
Assembling my Harem (1)

After another long day of building, the main hall of my new home was constructed.


So was I; it was almost like some dude with a laptop wanted to move on from building a house...

Or this world was still just like a game; who knows?

Anyways, with the main work done and dusted, the workers went home to enjoy their earnings, knowing that I would call them back eventually to expand some more.

For now, I wanted to gather my women and bring them here, to introduce them all to one another and let them know...

Well, that I had a place for them to live.

And for them to raise our children.

With that in mind, while Nenya went back to the Longhouse back in Falkreath to do administrative work, I set out to the furthest point first, to retrieve one of my wives.

The one who, hopefully, will not crush my skull since I hadn't seen her in a bit, and hopefully will be able to defend our home like she has before.

I was speaking of Viaka, my Giantess of a wife who I desperately wanted to bury my cock in again, before moving on to fuck those large tits of hers.

Speaking of, I was also beginning to get excited at the idea of maybe, just maybe having some double team action on a few of my women; imagining Gerdur's tits bouncing as I railed her plump ass whilst she choked on Aela's cock was getting me incredibly horny.

Not that it took much, mind you.

With thoughts like that running around my simplistic, hedonistic mind, I eventually reached the camp that Grok, Tias, and their daughter Viaka lived at.

Like before, a giant fire roared in the center of their alcove, whilst the two Giants in question were mating hard beside said fire, Tias' large breasts swinging as Grok plowed his wife from behind.

A large puddle of semen was splattered below them, letting me know that I was catching them way in the midst of their coitus.

Lounging on the edge of the camp was Viaka, the large Giantess yawning as she watched her parents breed, her left hand tugging at her clit whilst her other held her large body up.

Hearing me cough slightly, they all turned towards me in surprise, before I was suddenly swept into Viaka's embrace, her almost girlish scream that was a few pitches too deep making me smile as I stroked her brown hair, before she began to inspect every nook and cranny of my body, making me confused.

Seeing her slowly smirk at me, I frowned again before yelping, the Giantess pushing me onto the ground as she stripped me.

"Viaka told Jeleia to bring axe or I wring you dry~! Jeleia no listen, hmm~? So Viaka want semen! Lots and lots of semen!"

With that declaration, my cock was swiftly enveloped into her meaty folds, where her cunt began to do as she said.

Wring me dry.

Each bounce of her giant ass made me moan in pleasure, my mind turning to mush as I was slowly used as little more then a meat rod for this Giantess to use to breed on.

With us so quickly loosing ourselves to lust, Grok and his wife returned to their own breeding, the older Giantess moaning loudly as Grok dominated Tias, his roars when he came matching Viaka's grunts when I coated more of her pussy with my cum.

During this impromptu mating session, I was able to barely make out the sight of her slightly rounded stomach, denoting her pregnancy to the world; I was rather surprised, considering its been barely a few weeks...

Or not; who knows?

Either way, it was much to early for her to display a belly like that, but...

She isn't human, so who knows how their pregnancy works?

Giants may look like large humans, but they are still 'monsters'...

Kind of.

The day slowly passed by in an unending cacophony of moans and groans, Tias and I being used by very demanding and vigorous partners.

When I was finally allowed to sleep, I did so in my Giantess' arms, my face buried between her large breasts and my body enveloped by her burly, muscular frame.

As morning finally rolled around, heralded by the cries of Rock Warblers, I groggily sat up on Viaka's lap, the pregnant Giantess still snoring as she leaned against a rock.

Grok and Tias were both up and about, the male giant sharpening his cleaver whilst Tias began to prepare breakfast.

Snuggling back into my Giantess' arms, I dozed off until the roasted Saber Cat was prepared, which was then sliced up and served with a bowl of greens and some mammoth cheese.

Awakening to the scent of cooked food, Viaka ravenously devoured her portion, greedily accepting what I offered to her, before Tias rebuked her daughter for such 'barbaric' behavior...

Ignoring that, we sat and talked, and I explained that I would be moving Viaka to my new home, where she would live with me and my other 'mates'.

Grok seemed slightly saddened by the departure of his daughter, whilst Tias smirked as she stroked Grok's head, letting him know their upcoming child would cheer him up.

I also offered to let them visit if they wanted, giving them as good of directions as I could, before I set off with Viaka in tow.


A little sick, but wanted to get something out, so no heavy dialogue or anything like that.

Anyways, after this is over I think I'll move on to getting some magical jargon and stuff out of the way.



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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