
The Eye Embracing the Past, Saving the Tears

"You might be wondering what was the deal with the first statement I threw out of nowhere. But worry less, just make sure you're prepared for more of them as there will be a lot of longitudinal differences between our knowledge as a communicative mind.

"Tangent aside, let's start with an introduction first, shall we?"

'This voice… is quite cute and soothing.'

"You may learn of my existence as Lothair, the president of a certain arm manufacturer company far into the inconceivable future of humankind~ Fufufu. A bold statement you may think, pretty accusative, even. Credibility wise, you may put your trust within one truth that I'm going to expose you with.

"Cliche as it may be, you're currently hearing my voice coming from 40,000 years into the future!"

'The future still uses English?'

"No, it's not called English anymore. The name of the language had deteriorated into the word known as Nayin in our current tongue."

'Ooooooh~! She read my mind.'

"Aside from that, it might be appropriate to think that humanity in the very far future should have solved everything that their past selves have questioned within the 21th century.

"But I digress as I safely declared to you—

"That we still don't know everything!"

'A… is that it!? You sent someone weird from the future only to tell me this?? Then what is the point of contacting me then!?'

"Worry not, this is not the main point of this message."

'She read my mind again… Also, why does she sound so smug?' Hosua's face was beaming with interest. 'Still, for sending this message to me personally, I didn't know that a mere anomaly like me could have something so special to be put in this fantasy-like scenario!

'If that is truly the case, then tell me more!' Hosua put on a pleased smile. 'Whether it's being transmigrated to another world or saving humanity, I will abide by all of your commands as long as I can prove my existence as meaningful!'

"Depending on what point of time you've opened this file in your 21th century, your civilization would have either have or haven't solved the mechanism of those things they used in conducting medical operation called Anesthesia.

"Look it up, your kind is blessed with fast processing information invention. Don't waste it on dilly-dallying, looking up funny pictures and the collective drama of others' life.

"For a human's life is brittle and may be broken by the corroding time."

'I'm not necessarily human, though.' Hosua did a quick search. 'Though, yeah, it seems like humanity has solved them after 175 years of using it without knowing the true mechanical function. It's around ten years ago too.'

Hosua noticed that this audio file seemed to be actually for others or someone else, a human, specifically.

It doesn't matter who, it was supposed to be for someone who's born biologically as a human, looking at the tone and the choice of words. Realizing this made Hosua disappointed a little bit.

'That weird lady must have made a mistake… Maybe this audio file was meant for Yoo Hana.' Hosua slightly tilted its head, putting on a troubled little frown. 'She deserves all of this grand fate and destiny, where I'm nothing more than an insignificant anomaly in this world…'

"Your kind have been using that thing thousands of times a day for opening people's skulls and rib cages and all sorts. Despite the fact that they don't know how it technically works for one hundred years or so.

"Eerily, you will notice this pattern all the time. We use and trust these things every day without even knowing how their mechanisms work.

"Our tools and medicines. Our languages, our cultures. Even the thing inside us, like the biology underlying sleeping or what sleep is even for. Our consciousness, our imagination~

"We were driven by our malevolent instinct to take what was originally others. We were also driven by our preservative instinct to protect what was ours. All done by something we believe we understand, except the fact we do not.

"The world itself is still full of theoretical anecdotes and research. Why do natural laws work or are there any at all?

"We know that they kept going, we can wrap them in an equation. But we don't have a clue what they truly are. We dug the iceberg for 40,000 years only to find that there is still more within the surface we chipped."

'Still, is this really coming from the president of an arms manufacturer in the future?' Hosua had a shred of doubt, a heavy one at that. 'With that specific background, she should be giving me a lecture about the economic benefits of war and tricks to become a successful arm dealer, instead of this scientific and philosophical trivia.'

"This same pattern applies to the very first Apocalypse that Humanity ever faced."

The raspy yet cheery and soothing voice had turned into a stern and melancholic.

"If you're familiar with what was known at your time as the Dark Forest Theory. Then look no further to connect the dots to the answer. Search that up! I don't want to explain in much more tangent."

' Mysterious lady from the future… If not for the fact that I can just multitask and surf the internet anytime I want, I wouldn't be able to keep up with you!'

Dark Forest Theory, a theory which holds the statement that civilization fears one another, they don't dare to reveal themselves lest they immediately be considered a potential threat and destroyed.

"Just like how we still don't know much about our world, there is still no concrete data about the cause of the first end of the 'earth'.

"Must we seek further into the void, there will still be nothing but emptiness. And we, as humankind, couldn't do anything but survive."

'The very first end of the earth…'

"Listening to all of this, you might be surprised why I would bother to send you this message if humanity still exists for another 40,000 years.

"It is simple, we didn't actually survive."

Despite not being a human, Hosua could feel the cold mechanical shiver it had after hearing the last sentence.

