
Chapter 52 A New Era


It took Mo Fei quite a while to recover from the mental pollution he had just experienced. When he looked at the character panel again, the Ancient Black Dragon Morphis was still there, only now it was black.

He clicked on it.

[System Prompt: Program error, this character is a non-player character and cannot be selected.]

Non-player character? NPC? Had Morphis turned into a wild BOSS?

Mo Fei was stunned for a moment, and it took him a while to recover from the shock.

Did this count as completing the mission? It should, right? After all, Black Dragon Morphis indeed hadn't died, and, theoretically, he had fulfilled the contract. But Mo Fei seriously doubted the company would accept such an outcome.

Mo Fei felt a bit of a headache coming on. He logged out of the game just in time to see Death's Shadow emerge from the helmet as well.

"How did it go, did you log off safely?"

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