
Chapter 37 Mo Fei's Plan

Once home, Mo Fei immediately took out a chilled beer from the fridge and took a big gulp.

Feeling the icy liquid coursing through his stomach, his shaking hands finally steadied.

He took a deep breath and sat on the sofa, beginning to replay the events of the evening.

The night had indeed been crazy.

The first thing he considered was the matter with Wang Ziheng,

Was Wang Ziheng scared? Without a doubt.

Would he call the police? Probably not, as he hadn't actually done anything to him, but rather he himself had gotten hurt. It would be difficult to clarify who was right and who was wrong if it really went to the police station.

But would Wang Ziheng just accept the proposal he had offered? Mo Fei had his doubts. The other party seemed to submit on the surface, but it was all under the condition that he had absolute control. If he let him catch his breath, would he still accept such an agreement?

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