
Chapter 302 - Tepes Faction Raid


Draconic Deus. 

Romania. Vampire Territory. At the same time As Gaia and Alaya. 

Standing before the cliff side and having turned 100 vampires into True Ancestor. There is a clear hierarchy that is passed down where it starts at The Transcendent Vampire where if they decided to turn another race into a Vampire through biting them then they would turn into True Ancestor while those they bite would only become Pure Blooded Vampire or Nosferatu while these Pure Blooded Vampire are the one who needed a full moon to turn other race into vampire and those other race would be a Noble-born vampire and finally those other race bitten by them would be called Low class Vampire or even turned into just a Ghoul which are mindless Vampire and close to a zombie. 

A Transcendent Vampire would be Equal or slightly above a Dragon God while True Ancestor equal to Super to Ultimate class. This is only factoring their destructive powers since they have their own specialty. There are also other type of vampires but that's not important and what is important is that Elmenhilde and Carmilla now hold their lordship but have the latter as Goddess of Moroi/Immortal Vampire and the former being the Goddess of Shinso/True Ancestor. 

The True Primogenitor of Vampire stood in front of them waiting for their order while Fubuki was glancing at the army behind her looking at the female vampire emanating a profound and monstrous aura where she knows her own strength is equal or above them. She was likely able to handle 5 of them in a fight but it would've left her exhausted.

"Never expected I'll be allying myself with monsters…" She then heard someone giggling and saw Kanae who was smiling.

"You'll eventually get used to it. I'm like you in the past fighting monsters but I eventually come to accept it and not like all of them are inherently evil. Our Darling, make sure of it!" Fubuki never got used to her vibe and raised a brow when she heard her last part.

"Our? What do you mean? I'm not part of his harem!?" Kanae giggled seeing how she was hiding her blush and said.

"Not yet fufufufu~ don't lie that you don't have the slightest interest in our Darling. Mitsuri, what do you think?" She glanced at Mitsuri who was beside her and said.

"Does your divinity tell you about what she feels about our Darling?" Fubuki shudders, recalling how they are gods and have divinity with Mitsuri having the authority over Love and relationship itself.

"Kanae-san, I won't tell you because I respect Fubuki-san's privacy and it's up to her if she is going to join or not."

The said woman was grateful that she didn't expose her but couldn't help being curious on how she truly feels about Ryuu. She does respect him and enjoys how he would often train her yet unsure if it's going to lead to an intimate relationship or not.

"Ara~ when did the shy little Mitsuri go?" Kanae tried to tease her but Mitsuri had changed more ways than one and became more mature ever since she became a mother and shook her head then suddenly heard Kie speak and felt the atmosphere around them begin to change.

"Everyone be ready! Try to minimize the casualties! Do not hurt any Children or Innocent civilians!! Only capture them but don't harm them!!" 

Kie yelled out while she began to use her power to strengthen everyone, giving them a better control over their newly acquired power even if they were easily able to gain control because of their instinct was still a great help nonetheless. 

Everyone witnessed their god stepping forward chanting under his breath while blood ascended from the ground appearing like a cross shaped sword where he grabbed the hilt and began to summon his beast and daemon where his shadow spread then pointed his blood sword and said.

"Ecce sanguis dei! (Behold the blood of god)" 

A blood churned at the tip of the place before it shot with immense force that powerful gust of wind was pushed back before it caused a massive explosion having added effect in the blood where it would explode in a massive spectacle where it shook the entire region alarming the Tepes. This a courtesy in order for them to evacuate the civilians or anyone who can't fight. 

Ryuu's aim is to draw out the enemy rather than the innocent but regardless if it works or not, the barrier of the Tepes Faction shattered into dust shocking the Tepes vampire since they knew that the barrier can't be easily shattered and the Carmilla didn't have the strength to do so. Ryuu smiled, raising his weapon while his face was overshadowed where only his blood soaked eyes glowed and yelled out.

"Go forth and purge the heathen who dared taint my name! Emundandam Haereticum (Cleanse the Heretic)!" The vampire roared baring their fangs while the Daemon and Beast monster joined in roaring. 

