
67. How About a Date?*

July 14, 2017 (pregnancy week 19)


Kara was as joyful as could be.  She knew what gender her babies were, and tomorrow, she would be hosting the gender reveal party.  For tonight, though, they had a little treat for themselves. While the twins spent the night with Ruby, they were going on a much needed date night.  Currently, the foursome was squished into the bathroom together doing their makeup. The mothers-to-be had gotten some maternity dresses that would fit over their perfect little baby bumps, and to Kara, they looked like Heaven on Earth.  


Lena had on a beautiful silver sleeveless dress with a low neckline and a short skirt.  She accented her enticing bare neck with a diamond pendant on a silver chain. She also had a matching bracelet and a pair of matching earrings.  Alex’s dress was a short sleeved, deep maroon number. The collar was made of small thin strips that banded around the top to go around her neck, and the skirt was pleated and flowy.  She couldn’t wear a necklace with the dress, but she adorned herself with a couple of Lena’s bracelets and some dangly earrings. Maggie was dressed in a sexy strapless plum-colored dress that had a black mini jacket that covered her shoulders, but left her arms bare.  Around her neck was a silver heart locket that Eliza had bought her for her birthday that contained little mini sonogram pictures, and a charm bracelet that she hardly ever wore, but had possessed for years. She put simple silver hoops in her ears and called it good. Kara’s dress was a soft baby blue with cap sleeves and a skirt that she could twirl in (which she did).  Her necklace was a gold House of El symbol that matched her earrings and gold bracelets.  


“Rao, you guys look so beautiful,” Kara sighed dreamily.  “I can’t wait to take you out and show you off.”


Her wives thanked her and complemented each other as well.  They were going to Fernando’s, so they weren’t worried about getting mobbed.  The staff there wouldn’t stand for it. They loved Lena and her money, and they’d promised to keep people from interrupting their date.  Plus, it wasn’t like just anyone could go into the place. The only downside was that they would still have to pretend to be two couples instead of a foursome, but that was OK.  They didn’t want any more stories in the news about their relationships.


They took pictures of each other and sent them to the girls, wishing them a good night with Ruby and Sam.  When six thirty came around, Andy was waiting outside for them with the limo. They’d discussed having him pick them up somewhere else, but Lena convinced them all that he could be trusted.  He’d been with her since she got to National City, and he’d been nothing but supportive of her and her life choices, and he was always the picture of discretion. In truth, Lena rather loved him.  He had such a great air about him, and his smile was rather dashing. She’d met his partner Adam, and they were adorable together and very sweet. Maybe she was blinded by her affection, but she didn’t think so.  She felt lucky to have him, and after the last two months, she kind of missed him. When they got outside, they all greeted him with a hug before climbing into the car.


“Would you like me to raise the privacy window?” he inquired.


“Not yet,” Lena replied.  “I’d like to hear how you’ve been doing since I haven’t seen you in ages.”


They chatted with him on the drive into town.  He assured them that he and his partner were unhurt during the invasion, and their apartment mostly untouched.  While he’d had time off, thanks to Lena continuing his salary, he was able to volunteer at the children’s hospital, and he gushed about how amazing and brave the kids were.  Lena’s heart warmed with affection for the young man, and she told him she was proud of him, which made him blush and sputter. When they told him the news of the pregnancies, he had no shortage of kind and supportive words for them.  He admitted that he hadn’t known about their marriages until they announced it on the news, and while he was at it, he gave them his sympathies that they had been outed the way that they had. Of course, he already knew that the four of them were in a relationship, but that didn’t bother him in the least, and he swore his allegiance to them.  They arrived at the restaurant while they were still talking, but they promised they would talk to him more later.


The maitre d’ greeted them enthusiastically, as though they were old friends, but he addressed them formally.  They gave him their best smiles and followed him hand-in-hand to their private booth in the back. When he offered them a bottle of champagne, they declined, but Lena tipped him anyway.  He thanked them and left them with the promise that their server would arrive soon. When the server came, he tried to sell them wine and other alcohol, but they turned it all down, insisting that water was fine.  When he seemed a bit disappointed, Lena assured him that they would eat enough to make up for it.


After the server disappeared with their orders, Maggie leaned into Alex and whispered in her ear, “You are the most beautiful creature in all creation.”


