
Chapter 17


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Iida's stomach fell when the green hooded villain stood before him. He should have moved when he had the chance! Kurogiri began to loom over the students, his eyes burning with malicious intent. "Thank you for your aid, my friend. But it appears you are not needed here. I am fully capable of detaining these children myself."


Iida's eyes shot to Ochako, who had grabbed hold of the metallic collar around the living cloud's supposed neck. Activating her quirk, she flung the collar into the air, with Kurogiri going along with it. "Go, Iida!"

The tape boy then shot a strand at the vortex man and swung him even further away. "We can handle the smoke guy! Just get past him!"

Iida snapped his head to look back at the bunny-eared villain before him. Deku held his Taser-Knuckle threateningly, pulling the trigger to emphasise his weapon's power.

The spectacled boy recoiled at the villain's intent, however, he had finally pulled himself together. No matter how fast this scoundrel may have been, the little brother of Ingenium was faster!

Iida broke into a high-speed sprint, charging for the villain blocking his path. He'd knock him out of his way if he had to, as long as he could get through that door.

Deku failed to register how fast the boy was going...which made his plan all the easier to pull off.

Throwing his training and practice in the underground ring to one side, Deku made the laziest, sloppiest swing with his Knuckle he could do.

It was child's play for Iida to swerve out of the hooded villain's attack and pass by him as if he were standing still.

In the split second the two beside each other, the masked boy had whispered something small and hopeful in the speedster's ear. "Hurry."

The class president passed the bunny-eared villain, and rocketed out of the USJ, heading straight for the main campus.

As Iida let his turbocharged legs carry toward his destination, he thought back to how he managed to avoid the hooded villain's attack, and yet he had the skill to get past Sero, Sato, and Shoji like it was nothing.

He couldn't fathom it, but...did that villain...let him go to get help?

The class president shook his head. There would be time to ponder on that later. right now, he had to get to the rest of the teacher's and let them know about the attack. He could only hope that he could make it back in time to save his friends...

Deku watched the dust trail of the young speedster dissipate into the distance. He heaved a thankful sigh before looking back to the rest of the group.

Ochako and Mina, the pink-skinned girl, were by thirteen's side, while the tape-elbow, yellow suited, and multi-limbed boys stood before the boy, ready for a fight.

"...Guess I wasn't quick enough." Deku played off his failure as the bad guy he was supposed to be. The boy figured that it was only a matter of time until the spectacled boy reached the main campus.

If Shigaraki was as competent of a strategist as he thought he was, once he got word of one of the students getting out of the building, then there was no point in sticking around when the rest of the heroes showed up.

Deku sprinted forward at the three students, his goal to get back to the centre of the facility.

"Don't let him get a-!" The tape boy, Sero, called out before the boy slipped by them. "...way."

As Deku headed for the stairs, he caught a glimpse of Thirteen, laid out on the ground with her suit ripped apart.

The two girls were huddled up by her side, looking over her wounds to see if there was anything they could do to help her.

The brunette looked up at the green hooded boy passing them by. Her tear-filled eyes contained a level of sorrow, pain, and fear that struck deep into the young villain's core.

For the first time since he became a villain...Deku felt like the bad guy.

And he didn't like it...

The green hooded boy kept up his pace as he bounded down the stairs. Once he made it to the bottom, though, he saw something that nearly made him tear off his mask and throw up on sight.

Eraserhead, after taking down nearly every villain that had invaded the school, was now pinned to the floor, with his right arm broken and disjointed, in the grasp of the giant abomination that was meant to kill All Might.

"Eraserhead...I'll admit, it's a good name that goes great with your quirk..." Shigaraki mocked as the beast took hold of the underground hero's other arm, and squeezed.



"But when you're pitted against raw power such as this, you might as well be Quirkless..." The hand-man giggled cruelly.

Eraserhead attempted to lift his head, only for the Nomu to grab hold and smash his face into the pavement.

Deku grimiced at the site. The young villain had worked with many gangs of criminals up till now, most of them being practically harmless.

But the League of Villains...these guys were monsters.He prayed that the spectacled boy was as fast as the real Ingenium and that he got back here with support soon.


The green hooded boy turned to where the strange noise came from. At the edge of the Flood Zone, he could see three more students hiding in the water, watching the brutal display of their teacher being tortured with wide, fear-stricken eyes.

A red-haired girl wearing a black eyemask, as well as another girl with long dark green hair, with the facial features of what looked like a frog, wearing a dark and light green diving suit with goggles on her head. The last of the three looked like a boy with...grapes growing out of his head?

His attention was drawn to the hand-man, where the living cloud appeared beside him. "Apologies, Shigaraki. But I'm afraid one of the students managed to escape and go for help."

Shigaraki went as still as a statue, not moving for an uncomfortable few seconds that felt like minutes. He then reached up to his neck and began erratically scratching at it again, bringing up his second hand and almost digging into his skin. "Kurogiri...I'd turn you to dust if you weren't our ticket out of here...!"

He relentlessly clawed at his neck like the madman he was made out to be until he suddenly stopped. "We don't stand a chance against a whole swarm of heroes...Looks like the game's over before it could even begin...Guess it's time for us to go..."

"They're leaving...?" The grape-headed boy in the water asked hopefully. He then broke down in quiet thankful tears as he latched onto the frog-girl by his side. "Thank heavens, they're finally leaving!"

"Keep it down, Mineta!" Itsuka hissed at the boy.

The grape-boy, Minoru Mineta, did as he was told and kept quiet. However, the frog-girl, Tsuyu Asui, felt the little grape-boy give her chest a gentle squeeze.

Looking at the boy's face, she noticed the distinct blush and flared nostrils on his face. With a stone-faced expression, the frog girl dunked the perverted hero student underwater, refusing to let him up no matter how much he flailed and gargled.

Deku would have been glad to hear that they were retreating if it weren't for the large pit in his stomach that told him that something bad was about to happen. It grew even worse when the hand-man turned to the submerged trio.

"But before we do..." Shigaraki spoke lightly, before snapping toward the three students and ran straight for them. "Let's leave some dead kids behind for the Symbol of Peace to morn!"

Deku dropped his stoic persona the moment Shigaraki descended on the children, reaching out a desperate hand toward him. "NO!"

It was too late. Shigaraki clasped all five of his fingers around Tsuyu's face, who showed emotion for the first time with a look of terror, and...nothing happened.

Deku was confused for a second until he figured out what had happened. Shigaraki realised what had stopped him from turning the girl into ash, turning back to glare at the one who stopped his fun. "You're starting to get on my nerves...Eraserhead!"

The underground hero was miraculously still conscious. He had lifted his head and activated his Quirk at the last second, stopping Shigaraki from dusting the poor girl.

The Nomu retaliated by grabbing the teacher's head and slamming it to the ground once more.

The hand-man then turned his attention to the green hooded villain who called out to him. "And you...!"

The hand-man began to stalk his way towards Deku, seeming to completely forget about the three students he was about to kill.

Tsuyu stayed frozen in shock for a while longer until she took a sharp intake of breath to regain herself.

Itsuka held her by the shoulders for support, while Mineta was finally let up for air, ironically gasping for his life like a fish out of water.

Deku felt every nerve in his body screaming at him to run, but he refused his body warning and stood his ground as the Leader of the League lumbered his way over to him. "Where do you get off...telling me what to do?"


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Toji_Fushigorocreators' thoughts
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