"For Lord Maacah!"

"For our Queen!!"

"Nulla misericordia! (No mercy)"

They yelled out as they rushed towards the gate as they confronted the The Tepes Vampire who was taken aback by the monster since even if their race are capable of producing monsters can't compare to the beast assisting them as large monster would horned creature swung their battle axe soaking in blood and roared.

"Blood for the blood god! Skull for the skull throne." 

He used the Khornes Daemon more often as they are straightforward while the other Daemon was too much like Nurgle as he didn't want innocent people to be affected by torturous plagues. Meanwhile, Fubuki began to hover while she held her long spear and the short spear hovered around her. 

"Guess, it's to see how far I've come." 

She rushed her way towards the fight while she arrived to fight the male vampire and normally Fubuki would create a small hurricane but she knows it wastes too much energy and results in large collateral damage. Even if she doesn't need to worry about it in this war, she is certain it is still best to utilize most if not all of her power more efficiently.  

Fubuki descended from the sky and utilized her psionic powers where she manipulated their polarity and center of gravity along with friction and inertia. The vampires stood no chance against her swift movement cleaving them in half. 

'This monster…they are at least A Rank or close to Lower S rank. Or around Ultimate Class.' She is unsure of the clear difference between the two power systems and only vaguely guessing from what her intuition is telling her. 

The Tepes vampires greatly increased their power and removed their weakness yet they were falling like flies. Fubuki was extremely happy that she grew significantly stronger than before and had more energy to spare allowing her to fight longer. 

'I should thank Ryuu for helping…' She paused for a moment thinking about how she feels about him and despite only spending a few weeks of training felt something blooming but she dismissed the feeling and kept her mind on the fight.

'Whatever, let's focus on the task at hand.' 

While she continued to slaughter the vampires that headed her way, Kanae who stood behind Ryuu as she took out her katana that was shaped similar to the Mistilteinn Blade that was wielded by Yami from black clover.

"Make sure to give me a Reward, Honey~!" She walked up to Ryuu giving him a kiss on the cheek and playfully smiled as she jumped down before using [ Koku Shundō ] and rushed her way to the battlefield.

The moment she saw the Tepes vampire closing in was when she tightened her grip and executed her breathing technique since she doesn't need flashy attacks that might affect their allied vampire. 

[ Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility ( Go no kata: Ada no Shakuyaku) ]

The motion unleashes a flurry of nine consecutive attacks that flow and weave in on themselves. They weren't able to defend themselves and were easily sliced by her katana having the power to bypass and negate Immortality. 

Kanae evaded those that managed to survive his attack yet she didn't have to do anything as her blade placed seed that grew in their body at rapid pace causing their body to explode shocking the Tepes vampire where it sprouted trees. 

They were horrified at the result and that moment Kanae's eyes glowed where she sent a flurry of Sakura leaves that instantly sliced them giving a quick death.

"I wonder what reward I'll ask Ryuu? Maybe I'll ask Justine or Jin-Ah for some advice." She nonchalantly thought to herself while passing through hordes of vampires who tried to intercept her but everyone perished under her blade. 

"All of you used magic instead of rushing in!" 

They immediately tried to use magic only to be taken aback when nothing happened while Kanae stood in front of them as she was surrounded by dead bodies as her pale purple eye glowed and flicked her sword removing the blood. The vampire was confused why they weren't able to use their magic and saw Kanae place her hand over her mouth acting shocked and said.

"Ara~ we can't have you using that. Don't worry, I promised to give a swift quick death to those who refused to surrender and those who wish to live then feel free to submit to us." 

The vampires were offended that they would offend a Human, force them to such a taste and demanded them to surrender. Though they weren't wrong, Kanae and the rest of the human girls except Fubuki had become Transcendent Humans. 

This meant they are all above human and at the apex of mankind where their template and physiology remain human. They won't even realize the difference unless they are human or if they let them sense it. 

"How dare you!? We, The Tepes Faction, would rather die than submit to a human!"

It roared in anger as they all rushed in all directions while Kanae sighed where everything slowed down in a crawl as she vanished and reappeared a few meters away from them as their head was decapitated and time returned back to normal.

