
Chapter Eight

I just stare at myself in the mirror of the hotel room I'd booked for myself last night to get a decent night of sleep for the first time since I'd come to Seattle. I had my long hair pulled up in a halfway decent bun. I wore a pair of nice pants that I gone and bought last night, along with the long sleeved blue shirt that I was also wearing. On my feet I wore sneakers that weren't as comfortable as my boots, but I couldn't wear those today. Around my neck I wore my necklace with a simple charm hanging from the chain that was the letters 'D' and 'Y'.

Glancing at the clock by the bed I saw that it was six o'clock in the morning and I needed to see Mark and Derek before I spoke with Hunt. I grabbed my bag from where it sat on the bed and slipped my room key into my back pocket before hurrying out of the room. I took the elevator to the ground floor and it seemed to take forever for it to open again. When it did I hurried out of it and out the front doors of the hotel.

The walk to the hospital was short, just down the street short. It was the same one that Mark and Addison had stayed when they had each first came to Seattle. It was a nice hotel, a little on the expensive side, it'd work until I found a more permanent place to live. I already had a couple different apartments to go and look like over the next few days.

The sky was dark over my head despite the early morning time, warnings that it'd defiantly be raining today. I didn't really pay attention to the people I passed on the street, just wanting to get to the hospital to check on Mark. I had to admit, I liked these sparsely crowded streets to the packed ones of New York.

Slipping through the front door of the hospital I made a beeline for the elevator and pressed the button for the third floor. It wasn't until the doors had shut that I noticed I wasn't alone in the elevator.

"Good morning." A familiar voice said from beside me. I glanced to my side to see that it was the cocky looking guy.

"Morning." I replied shortly. After that the only noise was the soft hum of the elevator making it's upwards descent towards the third floor. As soon as the doors opened I hurried out of them and headed towards Mark's room. A few nurses gave me small nods as I passed by them, they seemed to be the only ones who had really accepted that I was here to visit Mark and Derek, though neither had mentioned me before. All the doctors seemed to only really want to know who I was, even Hunt and Webber were like that, I could tell by the way they looked at me when they thought I wasn't paying attention.

When I reached the doorway to Mark's room I saw him lying there like every other day, a nurse looking over his vitals. I recognized him as Tyler, he'd introduced himself to me one my third day here. At hearing me he looked over at me and gave me a smile.

"You really missed something last night," he commented.

"What?" I raised a brow at him.

"He woke up last night." Tyler's words made my head snap back up so quickly that I was surprised it didn't snap from the sharp movement. "Was in and out of it for a couple hours."

"He was awake," I smiled at the news as I brushed his hair back with my hand. "Now you just need to do that for me Sloan."

"He kept saying the word 'young'." Tyler informed me as he headed towards the door. "Just kept saying it over and over again, any clue what that might mean?"

"Not a clue." I lied as I looked at Mark's sleeping face again.

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