
The Sturlungar Clan Onslaught Begins

Gō arrived back at the camp and the urgency in his eyes as he searched for Njal.

"WHERE IS GENERAL NJAL!?" Gō screamed as he frantically searched for him but Njal was nowhere to be seen.

Gō kept shouting and eventually Njal came out to check what the commotion was about, he had spent the day with Torvi but he was surprised that the scout he had sent out returned this early.

That must mean they have found something that they deemed worth reporting.

"What is the matter, Gō?" Njal asked the shorter man and he proceeded to divulge the information he had accumulated during his scouting expenditure.

He gave him an abridged version because he knew time was not their friend at this moment.

Njal could not hide his unease, he could not believe that they had found a way to circle them but he was more disappointed in how they conducted themselves.

They needed to move fast because they were well-rested, a luxury that their enemies did not have.

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