
Chapter 95 R-18+

"What!?" Momo said in confusion. That was a leap even for Issei.

"Just think about it another way. Irina was my childhood friend and her father taught me everything I know about the supernatural and he even told me family. The fact she ONLY called once every few months should tell you all you need to know."

"I knew the chances of me returning to Issei's side were practically non-existent once my training began, so I tried my best to move on using my training as a distraction. I failed miserably, and ultimately the promise of speaking to Issei was what drove me to get to where I needed to be in as an exorcist. When we finally spoke, I felt relief and comfort for the first time in ages, but I realized that I had to find a way to go without it which I why I tried to limit myself. Ultimately a few months was as long as I could last before needing to call him again and that was fine until I found out about Issei's new reputation from Alana." Irina explained.

"At first, I was happy for Issei because he was able to move on from me. However, a part of me wondered what it would be like to still be with him. What it would be like to hold him in my arms. Seeing what the girls said about him and even the videos made it more difficult."

"That doesn't answer my question Irina." Momo said angrily.

Irina took a deep breath and sighed, "The answer is no I wouldn't. You girls showed me that Issei was far too special for me to keep to myself and since I knew what it was like to be away from the warmth Issei provided, I couldn't do that to others. I wanted to call him more than I did but I forced myself to keep to the schedule" Irina admitted.

"I see." Momo said awkwardly.

"So, what are you going to do now Irina?" Issei wondered.

"I'll tell you tomorrow what we've decided but I've gotten in the way for too long" Irina smiled before leaving.

"Alright" Issei smiled as Irina left to return to her room.

Meanwhile Momo couldn't shake the odd feeling that was bothering her, 'This should've been a good moment but why do I feel so uncomfortable' Momo thought to herself.

"If you want to go say goodbye do it." Issei spoke up catching Momo off guard.

"What do you mean?" Momo wondered nervously.

"Irina didn't say as much but I know she's going back to England. I can't speak for Xenovia but as for Irina, she's returning to the church and this was going to be her last moment. You felt it too which is why you feel awkward." Issei smiled.

Irina probably wanted to cuddle and/or have sex one last time before she left but seeing Momo she couldn't interrupt.

Momo couldn't help but laugh internally since this was very much Issei, "You're right." Momo smiled before leaving his grasp.

Momo made her way out of Issei's room and over to the guest room where the two girls were staying.

As she walked in, she couldn't help but smile at the surprised look on Irina's face.

"Momo what are you doing here?" Irina wondered.

"I wanted to talk to you one more time before you leave. You ARE leaving right?" Momo teased.

"I don't know." Irina admitted.

She was torn about staying or going and while she was leaning towards going, she didn't really want to.

The three pillars of her life were God her partner and Issei.

With God dead that left her partner and Issei and admittedly choosing between them was impossible.

"Hey Momo, do you know if Sona has any room in her peerage." Xenovia spoke up catching both girls off guard.

"You can't be serious Xenovia!" Irina exclaimed since that changed everything.

"But I am, I don't feel comfortable going back to the church after all of this and seeing as how I can't really be a normal human, being a devil sounds fine." Xenovia admitted.

She knew nothing outside of the church and although the devil mindset was different, there was no way she could be a normal person.

Momo could appreciate that but there was one problem. "Sona doesn't have any room in her peerage. I'm sure Rias does though." Momo said bitterly.

"That's fine. I'll ask her tomorrow." Xenovia said calmly.

"What will you do about somewhere to stay." Irina wondered.

"That shouldn't be a problem actually. The Gremory owns an apartment building and most of the girls in the Sitri live there also." Momo spoke up.

"I was actually thinking of staying here. Issei is a wonderful guy and I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

Momo and Irina both agreed that Issei would be okay with it, but they wouldn't allow it. "Tell you what. When you ask Rias to join her peerage see what she wants you to do. If Rias says it's alright for you to live with him, you can ask Issei afterwards." Momo said diplomatically.

Rias would never do that which meant everything was set

"Alright. Well it's time for me to get some sleep. We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow." Xenovia smiled in understanding.

"Agreed" Irina smiled and everyone went their separate ways. Tomorrow promised to be pure insanity.

(Scene Skip)

The gang was back in the ORC clubroom the next day and ready to go, "So what have you guys decided." Rias wondered as she looked towards Xenovia and Irina.

Xenovia was naturally first walking over to Rias, "I'd like to become a member of your peerage." Xenovia smiled catching Rias off guard.

"That's a surprise but why me?" Rias wondered.

Considering that she'd been staying with Issei, Rias suspected he wouldn't want the now former exorcist anywhere near her.

"Well I do get along better with Sona, but her peerage is full. My life has always been a part of the supernatural and I can't just become a normal girl yet." Xenovia admitted.

"Then why not join up with me." Valerie spoke up.

"Valerie" Rias hissed in annoyance.

Valerie looked at the girl dismissively before focusing on the bluenette, "I have a team of my own and you can still be a part of the supernatural without you needing to become a devil. Keeping you in Kuoh isn't a big deal either." Valerie smiled.

"To be honest, I don't trust you." Xenovia said bluntly.

"Ouch" Issei chuckled despite Valerie's dirty glare.

Rias smiled at the response but had to stay focused, "If you want to join me that's fine Xenovia. We can discuss the details later." Rias smiled before turning to Irina. "I take it you're returning to the church"

"That's right. Somebody needs to return to the church and deliver the full report" Irina smiled bitterly.

'Along with the Excalibur' Irina thought to herself.

She was actually lucky that everyone was so distracted by Issei's rash move that they forgot about Valper and Freed because Issei had no explanation that wouldn't cause him a headache.

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