Alex grinned and gave her a long, slow kiss.  “Have you seen yourself?” Alex whispered back.  “Pure goddess. Aphrodite herself would fall at your feet.”


Maggie giggled at Alex’s hyperbole, pecking her lips again.  “You put the wow in bow-chicka-wow-wow.”


It was Alex’s turn to giggle.  “If you were a chicken, you’d be im-peck-able.”


Kara watched them affectionately and squeezed Lena’s hand as she leaned close.  “Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, and Lena Danvers - all of them women that could move mankind’s hearts by their beauty alone.  But I got the best one, hands down. You’re going to go down in history as one of the most clever, innovative, and gorgeous heroes who ever lived.”


Lena smirked at her.  “Flatterer.”


“I’m allowed to flatter my wife, aren’t I?”


With a raise of her eyebrow, Lena replied, “As long as it’s not a cover for something.”


“It’s not,” Kara replied.  “I just really love you, and I want you to know how amazing you are.  I’m sorry, if it’s cheesy, but I mean it.”


Lena smiled sweetly at her.  “I love you too, Kara. You’re a literal goddess with the kindness of an angel.  I consider myself the luckiest woman on earth to be your wife.”


Kara beamed and kissed her enthusiastically.  “Shall we dance while we wait for our food?”


Her wives agreed, and she led them to the dance floor, taking Lena in her arms and swaying to the music.  Maggie and Alex stood so close together, there was no space in between them, and they were still laughing and punning at each other as they danced.  They spun each other around the dance floor until their waiter informed them that their dinners were ready. They returned to their table arm-in-arm where everything was waiting for them.  Kara was thankful, in a way, that she’d been outed as Supergirl because now she could eat as much as she wanted, and no one would bat an eyelash. Her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head as she took her first bite.


Lena raised her eyebrow at her groan.  “Darling, I’m glad you love your food so much, but you might want to save those noises for later.”


Kara blushed beet red.  “Sorry,” she muttered around a mouthful.


Alex and Maggie giggled at her.


“So, Lena, are you still getting fanmail?” Maggie asked curiously.


Lena grinned.  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I got some really good ones today.  Some of them are so touching they make me cry like a baby. For instance, I’ve gotten several over the last few weeks that thank Supergirl and me for giving them the courage to come out to their loved ones.”


“Aww,” they all cooed.


“Of course, not all of it is exactly fanmail.  I do get the occasional religious hate mail, and anti-alien nonsense, but I just throw that away.  It doesn’t bother me.”


“No one is threatening you, are they?” Kara worried.


“Not unless you count condemning me to eternal damnation as a threat,” Lena chuckled.


The others rolled their eyes.


“It really doesn’t bother you?” Alex checked.


“Honestly, no, it doesn’t,” Lena confirmed.  “I’m not afraid of hell, I grew up there.”


“You’d tell us if it was getting to you, right?” Maggie urged.


“Yes, my love.”


Alex put her hand on her tummy, “Ooh, I think the baby likes this food, it’s moving around like crazy.”


Lena and Maggie mirrored Alex’s movement.  They hadn’t felt their babies yet, but Dr. Landry assured them that it was normal to feel a baby’s movements sooner when it was a second pregnancy.  She also promised them that they’d feel their babies by at least week 25, if not sooner. Truth be told, they were a little jealous, but they didn’t hold it against her.


Kara lowered her glasses and peeked at Alex’s baby.  Sure enough, it was flailing around happily, and she grinned from ear to ear.  She was bursting to tell them the babies’ genders, but she had to hold it in until tomorrow.  “It’s so beautiful, Alex!” She took Alex’s hand and squeezed it, wishing she could kiss her in the moment.  


“Why do you still wear your glasses?” Maggie asked.


Kara’s brow crinkled, and she adjusted them on her nose.  “Habit, I guess.” She shrugged, but made no move to take them off.  She didn’t really have anywhere else to put them at the moment. Maggie had a point, though.  Everyone knew who she was now, so she didn’t really need the glasses that hid her true identity for so long.


“I’m so excited for tomorrow,” Maggie grinned.  “I can’t wait to know what I’m having. I already have names picked out.”


“You do?” Kara asked excitedly.  “What are they?”


Maggie mimed zipping her lips.  “You’ll find out when they’re born.”


“Aww!” Kara pouted.


