
The Target? The Gardssons!

Bjorn found himself facing a King, he knew what might happen if he did kill him but something told him that this would not be as easy as he thought it would be. 

Bjorn charged at the man of equal height, Tryggve was an older man in his early forties so one could argue that he was past his prime but with age came the most important thing in combat and that was experience. 

Bjorn swung his blade down in a bid to split him in half vertically but Tryggve easily blocked it with his sword, Bjorn found that he could not overpower him despite his strength. 

Bjorn was parried by Tryggve, sending him flying a few meters back with the younger warrior skidding to a half by burying his sword into the ground. 

But he saw a looking shadow, implying that Tryggve was not going to let him catch his breath but luckily, Bjorn could react in time as he rolled to his left, dodging the sword that impaled the ground he was just located in. 

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