
Chapter 9: Across the Line

Chapter 9: Across the Line

Holly Adams POV:

My alarm was blaring, and the beeps were only getting louder. I swatted at my alarm clock, but that didn’t seem to be helping.

Eventually I just knocked it off my nightstand which made the cord come out of the wall. That shut it up.

I was still half asleep as I dragged myself out of bed and staggered to my bathroom. I took a tragically short shower and managed to tame my bed head into something that could be forced into a bun. After that I put my uniform on.

By this time, I was awake enough that I could drive without any of my coworkers mistaking me for being drunk and headed out.

My ride was a cruiser that was supposed to be in the shop for repairs, but it was still nicer than my car.

Plus, the flick of a switch meant that traffic laws didn’t apply to me.

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