“What about you guys?” Kara asked Alex and Lena.  “Have you thought of names?”


“I have a few that I’m thinking about,” Alex admitted.


Lena tilted her head from side to side.  “I’m still thinking about it.”


“I’d love to help you pick,” Kara offered.


Lena nodded.  “We can talk about it.”


“Yeah, I have them written down at the house,” Alex confessed.  “I’ll let you have a look later.”


Kara clapped her hands happily.  “Thanks!”


They smiled at her affectionately.  “You’re welcome,” they answered.


The four of them devoured their food until they couldn’t eat anymore.  “Man, that was great,” Kara sighed, patting her belly.


“Agreed,” Lena nodded.  “Shall we dance a bit more before we head back?”


They all agreed and headed back to the dance floor.  They were all pretty full, so they moved slowly, swaying to the music and enjoying the closeness.  The last couple of months had kept them pretty busy, and it was nice to be able to spend some quality time together.


About a half an hour later, they decided to call it a night.  Their stomachs were sated, but now they were compelled by a different kind of hunger.  Lena texted Andy that they were ready, and they took care of the bill while they waited for him.  This time, they had him put up the privacy window, so they could make out on the way back to Ms. Grant’s place.  


When they arrived back at the house, Eliza, Cat, and Carter were sitting on the couch watching Cutthroat Kitchen.  “How did it go?” Eliza asked them.


“Great,” Alex replied with a smile.


“You girls look exquisite,” Cat complimented.


“Thanks!” they all replied.


“We’re gonna head upstairs,” Alex excused, kissing her mother on the cheek.


“OK, goodnight, dears,” Eliza said.


Kara, Lena and Maggie all kissed Eliza goodnight as well, wished the Grant’s good night, and then the foursome headed up to their room.


Once they were alone, they gravitated back to one another.  Lena to Kara, and Maggie to Alex. They kissed languidly, enjoying the taste of one another.  None of them were in a hurry. It was still early, and they had all night. Alex tangled her fingers in Maggie’s hair, holding her close as their tongues caressed one another.  Lena wrapped her arms around Kara’s neck, kissing her deeply, and Kara sighed happily.


Alex eased Maggie’s mini jacket off her shoulders and caressed her bare shoulders and arms, still kissing her, but with much more urgency.  The detective clung to Alex’s waist, letting her wife’s touch sooth and excite her, feeling goosebumps rise on her skin in the wake of her hands.  When she shivered, Alex bit down on her shoulder, and she groaned, digging her fingers into Alex’s sides.


When Lena and Kara heard Maggie’s groan, it sent a thrill through both of them.  Lena bit down on Kara’s lower lip, and the Kryptonian growled in response. Lena smirked and kissed Kara’s jawline down to her neck.  Kara sighed and rolled her head to the side to give Lena more access. The brunette carefully avoided her wife’s ears for now, just wanting to tease a bit more.  Kara stroked Lena’s back as she worked her magic, then slid them lower, down to her ass and squeezed. Leana groaned loudly, and retaliated by biting Kara’s earlobe.


“Oh, Rao!” Kara exclaimed, catching herself before her knees buckled beneath her.


Maggie unfastened the collar to Alex’s dress and pulled it down to allow her access to her wife’s neck.  She kissed a trail from one side of her clavicle to the other, taking her time to leave a few marks here and there.  Alex held her close, taking a secret enjoyment in being marked by her wife. She loved Maggie so much, she could burst.  The detective had been her rock through so many trials over the last year, and here she was, ready for more. How much of her life did she owe this woman?  She would spend the rest of her life paying it back, that was for certain. Kissing her again, she pushed Maggie back to sit on the bed and knelt down on the floor in front of her.  The look of hunger in Maggie’s eyes spurred her on, and she reached around and unzipped the detective’s dress, pushing the fabric down in order to get to her breasts. Maggie scratched at her scalp as Alex suckled expertly on her nipples, stroking her hands up and down Maggie’s thighs.  Maggie growled. Her breasts were much more sensitive than normal, and the sensations of Alex’s tongue on her nipples were rocketing her arousal to the moon.


