
25.1 -Info update

Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I updated. We've had a lot going on these past few months, from my husband returning from deployment; to our almost immediate move afterward. Then to settling at a new place, catching up, finding out we're expecting again, and even starting a new job. These past few months have been exhausting and hectic. 😅

I know it's been a while since I've been on here and posted so I wanted to get on here and say I'll be back and active again here shortly! You can looked forward to the next update for "I'm a what? In this MMORPG", here in a few days. We're finally settled so I'm gonna put some focus back on writing. Thank you for reading to this point and staying tuned! I hope you enjoy the oncoming updates! Please leave your feedback if you have time, because it is greatly appreciated, thanks for reading! 😊