"Ara~ I tried to warn them but they are quite stubborn." 

Kanae continued her way as another fight began yet the scene was a rather interesting sight where pinked haired young woman with green tipped stood before the vampires who were unable to move while behind her were energy blades that appeared as if they were wings and held a sword. 

"Please surrender, I don't like to fight you if all of you still have the intent to kill us." 

Mitsuri tried to talk things out but unfortunately they all bare hatred that is seen by their inability to move and attack having the divinity over Love that acted like the Love commandment where those who have bare hatred against her would not be able to fight. 

"H-How ridiculous!! Who are you!? How can the Carmilla faction acquire someone like you people!? Why don't you join us and we will double whatever they are paying!" 

One of the vampires who was overwhelmed by fear and pride that it virtually removed a piece of his hatred. He believed that the Carmilla had commissioned someone from another faction in order to win against them after learning that they have one of the Longinus Sacred gear. 

They were arrogant and believed that the Carmilla would surrender but they were stubborn and this only made them relish the despair that they could overtake their faction any time they desire. Unfortunately, this fatal mistake had put them at disadvantage when their enemies acquired allies more power than they anticipated. Mitsuri shook her head in dissapointed placing her hand on cheek and said.

"Oh no, we were paid but wait…if you include being rewarded by my husband then I don't think they would make any greated payment than that." 

Mitsuri blushed thinking about what she'll ask for him to do but she prefers if the two of them sat on the couch with their son in her hands while telling stories to their sons. For her that would be a perfect day. Maybe eating some Sakura mochi.

Though, they haven't gotten any wedding ceremony as of yet but it was obvious that he'll be their husband but they all agree that only after Justine got permission with her family will they get married. 

Meanwhile, the Vampire were dumbfounded at her words, unable to think of a way to escape their predicament. Mitsuri stopped her thoughts and returned her attention to the vampire and said.

"Ahem…well my husband told me that if you want to live then simply submit to us."

The vampire paused for a moment before being overwhelmed by pride and anger that their hatred became so chaotic that it consumed them allowing the vampire to rush to Mitsuri in blinding speed and said.

"If that is the case then I will give all of you a quick death." 

She flicked her sword that detached into segments turning into a chain blade and rushed towards the vampire that instantly sliced into pieces with her weapon and energy blade behind her. The vampire couldn't even catch a glimpse of how she managed to get past them and fall to the ground as they all stared at her dumbfoundedly. 

"This reminds me so much of my time as Demon Slayer….UmU I need to keep my skills and show make Haru proud! Haru, wait for mama!"

Mitsuri continues passing through the city while back at the cliff where Kie uses her power to keep those that may be injured including the civilians who might be affected by the assault and said.

"Dear, all of the civilians and non-combatants had been secured. Fubuki is clearing the front side while Kanae taking the west gets hold of their stronghold and Mitsuri gets the east side." 

Ryuu nodded watching how the Daemon and Beast rushed towards the city fighting the Tepes vampire who hardly able to defend themselves when the Bloodthirster who swung their Battle Axe and flame sword decimating the city while cleaving the Tepes Vampires.

Meanwhile, the General rank Beast fought their way where [ Kirin ] who appeared exactly like from monster hunter released wave of lighting and frying the vampire. The Tepes faction were losing men and the onslaught pushing them back until Ryuu smiled where he sense something and spread his six wings that were of different races while his body emenate dreaful aura that Elemenhilde and Carmilla felt aroused by the sight, Kie on the other hand frown and said.

"What happened? Why did you suddenly became serious?" Ryuu didn't glance at her and fixated at the direction where he was looking and gaining another set of memories.

"Peccatum dimitte, frater. ( Forgive me, Brother)."

He gain the memories of how one of his brother, Jesus Christ who had sacrifice to allow humanity to have a bridge between heaven and be forgiven by their sin. Though, it was Samael to be blame for tempting his daughter, Eve but in the end, it was already done and she ate the unripened fruit. He glance to Kie and smiled.

"Nothing, just remembered something. Anyway, come with me." 

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