Kara unzipped Lena’s dress, then picked her up bridal-style and set her gently on the bed.  She pulled down the shoulders of Lena’s dress and kissed all over her neck and shoulders, then trailed kisses down her arms to her hands, kissing every fingertip and the center of her palms.  Lena shivered at the touch, capturing Kara by the cheek and pulling her down for a kiss. Kara kissed her hungrily, shoving blindly at Lena’s dress trying to get it off. Lena could sense that Kara was getting frustrated, so she pushed her away enough to say, “Just rip it, Kara.”  The Kryptonian growled and the sound of the fabric tearing echoed throughout the room. Kara gave her a satisfied smirk and threw the ruined dress to the floor. Now that her skin was exposed, the blonde took her time kissing every inch of it, savoring the taste before kissing back up to her lips.  She let her tongue express her desires, and slipped one knee in between Lena’s, rocking her hips teasingly and enjoying the tiny whimpers Lena was trying to keep in, but couldn’t. Lena pressed her hands into Kara’s ass in an attempt to get her to grind a little harder, but Kara wouldn’t budge. Instead, she grasped one of Kara’s hands and placed it against her breast.  The blonde kneaded it gently, brushing her thumb across her nipple through her bra to encourage its stiffness. Lena felt like Kara was determined to kiss her into oblivion before she did anything else. She felt a little dizzy from a lack of oxygen, but the Kryptonian was such a good kisser, she didn’t mind one bit.


As Alex teased Maggie’s tits, her hands inched higher and higher up her thighs.  The detective’s fingers dug into her head, not letting her stop for a second. Her groans were music to Alex’s ears, and the agent shoved Maggie’s skirt up as far as she could, tracing her fingers around her lace panties.  The detective leaned into her wife’s touch. The way things were going, she was going to finish very quickly, and she was torn between letting Alex’s teasing go on, or getting to the point already. When Alex bit down on her nipple, that did it for her.  She pulled the agent off her tits and urged her downward. Of course, Alex took her time kissing the tiny swell of her belly, and suddenly, she stopped and looked earnestly at Maggie. “Boy or girl, your child is going to be so incredible, and you’re going to be the best mom, Mags.  I love you so much, and I’m so proud of you for being so brave.”


Tears pricked at Maggie’s eyes.  “Thank you, my love.” She pulled her wife back up to kiss her lips for a tender moment.  


Alex dragged her fingers along Maggie’s slit over her underwear, smiling when Maggie bucked into her hand.  She rubbed her a little longer before removing the barrier between them. She shoved Maggie onto her back and pulled her by the knees until she could get her tongue inside.  Maggie cursed at the first touch and wrapped her legs around Alex’s back. The redhead licked her wife deeply, drawing out that delicious nectar from her center. She squeezed Maggie’s thighs roughly and nipped at her flesh, chuckling when she felt the heels digging into her back.  “You like that, baby?” she asked rhetorically, biting her inner thigh.  


Maggie howled with pleasure, “Fuck!”


Alex dragged her tongue up and down Maggie’s slit, making her nice and wet before she started licking circles around her clit.  


“Oh, fuck, Alex, yes!” Maggie whimpered.


Alex was done teasing.  She knew her wife was plenty worked up by how soaking wet she was, and she used that to her advantage, licking fast circles around her clit as she worked her up.  She dug her fingers into Maggie’s ass, squeezing hard, knowing her wife was into it, and was rewarded by a beautiful groan. She kept the pace of her strokes quick and even, and soon Maggie was falling apart, digging her fingers and heels into Alex’s back as she quivered in ecstasy.


“Get the box,” Maggie panted.


Alex grinned and crawled around to the side of the bed where they kept their lockbox of toys.  She pulled it out from under the bed and set it on the nightstand. She scrolled through to the correct numbers, and it unlocked for her.  As Maggie crawled up the bed and laid down on the pillows, Alex sat next to her and stroked her hair. “What would you like, my pet?”


“Fuck me with the strapon,” Maggie replied.


With another grin, Alex pulled out the harness, the dildo, and the lube.


“Kara, I’m so ready, please stop teasing me,” Lena begged.  She liked foreplay as much as anyone, but her pussy was aching to be touched.  The Kryptonian relented, and pulled off her own clothes, revealing her cock at full mast.  Lena’s clit throbbed at the sight, and she tugged Kara back between her legs where she wanted her.  “Please, Kara, just fuck me already!”


Kara removed Lena’s underwear, inhaling deeply, enjoying the scent of her wife’s arousal.  “You want me to go down on you?”


