
Chapter 11

February 13th, 2043South Itera Sea Gate

Outside the San Fransisco Gate, the Navy and Marine Corps has established itself with a more secure and permanent presence. Since their emergence on the 1st of January and victory over the enemy fleets following after, the Navy had been commissioning another MOB like the one built around the gate back on earth. They called it MOB Bravo following MOB Alpha assembled around the gate back on earth.

A series of platforms were spread out across the surrounding ocean around the gate. Five platforms were assembled and linked together surrounding the west, southwest, south, southeast, and east sides of the gate. The north was left open to allow contracted and commissioned ships to sail through between the two worlds. Platforms one and two were used for storage of resources, platform four and five were used as the main medical facility and barracks, and platform three was used as the Command and Control center for all naval and airborne activities.

Branching out connected through bridges were more platforms assembled to serve additional purposes for the functionally of the base. To the northeast and northwest were several platforms with harbors assembled for the docking of warships. Already several destroyers, frigates, and cruisers were docked and undergoing quick maintenance and resupply. These also served as the hub for off loading supplies, materials, and marines assigned to take part in this theater of the Special Region.

To the south, a massive platform was being assembled through the construction of several large platforms designed to link together to form one larger platform. The size was to be big enough to accommodate a fully functional airfield capable of handling large aircraft, facilities for storage and quartering troops, and additional dock yards for harboring ships.

Branching further out from all sides were smaller platforms that were armed to the teeth with a vast array of weaponry dedicated to the defense of MOB Bravo. Such armaments included the Phalanx CIWS with the M61 Vulcan, SeaRAM launchers, AN/SEQ-5 LaWS, and either Mk 41 VLS cells or Mk 10 16in railguns. The latter requiring an installed fusion reactor to reach the power requirements for the system to operate efficiently.

Over at the small island chain northeast from the gate where the Rukan garrison used to be, the United States took the islands for themselves, setting up another base designated as Charlie Base. The base was set up along three islands with one having a large harbor for docking ships and unloading supplies and materials. Seabees had been at work constricting the foundations and clearing up foliage for the location of their new island base using concrete and C5, or as they liked to call it

The base supported a main HQ building, barracks, air and surface defenses, medical facilities, motorpools, armories, and smaller harbors for smaller craft along the other two islands. The largest had a small in progress airfield that would allow them to store some aircraft while also serving as the hub for VTOL craft. The three islands were connected by IRBs (Improved Ribbon Bridges) allowing transportation for heavier vehicles. The original occupants had set up wooden bridges to allow transportation between the islands. But they were now either destroyed or deteriorating due to lack of maintenance and care.

The America class amphibious assault ship USS America was docked at the main island of the chain, loading up supplies, munitions, and a Marine Expeditionary Unit with light armored vehicles. Four MV-38s and an MV-60 were stored inside the hangar with eight F-35Es, six AH-1Z Vipers, and four UH-1Y Venoms.

"Command back at Bravo has issued us to set up a proper force for ground based reconnaissance of another island chain due east of our location." The marine briefing officer stated as he showed two island chains, one larger than the other, on a large video screen. "Intelligence acquired from our flyboys in the Navy suggest there's some sort of enemy activating going on inside. Since the past ten days, ships supposedly belonging to our opponent have been coming in and out of these islands. The amount of foliage makes reconnaissance difficult for aircraft and drones, and command want's to know what exactly in going on. That's where you come in." He pointed at the seven MARSOC squad leaders.

Robert Jones, now bearing the rank of Staff Sergeant after his action back in San Fransisco, was among these squad leaders now holding official command and responsibility over a unit.

"We've identified seven main islands. Staff Sergeant Jones your squad has Island One, Staff Sergeant Monroe your squad has Island Two, Staff Sergeant Garrison your squad has Island Three, Staff Sergeant Koch your squad had Island Four, Staff Sergeant Armstrong, your squad has Island Five, Staff Sergeant Ross your squad has Island Six, and Staff Sergeant Ford your squad has Island Seven. While on the islands, the USS America will be on station with an MEU lead by Captain Rhys Garrison. If needed or if shit hits the fan, they'll be on station for deployment and occupy the islands through force. Again, this is a reconnaissance op. Figure out what the enemy is up to and report back. Gear up and be ready to depart in one hour. Dismissed."

The seven squad leaders stood up and exited from the briefing room, headed for the nearby armory for their gear and equipment.

Inside the armory Jones and his marines were gearing up as they acquired their gear from the armory sergeant.

Jones' attire was the standard MARPAT with the tropical scheme, khaki green ceramic vest and shoulder pauldrons, and a MARPAT covered Enhanced Combat Helmet with earphones connected to a radio on his left side back and mouth piece under his left shoulder pauldron. Behind him was a camelbak backpack for storing some extra supplies and water to last him awhile. On his chest were four pouches holding twenty round magazines for 6.8x51 subsonic rounds, and a chest holster for his Model 625 he was hoping to never have to use, but brought it anyway.

On his waist and hips were two triple pouches for eight round .45 ACP magazines for his M45 stored in his thigh holster on his right thigh, six pouches for 40x46mm grenades, and two M70 fragmentation grenades. Clipped to his belt were two M90 flashbang grenades and four small pouches with six round moon clips holding .45 ACP for his revolver. On his left thigh was a larger pouch for a personal med kit and canteen.

His main weapon was the M5A3 as with the other marines. His weapon was equipped with the Vortex M157 NGSW-FC sights, M300 underbarrel grenade launcher, and a suppressor muzzle.

His squad consisted of nine members including himself.

Sergeant Teagan Clay, his assistant squad leader.

Corporal Fan Zhen, their squad systems operator and Mandarin translator.

Sergeant Pierce Arnold, first fire team leader.

Corporal Victor Belvins, their marksman.

Corporal Ellis Bailey, their grenadier and demolitions expert.

Sergeant Xavier Duke, second fire team leader.

Corporal James Price, squad's corpsman.

Corporal Oakley Owens, squad's automatic rifleman.

Everyone wore the same uniform and armor but with each with individual kits based off their roles. Bailey was equipped with a Milkor M32 rotary grenade launcher and an M300 grenade launcher under his M5, Owens was armed with an M250 SAW, Price had an extensive med kit dedicated for keeping his team alive if wounded, Belvins used a Barrett M82A3, and Zhen had an MQ-27 Dragonfire on his back.

Gearing up and headed for the harbor, they boarded the USS America as more armaments and supplies were being loaded on board. Until they would depart, the marines would bunk out in the ship's barracks until they were deployed on mission.


February 15th, 2043South Itera Sea, Huisede Islands

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