Hosua wasn't shocked by the fact that humanity is fated to doom. The android tsukumogami didn't have any concern for such a thing, in fact.

Hosua merely worried about its owner.

"Hearing that, you might be wondering why I didn't send this message to someone at the time before the latest Apocalypse?"

'There is more than one Apocalypse!?'

Of course Hosua, she had clearly implied the existence of multiple Apocalypses since the very first sentence of the audio message, you metal skull.

"It's simple," the audio file continued. "It had already been too late by then. Every result has a cause, and if we want to change the fate of humanity that has been running for hundreds of decades, we need to build enough results to build the ultimate cause of humanity's survival.

"And that is through the very roots of this hell. The same hell that humanity will go through for thousands of years…!

"The first Apocalypse!!

"Of course, telling you all of this out of nowhere must be very unconvincing to you."

'A, that is not the concern, actually.' Hosua sneered. 'Having someone who can stop time and disappear out of nowhere was convincing enough by human standard, to be honest. And the fact that a machine is incapable of hallucinating is the cherry on the top.'

"So with that in mind, I'm going to instruct you to create an easy Do-It-Yourself receiver machine that can catch any sort of information signal from the near future, using the possibly available objects and material of your era—"

Suddenly, a soft surface pressed against the back of Hosua's body.

'Yoo Hana?'

Hosua immediately paused the audio file, only to found its manager wrapping her arms against her beloved employee.

The android immediately hid the weird looking flash drive into the cash drawer.


'Her eyes are closed. Sleepwalking?' Hosua tried to move her body. "Manager, it's cold here, want me to guide you upstairs?"

"Hmm~ my robot felt more human day by day~ hehehe~"

"Did you read too much fiction on the internet? There's no way for a machine to become human, you know?"

"Nooo~! My Hosua is human~! She is the cutest android in the whole world~!"

Seeing her current state, Hosua couldn't help but to try using this situation.

"Manager Hana." Hosua darted its pupils to the distance. "Is there any reason why you chose me?"


"The reason why you bought me."

"Hmmm~? I'm a collector, of course I will try to purchase the most prettiest around~"

'But you barely bought any new android.'

"You're curious~?"

"I want to know the truth, more or less."

"Hmm~? The cat is out of the bag then. Well, not exactly, it's just wanting to lunge out." Hana detached herself from her favorite employee and directed her falling body to the chair near the cashier, all while eyes closed. She then crossed her hands with a smug. "I did plan to tell you sooner or later.

"But who knows that you would ask it now out of all time."

"Is it because of pity? I've checked the date of the purchase, and there's no sign of interest from any party when my model is released due to the lack of connection and marketing from the manufacturer.

"In fact, I believe that I'm the only one that's still online outside of the storage full of my brethren."

Hosua's gaze was firm, but inside, the android feared the true answer.

"As far I know, it's definitely not a pity." Hana slowly opened her sharp yet gentle eyes, widely smiling nonchalantly. "You see, it all starts way further back than you think.

"Ten years ago, when I'm still twelve, my father took me to the mansion of his rich business partner near the beach. There, I met with a couple of professors from Indonesia, bringing along this experimental model of an android.

"Her surface was rough metal, there was no silicon. And her hair was a geometric shaped ornament like that of a feminine robot in tv shows. At first, I was so excited, I pleaded to my father to play with the experimental model.

"It troubled him, definitely, but the professor was kind enough to let her play with me. They assured my father that the experimental model is safe for human companions.

"As the adults went on with their meeting, I was there playing in the garden with this gentle machine. She's so delicate with her touch, as if she was a human in a machine body.

"We went to the beach. She insisted that I tell my father first, but I ignored her because I don't want my playfield to be limited. Selfish, right? Without knowing it, both of us were already in front of a coastal low-tide cave, just right in a low altitude level below the shore surface.

"The scenery and the yellow natural surface of the cave was beautiful. Then suddenly, there was a large tidal wave. Not enough to engulf the whole shore, but enough to flush both of us into the cave. We were almost submerged there.

"But thankfully, there was a part within the cave which had higher ground. The android that was swept alongside me managed to drag me there from the gurgling water.

"We were trapped for many hours. Long enough for me to be barely conscious against the cold. I couldn't remember what happened, but the last view I had before fading was that of the starry night, and an even cold wet steel carrying my body."

"What happened afterward?"

"I'm already in a hospital, huehuehue."

Hosua closed both its eyes. "How are you so sure…? There are hundreds of copies of my model. Your savior might still be within one of the storage. There is an even bigger chance that the experimental model was already scrapped into remoldable materials."

"Doesn't matter, they are not Hosua."

"And I'm not your savior…" uttered the android with a frown.

The one who found out how Anasthetic work are The discovery by chemist Richard Lerner, MD, and molecular biologist Scott Hansen, PhD. I forgot the date but it's two years ago in 2020.

Now you know the year of where the chapter sets in :)

Yokoyokaicreators' thoughts
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