Lena shook her head.  “No, I want you inside me.  Fuck me until you knot, and I want you to knot me.”


Kara was thrilled at Lena’s words, and she smiled from ear to ear.  “Are you sure?”


“Yes.  I want you so badly right now,” Lena told her earnestly, opening her legs wider.  “Please, Kara.”


The Kryptonian aligned herself with Lena’s pussy and eased herself inside with a satisfied groan.  “Rao, Lena, you feel so good.”


Lena closed her eyes and enjoyed being filled, wrapping her arms tightly around Kara’s neck.  Kara lifted her by the shoulders and held her in her lap, rocking into her, but giving Lena the ability to move with her.  They rocked into one another, slowly to start, letting Lena get used to Kara’s girth. As the brunette adjusted, she started taking Kara’s cock deeper.  The blonde kept her wife cradled in her arms, so she didn’t fall off her knees, and it was the perfect position to urge her deeper still.


“Such a good girl,” Kara praised, “You take it so good.”


Lena sighed, “You give it to me so good.”  She tangled her hands in Kara’s hair and touched their foreheads together.  She could feel every delicious pant from Kara’s mouth, and it drew her in until their lips molded together again.  She was getting quite worked up, so her hips picked up the pace as she thrust herself onto Kara’s cock. She was the only one of the three human females that could come vaginally, and right now she was thankful because she didn’t think this was a good position for either of them to get to her clit.  She bounced her ass fast and hard, taking Kara in as deeply as possible to hit against her cervix. “Fuck, Kara!” she screamed. “Don’t stop, please!” Her legs were shaking so badly that they were starting to give out. She held on tighter and let Kara piston in and out of her. “Don’t stop, don’t stop!”


Kara growled in pleasure as she fucked her wife over the edge.  She was so close she could taste it, but she held off, waiting until Lena crossed the finish line first.  “Who’s my beautiful girl?” she grunted. “My perfect girl. Do you feel good, baby? Hmm?”


“So good!” Lena whimpered.  “Don’t stop!”


“Rao, I love the way you pull my hair,” Kara moaned.  She felt Lena’s legs give out from under her, so she laid her back down against the pillows and lifted her legs over one shoulder.  The extra pressure around her cock was making it hard to hold on, but she knew Lena was close, so she continued to hold back, thrusting hard and deep, groaning loudly.  “Come for me, sweetheart. Let go for me, my good girl.”


Lena screamed, and her legs trembled until finally she felt herself falling into ecstasy.  Kara continued to pound into her, drawing her orgasm out for what felt like an eternity. Lena didn’t want it to end.  Even when she finished coming, she urged Kara to keep going, which made the blonde elated.


Beside them, Maggie was on her hands and knees, with Alex pounding into her with the strapon from behind.  The redhead fisted one hand in the Latina’s hair and dug her fingers into her hip with the other, pulling her back into each thrust.  


By now, Maggie was howling with pleasure.  “Fuck, Alex! Yes! Fuck me, yes, yes!”


Alex stood her up straight and pulled Maggie’s hand to her mouth, sucking her first two fingers in and licking them thoroughly.  This ramped up Maggie’s lust exponentially, and when Alex placed those fingers against her clit, she almost came on the spot. The agent pushed her back down and ploughed into her with all her strength while Maggie rubbed her own clit, and soon she was coming again.  She fell face-first into the pillows, letting Alex have her way with her until she couldn't take anymore. Keeping the toy inside, Alex pressed her weight onto her, and they both fell to the bed. Maggie was a little squished, but she was enjoying it. They laid like that until they caught their breaths before Alex pulled out of her and laid beside her.


“Oh my god, I love you so much!” Maggie panted.


Alex grinned.  “I love you so much too.”  She stroked Maggie’s hair and kissed her shoulder.  “You’re so perfect, Mags.”


They laid there for a few moments, listening to Kara and Lena go at it, and feeling the bed rock. It wasn’t long until Maggie collected herself.  She removed the strapon harness from Alex’s hips and threw the toy aside. Climbing on top of her wife, she reached into the toy box and pulled out the rabbit that Mon-El and Eve had gotten them for their wedding present.  She turned it on low and teased Alex’s breasts with it, touching her just enough to feel the vibrations.


“Oh my god!” Alex huffed.  “That feels amazing.”


