
Halo Wars

Sean slowly woke up from his bed seeing a naked red head next to him making him smirk before turning her head revealing her to be Yoko Littner. Yoko slowly opened her eyes and yawned before Seeing Sean and smiled before kissing him.

"Morning Handsome." Yoko said making him chuckle before his phone rang making them sigh before he answered it.

"If this isn't a life or death situation Talbot I'm going to kill you." Sean said making him chuckle.

"Sorry. Hate to drag you away from your love life but we have something on the planet Harvest." Talbot said making Sean raise an eyebrow before sitting up.

"Harvest is mostly a farming planet for the past 3 weeks. Plus it's mostly a cold place." Sean said getting his clothes on.

"Yeah thats what the Covenant thought at first but now we believe the Forerunners might have been there. Guess what they found in the ice?" Talbot asked.

"Another Relic?" Sean asked.

"Yup. You know the drill only humans from Earth can open these things." Talbot said.

"Prep the Spirit of Fire for launch." Sean said hanging up as he got his shirt on.

"Whats going on?" Yoko asked sitting up while flashing him her bare breasts.

"I'll get back to you on that." Sean said leaving.

Later on Harvest

Sean and Talbot were in front of a large door that was Forerunner in origin.

"Commander." An Elite known as the Arbiter said. "The Hierarchs grow impatient. We can delay no longer." The Arbiter said.

"Shouldn't we wait to make sure its safe first?" Talbot asked.

"I will take the responsibility if something goes wrong." The Arbiter said.

"I'm sick of waiting in the cold anyway." Sean said opening the doors to the relic.

Soon the soldiers from Earth, The Covenant and the Republic looked inside the relic.

"Amazing." Frank West said taking pictures of the Relic.

"Frank be carful." Sean said before spotting an orb of sorts and approached it. He was about to touch it when Batman stopped him.

"Shouldn't we wait first?" Batman asked.

"Nothing ventured nothing gained." Sean said before he continued where he left off and touched the object before a large projections of star systems appeared.

"Not what you were expecting was it?" Frank asked.

"Hmm." Sean said in interest seeing the star systems before one that was unknown to him appeared. "There. We've never been here before." Sean said.

"Shall we send a fleet to investigate?" The Arbiter asked.

"Not yet. Let me see what else I can find." Sean said before blaster fire was heard making him turn around and see a brand new design of battle droids. "Commando Droids! Take Cover!" Sean yelled as the soldiers fired at the enemy.

"Looks like your little buddy is interested in this place to." Frank said.


The group fought off the droids before arriving back to the fleet.

"In the 60 seconds I had to examine the damn thing it pointed to two different star systems. One of which is already in use the other is unknown." Sean said to the prophets of Regret, Mercy and Truth in hologram form.

"Arcadia is the system already in use. Mostly a vacation spot for the rich." Talbot said.

"And the unknown?" Truth asked.

"Still unexplored space. Arcadia has gone dark the last 2 days. I recommend a small fleet be sent there to investigate. Once thats out of the way we can investigate the unknown system." Sean said.

"Agreed." Regret said.

Later at the Arcadia

A group of five heavy cruisers approached the planet seeing signs of a space battle over the planet.

"Records show there was a small space battle against the Trade federation. Two republic cruisers were destroyed." Sean said.

"Hey looks like were getting a signal on the radio." Frank said.

"This is Spartan Group Omega. Any allies within the system please respond over." A spartan said.

"This is General Talbot." Talbot said.

"General the Trade federation and their allies have invaded the system. We need reinforcements in order to evacuate the remaining civilians." The Spartan said.

"Copy that." Talbot said.


After evacuating the planet of civilians the fleet sent in more forces to investigate the planet of any Forerunner artifacts.

However now they were dealing with a new problem.

"An energy shield of new design. Regular weapons wont be able to penetrate the shield. However Covenant weapons might be able to destroy it if we can get close enough.

"Would it not be more efficient to vaporize the area?" Truth asked.

"We'll just destroy whatever is there. The Trade Federation came here for a reason." Talbot said.

"I agree we must find out what they are doing." Regret said.


After using the less heavy weapons the fleet soon managed to get on the ground and investigate the area.

"Well what do we have here?" Sean asked seeing a small memory device on the ground before playing it. The Device gave the same exact location as the Relic device did.

"Something about this doesn't feel right." Batman said.

"Tell me something I don't know. Clearly whatever was here is leading us both to the same star system. Whatever this places leads to must be important. Probably Forerunner tech." Sean said.


The fleet arrived at the star system seeing a desolated planet.

"The Flood. This planet is consumed with the flood." Regret said in concern.

"So I've noticed. See if we can find some entrance to wherever it is we need to go." Sean said.

The Fleet was soon over an ocean.

"Scanners show a large opening under the water. I need time to hack into the system and open it." Batman said.

"I don't think we really need to." Frank said as a large door opened up.

"Ahead full." Sean said.

"Copy that." Captain Cutter said.

Soon the fleet went into the door before appearing inside the planet where a small group of Trade Federation battleships were at.

"Ah hell. Captain get those guns up now!" Sean yelled.

"Yes sir." Captain Cutter said.

With the combined efforts from the fleet the enemy cruisers were destroyed.

"Am I the only one who's completely freaked out by the fact that we're inside the damn planet." Frank said.

"Forerunner tech Frank get used to it." Sean said. "Truth I want you to call in the entire Covenant fleet including High Charity. Whatever is here the Trade Federation wants badly." Sean said.

"Understood." Truth said.

"Sir theres some kind of Platform ahead." Captain Cutter said.

"Get a pelican ready." Sean said.


"Amazing." Talbot seeing seeing a large handful of highly advanced ships.

"Thats whats this is all about. The Trade Federation wanted to find these in order to advance their fleet in high tech weapons." Sean said before seeing a similar device from the Relic. "I wonder." Sean said approached the device and placed his hand on it and slowly but surely the ships became active.

"Commander whats happening?" Captain Cutter asked.

"These things are the Forerunners fleet. Truth we're sending the ships to High Charity. I want these ships observed and studied. We found the holy grail of forerunner weapons here." Sean said.

"Astonishing. Such majestic power." Truth said.

"We'll see how the Trade Federation handles our new arsenal. As for the planet. I'm recommending a small station to be built here and eradicate the flood if possible. They cant seem to effect magic." Sean said.


A high ranking member of the Trade federation groaned as he was impaled by a red glowing lightsaber. The person who killed him was known as Darth Maul the Sith lord.

"That is the price of failure. Failing my master is not an option when it comes to high value targets." Maul said in anger.

"Enough. The Dark Rider said to his apprentice. "Whats done is done my friend. "Let the alliance enjoy their small victory. In time it will not matter." The Dark Rider said grinning under his mask.


"Outstanding work son." Lane said.

"We really have to thank the Trade Federation for this. If they hadn't been so desperate to find these ships we might not have found them ourselves." Sean said.


Turok was heading To Sean's office when Roland walked up to him.

"Turok." Roland said.

"Oh hey Roland. Need something?" Turok asked.

"Well I was hoping perhaps you were available for a hunt this weekend." Roland said.

"Hunting?" Sean asked coming from his office.

"His father and I used to hunt some of the most fierce creatures in the world. Legally of course." Roland said making Sean chuckle.

"This almost reminds me of an incident 13 years ago." Sean said.

"Another one of yours and Talbot's big adventures?" Turok asked.

"Yeah. And trust me this incident I know even Roland has heard about." Sean said remembering the incident well.

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