
The first fight

Remi arrived at the Knights.Co for her first day on the job. Her studio is located on the same floor as the Ceo office since this is his direct project, and he wants to be part of it ultimately.

Remi turned on the computer and was explained by Arthur that the mines in Monroe are currently running, and in a week, they will have a few raw stones that she needed to analyze, and they will begin the processing of it.

As of now, her studio and lab are receiving their final touches, and once they are done, she will be back and forth between the office and the labs.

A team of designers will work with her and the marketing department to create a launch that will take place 6months from now.

Most diamonds found in the store is created in the lab, making them cost less than the natural diamond found in the mines. Roman and Cody are lucky since they can obtain a mine that no one has touched yet.

Selling natural diamonds or precious stone formed naturally nowadays are extremely rare; Remi predicted the jewelry would have a high demand from socialites.

Right now, Remi is getting familiar with the system that The Knights co. Use for their office. They have an IT department person coming to train Remi for the catalog system, to access files, and a few others. Once her clearance is granted, she will receive an employee card with a chip for her to insert into a laptop registered under her name.

The Knights co. Takes security issues highly.

Impressed with the security measure, she believes her decision not to cross the Knights is the best decision she ever made in her life. Her eyes linger towards the entire space she is currently in; each hallway is designed with a glass wall separating the room. The floor is not concrete, but a smooth, shiny floor like a marble found on a museum grounds.

Soon, a heel clanking sound can be heard closing in towards them, and the sound of the heel follows by a cherry blossom scent that Remi despises and spreads sharply around the area. She hated the scent; it smelled like a powdery talcum used to treat chaffing and mix with floral, and like the scent, she has no fondness towards the owner. Selene is staunched by jealousy and malice that she refuses to deal with like a plague.

"Good morning, everyone; I brought coffee and donuts."

Selene was with another intern from the marketing department, bringing some refreshments for everyone there. She gestured for the poor girl to hand the coffees to everyone.

The IT department members are cheering; they have to come early today to give a few pieces of training for a new employee. They were all grimly from the beginning until they saw Remi in her jeans and t-shirt, looking youthful and gorgeous, it made their mood instantly changes, and now they are eager to stay and help her out.

This is what they call the beauty privilege.

Each one of them took the coffee and came Remi's turn. It was not enough for her. A few of the other employees felt conflicted about receiving the cups. They can sense animosity between Selene and Remi, yet they can't comprehend where Selene's hostility stems from.

"Oh Clarissa, I apologize; I might have missed the count," Selene faked her grievance while pouting her lips in regret.

The intern sneered inwardly, knowing well Selene was lying. She mentions explicitly getting only 11 coffees instead of 12. Regardless of the intern's frequent comments, there will be 12 employees there.

"That is the fine Older sister; I can make a cup for myself at the pantry." Remi nonchalantly replied.

"Ms. Henson, here, take mine."

"No, take mine."

"you can have mine too."

Everyone there offered her their coffee; they felt the intensity and assumed a fight would break out, but instead, Remi smiled and did not let it bother them at all. That earned new profound respect they have for her.

Arthur smiled seeing her and did not notice Roman had been standing behind him for the entire time. Even though he feels like he can sense him, he brushes it off; he assumes spending too much time with Roman has made him able to sense him on random occasions.

"Nooo, I can't do that..drink all of your coffee; I can make one in the pantry later,"

She laughed, knowing she had slowly released the venom on Selene's wretched soul. The others gesture made her feel not all employee here is venomous like Selene.

She does not like drama, but she thrives in it.

Selene's face hides the fact that she wanted to scratch Remi's face so badly. So she finds another way to get to her skin. Public altercations are frowned upon in the company, and Selene bas used it against everyone that dared to defy her. She will slowly irritate them subtly and get them in trouble when they explode.

"Well, Ms. Henson is fine; if all of you can get back to work, that will be perfect."

Acting like an officer, she instructed everyone to return to their tasks. Arthur raised his eyebrow seeing how fast Selene had escalated since he went on his honeymoon vacation. Replacing him for a few weeks as Roman Assistant is a mistake. She had taken it that she was favored more than any other employees.

Something clicked in his mind. The scent seems to be fading and is no longer strong as it was. The

He turned to see Roman now seated in his office; the wall to his office was entirely glass that could shift to cloudy grey should they need privacy. The entire floor is only for his office and Arthur's, leaving many empty spaces for the team to perform their computer training. Roman saw Arthur looking at him and called him inside before setting the glass wall to a private setting.


The heat felt like scorching her skin. Remi pulled her shirt so it won't be stocked on her abdomen. The heat from the hot coffee has caused her skin to sting, and the pain now radiates.

"Oh my god!! I'm sorry, Ms. Henson, I was being careless," Selene interjected. As soon as she saw Arthur leaving, she acted quickly to return to Remi.

"Yeah, that's fine."

Regulating her temper is the best as of now, she knew Selene did it on purpose since Roman was here, and she wanted her to be away and looks ridiculous. How can she tell Selene she does not wish to the man? He is not her type.

Malicious is such an understatement to describe Selene at this point.

She excused herself to wash the coffee stain and see if her skin burnt. She had sensitive skin. Mosquito bites will swell, and a cut will be reddish; that is why when she trained, she always looked worst than it was. She bruises fast, and according to Rachel, she has fragile blood vessels. For her skin, she has Dermatographia, a sensitive skin that will cause her skin to redden from even scratch; it's usually goes away and harmless; however, in specific heat, it will flare.

Roman scrutinizes the entire scene from his office; his glass wall is set to secure his privacy inside. However, he watches everything from within since it allows him to see the outside.

Half of Remi's arm started swelling and red; he saw her walk away smiling and not even bothered by it. Perhaps Leo Turner is right; she is meek.

The rest employee felt a little awkward; some even swore they saw Selene splash the coffee intentionally, however, there are rumors Selene and Roman are together, and he favors her. So they will remain quiet about it.

Remi went fast to the bathroom but not until she stopped at the storage room. Arthur took her for a tour when she went for her contract signing. She saw what she needed, grabbed it, and went to clean herself in the bathroom. The Lady's bathroom is equipped with a hairdryer and steam iron, and also a shower. Sanitary pads and towels are also available. Top-notch!.

Knights Co earned another brownie point.

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