Maggie grinned and continued to drag the toy across her nipples for a while.  Turning the toy off, she lowered her mouth to Alex’s breast and sucked hard.


“Fuck!” Alex hollered.


The Latina switched sides and repeated the action.


“Oh my god, yes!” Alex praised.


Maggie scratched her nails down Alex’s stomach, making the agent growl.  She released the redhead’s nipple with a pop and kissed a trail down her torso, following the lines of light scratches that she’d left.  Alex squirmed, enjoying the touch of Maggie’s lips on her skin. She rested her hands on the Latina’s head affectionately, but gave her freedom to move as she wanted.  Maggie kissed across the swell of Alex’s belly realizing for the first time that she was going to love Alex’s baby just as much as she loved her own. And Lena’s too. Tears pricked at her eyes as her heart ached with it.  She left a prolonged kiss on the spot that she estimated the baby to be and moved on. She inhaled the gorgeous scent of her wife and dipped her tongue inside. “Mmm,” she hummed. “I love the way you taste.”


Alex sighed in pleasure as Maggie licked her like a pro.  “Fuck. Yes, Maggie.”


The Latina swirled her tongue inside her wife’s pussy until she was dizzy, then she picked up the rabbit and turned it on low, gliding it up and down Alex’s slit before easing it inside. 


“Oh, yeah!” Alex husked.  She adjusted the pillows under her head, so she could see what Maggie was doing.  When she got the toy all the way in, Maggie made sure to align it properly with Alex’s clit, causing the agent to cry out loudly.  “Fuck! Oh my god, yes! Oh fuck!” The sensations were already incredibly intense, and when Maggie started to move the rabbit in and out, she lost all her words and clung to the headboard for dear life.  When Maggie turned the vibrations up, Alex’s sounds became an incomprehensible jumble of whimpers and moans. When Maggie crawled up her body and sucked her nipple into her mouth, it was all over. Alex screamed at the top of her lungs as she shuddered wildly, nearly throwing Maggie off of her, but the detective was nothing, if not tenacious, and she held on and took Alex as far as she could go.  “Stop, stop, stop!” Alex begged.


Maggie turned the toy off and eased it out, laying it down on the bed by the strapon.  She held onto Alex while she trembled with aftershocks. “Was that good, baby?”


“So good,” Alex panted, drawing her in for a kiss.  “I love you so much.”


“I love you too,” Maggie grinned, dimples on full display.


Alex mirrored her grin and drew Maggie in for more kisses.


Next to them, Lena lay limply in Kara’s arms, panting and trying to catch her breath from her second orgasm.  Kara stroked her hair soothingly, her cock twitching happily, still inside of her. Lena hummed contentedly and kissed the skin under her lips.  “God, I love the way you fuck me.”


Kara beamed.  “It’s my pleasure, I assure you.”


Lena giggled and nipped her skin.


“Mmm, is that your way of telling me you’re ready again?” Kara purred.


“I don’t know how much more my legs can hold me up,” Lena sighed.


Kara wiggled her hips a little, eliciting a satisfying moan.  “That’s not a problem.” She slid out from underneath her wife, and motioned for her to stay on her stomach.  Her cock was dripping with Lena’s wetness, and Lena squirmed when she felt it brush her ass as Kara straddled her.  “Lift up for a minute,” she urged, tugging Lena’s hips. The CEO obeyed, arching her back and lifting her hips, letting Kara slide back inside her.  When the Kryptonian was snugly nestled inside her, she pushed Lena’s hips back down, and Lena groaned long and low. “Good girl!” Kara praised. “Oh my god, you feel so good!”  She started out slowly, getting a thrill from every blessed moan that passed through Lena’s lips. Her cock was squeezed tight, dragging groans out of her as well.


“Fuck, Kara!” Lena whimpered.  “Harder.”


Kara lowered herself onto Lena’s back, just enough to touch skin-to-skin, but not enough to squish her.  She tucked her arms under Lena’s shoulders to hold her in place, and thrust a little harder.


“Yes!” Lena cried out.  “Oh my god, yes!”


“Such a good girl,” Kara praised.  “My good girl. I love you so much.”


Lena held onto her pillows for dear life.  Kara filled her so fully she could do nothing but beg for more.  This was exactly what she was craving. “Don’t stop, please, don’t stop!”


