
Invasion Motherwill

"Choom? The pod is filling up!" Rebecca shrieked over coms.

"Inertia Dampening Fluid." I explained, "No need to panic, your suits are sealed and it won't impact any of your gear. And your insides won't turn to soup when this ride comes to a sudden stop."

I relaxed as my suit connected to the ships system, giving me mental control of the space faring vehicle and producing an intense out of body experience as the intercepted signals from my brain essentially turned me into the ship.

"Okay people, prepare for link to the weapons system." I announced, "Do your best to clear out any incoming missiles. I trust my Driving Skills to get us through, but I'm sure the ride will be more fun with an interactive portion."

The revolver like spacecraft included enough laser turrets to provide full coverage defense. I'd focused on energy weaponry due to the raw weight of ammo required for conventional options versus putting a fusion core in the damn thing and running it for a thousand years. Overheating is the last remaining engineering concern, but not a greater constraint than it is with powder weapons, and with the manual venting system a Welles Arms Laser Rifle is only down for at most a handful seconds at a time in combat and the ejected heat can even be used as surprise weapon in close range encounters.

Plus, unlike my Smart and Tech Weapon products my laser weapons aren't just best in class, they have no competitors unless Texas has more surprises for me stemming from interdimensional elf magic.

I probably jinxed myself with that thought.

I felt the take off more though the sensors of the ship than through my body as the Inertia Dampening Fluid performed admirably insulating me from the G forces. The deluge jets of water hit the initial engine ignition creating great gouts of steam billowing out from the launch pad, and the transporter erector flung back from the rocket as we lifted off and left the nearby Badlands Park behind.

As we rocketed higher and higher into the atmosphere the plume expanded into an almost starlike seven points from the seven engines as the thinning air no longer contained the exhaust. At the peak of our trip as the final vestiges of blue sky transitioned to starry black a jet of sideways propulsion flipped the craft and we began our blitz back to the earth and our collision course with the Spirit of Motherwill.

Over half of our rapid descent maintained the kind of peace and awe of the ascent, but then the missiles came into play and our rocket ship lit up like a disco display of death. The IDF came in clutch when the first smart missile slipped through our defensive fire and a side set of thrusters burst into life shooting us in a violent quick boost away from the incoming explosive.

This happened again and again, each boost with enough force to murder a standard human, but the people inside the ships protective tanks felt only a tiny fraction of the sudden bursts of movement. The final boost put us right on target with the imminent clash with the upper of the three swinging runways on the fore of the ship, threading us just under the main guns during the final flip that nearly sheared the sturdy craft for the turn and burn maneuver that prevented us from punching through the runway.

The ships laser turrets turned to full power and targeted all defensive installations in sight, carving through metal like butter before overheating and ejecting to weaponize the meltdown. The drop pods burst open only after the shockwaves from the turret explosions subsided and our team hit the red hot deck running while the AI core on the shuttle attempted to break the massive construct's Blackwall level cyberdefenses.

It didn't have the power to do so, but with the access shard strapped to me in a containment device and a port with administrative connection to the Spirit's servers the AI would unleash a horde of demons in a digital attack of viciousness not seen on this world since the Datakrash.

That was the endgame, though. As for the next step I whipped out my Masterkey - a chainsaw with monomolecular teeth and magical fire - and inserted it into the vault door separating the outside world from the core of the Arms Fort that looked something like four megabuildings squashed together.

When I kicked open the door what I saw on the other side almost caused me to freeze long enough to eat buffet of hot lead. All the armed crewmen in sight were wearing cowboy hats. In fact they looked like someone took a movie poster of sci fi cowboys and put them down in front of me.

I almost didn't want to kill them, but almost wasn't enough to save those men from the fiery death of my laser rifle.

Kenworth took point after that and led the way with his dual Gatling laser guns, both affixed to only one of his thick arms. His other arm contained a rail gun and a battery of smart guns that came into play when the standard crewmen and defensive bots were reinforced by a dozen 8 foot tall borgs moving as fast as drag racing cars. The monocrystalline ceramic composite with an ablative layer of heat-displacing ceramics and foamed metal armor these guys were packing resisted laser fire incredibly well.

Any attempts to hack the borgs would have taken far longer than outright destroying them and our lasers carved down two on the approach, but the borgs maneuver around the barrel of Kenworth's railgun. He still clipped them with the spread on its multi slug retorts, but the incredibly armored borgs wouldn't go down without a centermass hit. Something far easier to achieve with the hail of smart weapon rounds slamming into them.

As they ran at us they fired heavy machineguns with explosive rounds that tore up the front layers of my big borgs armor, but one with a power sword (a big mother fucking sword requiring power armor or full body conversion to use) made the mistake of coming in for melee combat and ate shit when Kenworth's wrist mounted chainsaws deployed and carved through him and his sword in one sweeping strike. The rest started back pedaling as Kenworth charged and soon we'd seen the last of them crushed underfoot as we advanced into the heart of the massive machine.

I managed to hack a maintenance terminal and get us a map of the fortress while the others fought off the near endless waves of enemies. It allowed me to determine the route to the control room, but it would take us through multiple kill zones.

"Fuck!" I growled as just the layout of those zones had my balls clench.

I could make it through, but everyone else would be turned to scrap and paste.

"Alright amigos, new plan." I announced, "Route to follow is now showing on your huds. You're going to take out one of the reactors that power this beast."

"How many reactors will we need to bust to get this thing to stop?" V asked as she too studied the map.

"Six." I sighed, "But really you're going to be drawing heat while I make the run on the control room."

"That's suicide, Juan." V declared.

"Chica, you haven't seen me try stealth, ever." I grinned as I activated my stealth system and vanished from all forms of detection available to my MK IV suits.

"The boss has shit no one's ever seen before." Kenworth declared then started following the route I layed out, "Come along, meatbags. There's work to be done."

Despite the alarms blaring and the constant flow of soldiers looking to take chunks out of my chooms, my infiltration of the Spirit of Motherwill was relaxing. More like a rhythm game than a stealth game really.

Everything was going great until the floor ahead of me pulled open and a metal sphere ascended, splitting open with a belch of smoke.

"Slippery little bastard."


I have been waiting for this for so long.

In other news I figured out the ending for my Naruto Story. I really only started that one because I was hitting frequent writers block for Actually Invincible, and though its not my best work, it deserves an ending like all my other stories. One that is more than just some ham fisted I don't want to write this anymore ending.

I'll get to it after I finish this story.

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