but you need to come with us. My…family has a spot nearby where we can talk. But we need to talk there.” Sara said, gently placing a hand on his shoulder.

“It’s not safe for us to be here, Jeremiah. Especially for you right now.” Nymia nodded in agreement.

“Especially me, what is that supposed to mean? I have no idea what’s going on and…F*ck fine. Not like there’s anyone else to tell me what's going on.” He said with an exasperated sigh as he turned back to them and let them lead him down the street.

He took a second to take in his ‘saviors’ as they walked. Sara was a little bit shorter than him and seemed fairly petite in build, her black hair was long and tied into a ponytail behind her. Both of them seem athletic and plenty strong considering they seemed to be dragging him with no issue, but Nymia was an inch or two taller than him and was definitely curvier than her friend. He shook his head a second and sighed.

“Leave it to a teenaged boy to be checking girls out in a time like this.” He said to himself quietly.

Nymia seemed to glance over at Sara who met her eyes when he said that, but they didn’t say anything to him as they reached an old weeping willow tree whose leaves and branches made sure you couldn’t see past.

Sara gestured forward “Into the tree, let’s go.” As she casually walked through and vanished.

Jeremiah looked confused and looked around, his eyes wide as she vanished “I thought her family had a place nearby and what just happened to her?”

Nymia nodded and grabbed his hand “They do, right in here. Don’t worry about it.” She walked inside, and he followed after her and they stepped out the other side and into a beautiful forest glade, the full moon shining on them from above in a sky full of stars.

“How-” Jeremiah started to ask, but Sara cut him off.

“Alright, we are gonna do this quick, and we are going to need to be a little blunt so…sorry. I’m what’s called Wolf Shifter, honestly pretty self-explanatory. My people have access to what’s called moon magic, it’s how we made this little…pocket glade in a tree. Nymia is-”

Nymia suddenly took over “A vampire, of a very prestigious vampire line, and also Sara’s best friend. Nice to meet you.” She said with a bit of a laugh “You, Jeremiah, are very interesting though. I can feel the power in your blood from here.”

“And your scent isn’t fully human, it isn’t fully…anything. It’s muddled, which isn’t something that’s happened to me before.”

Jeremiah just looked at the two of them before nodding slowly “If I hadn’t just walked into this place, I probably wouldn’t believe you but…I kind of have to. But what do you mean not human? What do you mean by power in my blood?”

“What power indeed!” Exclaimed another voice, walking in from the other side of the glade. Jeremiah jumped but Nymia put a hand on his shoulder and smiled.

This man had short white hair and was wearing fairly plain clothes. A gray t-shirt and jeans. He was also wearing a long silver coat, which seemed out of place on him.

“He’s a friend, don’t worry.”

“My name is Kalus, and someone tried to kill you today, someone named Laricus. He’s an old shifter who wants your power for himself but, we can’t let that happen. So, you need to head on up to what we call a Nexus point, the closest one is a magical spot up in Maine. That’ll answer that question of yours. ‘What power's in my blood’, I believe it was?” He said with a knowing smirk.

“Maine!? Seriously? I can’t just go! I need to make a statement about the fire and…” He paused as Kalus shook his head.

“Someone used very illegal magic to start that fire. No mortal authorities are going to even notice it happened, and no normal people will remember you or anyone inside.” Sara told him sadly.

“So, your only bet is to wake up the power inside you, and these two lovely ladies are going to help you out.” Kalus said with a smile.

“What!?” exclaimed Sara, surprised and annoyed that she was being volunteered.

“Fun.” Nymia said with a smile of her own.

“Fun!? No this isn’t going to be fun, come on Nymia, we can’t just leave to Maine! My pack will freak out if I don’t get permission and your dad-”

“Won’t even care! He won’t even care, Sara. He doesn’t mind me vanishing on adventures every once in a while. And from what I remember, your pack didn’t mind when we ditched town for a couple days for that concert a month back. This is important, girl, come on, let’s help him out. Look at him.”

Nymia took Jeremiah by the shoulders and made sure Sara was looking at him “He’s helpless.” She accompanied that statement with big, red doe eyes, batting her lashes a couple times at her.

Jeremiah scowled and tugged away from Nymia for a moment. “Ok I may not know what’s going on but that was rude.”

Kalus interjected “Rude but not entirely…incorrect. The less you know in this world the more helpless you are and you…well you don’t know anything. Sara, you’ve got to help him.”

Sara rolled her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose a bit with a sigh “Fine! Fine. The two of you are the absolute worst. We’ll help him. What is it, an eight-hour drive to Maine?”

“A little bit farther to get to the Nexus, but about that, yeah.” Kalus said.

Nymia nodded with a smile “Perfect, we’ll hop into one of my cars and we’ll get on the way!” She said as she turned around and began to walk out, until Sara grabbed her arm and kept her from leaving. Nymia gave her a bit of an annoyed stare. “You’re going to say something entirely uncool right now.”

“Yes, I am, we are going in mine. We came in mine because it was inconspicuous, and we are going to keep that kind of energy going forward. We want to be careful! He’s being hunted, there is illegal magic involved. We are taking my truck.” Sara said, leaving little room to argue and it was all just too much for Jeremiah.

“Don’t I get a f*cking say in this!?”

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