The Kryptonian had no intention of stopping until she was securely knotted in place.  She thrust into Lena as hard as she could without hurting her, whispering words of encouragement in her ear.  “You’re doing so good, Lena. You feel so good. It’s pure heaven to be inside you, you know it? Oh, fuck yes, Lena.  Oh god, oh Rao, oh fuck!” When she felt close to knotting, she turned Lena on her side and continued to thrust into her from behind, then she lifted Lena’s leg to accommodate the swell of her cock.  “Oh, my god, I’m so close,” she growled.  


Lena didn’t want to make Kara wait too much longer, so she reached down and started rubbing her own clit.  She wasn’t that far off, and soon, she was whimpering and trembling, teetering on the edge of her orgasm. When Kara sucked on the pulse point on her neck, it was all she needed to get to the finish line.  “I’m coming, Kara!” she cried out.


Kara pistoned brutally into her, and finally, she let go as well, feeling the heat of her cum painting Lena’s insides and making sure she was well inside to keep from hurting her wife as she knotted..


“Fuck!  Oh! Fuck, yes!” Lena screamed.  “Oh, fuck!” She felt so full and connected to Kara.  It truly was an amazing sensation, and she relished it.  She remembered the first time Kara knotted her. At first, she was a little afraid, but when it finally happened, she understood why Alex sometimes craved it.  The fullness, both mentally and physically, was unlike anything else on earth, and through it sounded a little strange when she first found out about it, she wouldn’t trade it for anything now.


Kara kissed her neck and shoulders as they tried to catch their breaths.  “Thank you, Lena,” she panted, punctuating her sentence with a kiss to her earlobe.  “You did so good, baby.” She nuzzled Lena’s hair, savoring her scent. “My good girl.”


Maggie grabbed the strapon and fastened the harness around her hips, crawling in between Alex’s legs.  She teasingly stroked her wife’s clit with it before lining it up and easing it inside her.


“Yeah,” Alex sighed.  “Fuck me good.”


Maggie smirked.  “Oh, you know I will.”  She pushed her hips forward until she felt resistance, and then pushed in a little further, making Alex groan.  “Good?”


“So good,” Alex panted.


The detective propped herself up on her elbows and kissed her wife deeply as she began to thrust roughly into her.  She swallowed Alex’s cries of passion, caressing her tongue in time with the movement of her hips. The agent clawed at her back, wrapping her legs around Maggie’s waist.  When the Latina happened to look at Kara and Lena, she saw that they were just laying there watching them, and she smirked. Taking hold of Lena’s hand, she directed her to Alex’s clit.


“Oh my god, yes!” Alex cried out as Lena started rubbing her clit.


“Who’s my girl?” Maggie cooed.  “You like that, baby?”


“Yes!” the agent whimpered.  “Don’t stop!”


Maggie ploughed into her, kissing her again and then biting her lower lip.


Alex’s legs began to tremble as she neared her goal.  She was so close she could taste it. When she felt Lena’s other hand fondle her breast, she tumbled over the edge with a howl, shuddering and shaking her way through her orgasm.  Maggie didn’t stop, though, and soon she was coming again, screaming so loud that the detective worried that someone would hear them, despite the distance.











“Such a good girl!” Maggie praised.  She kissed her wife’s face as they both caught their breath.


“God, I love you!” Alex panted.


“I love you too, babe,” Maggie grinned.


“And I love you, and I love you,” Alex added, pointing at Lena and Kara.


“Love you too, baby girl,” Kara replied with a smile.


“I love you too, darling,” Lena purred.


Anyone still need more?” Kara checked.


Her wives shook their heads.  


“OK, I should be able to pull out soon, just give us a couple more minutes,” she told them.  “Go ahead and start getting washed up, if you want,” she said to Alex and Maggie.


The pair nodded and grabbed their used toys, taking them into the bathroom to wash them as well.  A couple short minutes later, Lena and Kara joined them in the shower, and they helped each other wash up.  When they were finished, they picked up their clothes off the floor, put the toys back in the lockbox, hiding it back under the bed, and they changed into their pajamas before climbing into bed together.


“Thank you guys for an amazing night,” Kara said  “I had a wonderful time.”


Her wives agreed and thanked her and each other as well.  Once they were tucked under the covers, they shared I love you’s, and it didn’t take them long to fall asleep.

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