
Let Go, I

[Your Title "Monster Hunter" is rejoicing!]

'To use it...'

After facing it and watching it being used countless times, Mark had figured it out.

Wind Magic.

For Beasts, it required a roar.

For the Guardian, for Storm Eagles, a flap of their wings.

For Elisa, a swing of her dagger.

And, until now, for Mark, just like the Beasts, a roar or a wing movement.

He tried using the Wind-Type Magic Skill to produce a Wind Blast with his palm the same way he would a Fire Ball, but it didn't work.

Mark's clenched fist approached Zephyr's body.

A body so strong and sturdy that punching it felt like hitting a gigantic boulder.

'What is needed is...'

The instant his fist was about to collide with the targeted area,

Wind Blast-



Zephyr was instantly pushed a couple of meters away.

Unfortunately, the power wasn't enough to damage the Armor that covered his body.

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