
Chapter 113 - The Harem Council

Ryuu blade plunged itself into Go Gun-Hee as if piercing through air showing his willingness to accept it. He didn't feel any pain even after the sword was pulled back. The Old man instead felt his body slowly started to change and gradually unifying his body with the Greatest Fragment of Brilliant light.

His body surges with immense magic energy forcing Ryuu to close off the space by using his own flesh to spread around the room to hide his change from the other S rank and Monarch. 

"Hahaha I must thank you for allowing this old man to feel my heart pound!"

Go Gun-hee yelled out finishing his transformation completely fusing with the fragment gaining the memories of the Ruler while still retaining his personality. He was like the monarch but rather the Ruler overtaking their personality; it was the other way around. 

Ryuu knew the Ruler would understand his intention when he revealed to Go Gun-hee and treat them as allies to fight against the Monarchs.

"You are welcome."

He smiled as Go Gun-Hee used his Ruler's authority to fix up the chairs and sit back down. The Old man was reinvigorated, having the power to at least push back the monarch now. 

"Now that you've healed me, tell me what is it that you need me to do in return?"

Go Gun-Hee didn't try to waste anymore time and went straight to the point making him nod.

"First, I want to start my own guild as soon as possible. One of my members has already bought a building and is aiming to establish it soon."

He needed the guild to allow his woman to participate at least and doesn't need to join any other guild.

"Consider it done. What else?"

"Be allowed to enter any gate without permission."

Go Gun-Hee nodded and discussed it further before Ryuu was free to leave Woo Jinchul to see the chairman seem more lively. While he smiled for the brighter future, Ryuu used [ Koku Shundo ] to instantly arrive back home where he arrived to see his girls talking to Erza and Rias. 

"So what did I miss?"


After they had finished eating their meal and went back to the mansion. Ryuu's woman took Rias, Erza and Lucifer. They were in the backyard wanting to discuss or rather interview potential new members to their harem.

"For today's unofficial Council for Ryuu's Harem. We would like to know if any of you are interested in having a relationship with Ryuu!"

Nezuko said, acting as if the head mistresses only to be flicked by Justine who is the main one in them while Kie warily smiled seeing her daughter's action. Though, he didn't deny they were going to have a hierarchy among them and make things more organized since none can spend time alone with him at the same time since clones aren't the same. 

"We haven't decided what to call it but anyway, I just want to know how you feel about Ryuu."

Justine said knowing full well that his action in helping them and revealed their story had left a deep impression in their heart. Not to mention the effect of his [ Essence of Harem protagonist ]

"For me I don't really understand romance and love, that's why I can't say I love him. Though, having lustful desire then yes. I don't really mind him having a woman even if all of you are human."

Lucifer gave her honest opinion since she dislikes lying. Devil's like her have different concepts of attraction than humans who are emotional creatures while Devil's are driven by desire and urges. 

"For me, I am interested but I'm not yet sure if it will blossom into romance."

Erza said since she has hardly been one to invest in romance yet but does like the idea, especially wearing wedding dresses. 

"How about you,  Rias-san. Are you interested in being with Ryuu-kun?"

Kanae was the first one to ask her to get Rias off guard since she doesn't know her feelings at the moment. 

"I…I don't know my feelings are still confused but he's a lot better than what I would have met in the future."

Rias is just thinking about falling for a pervert who is held by trauma. She wanted to repay him and ended up being the one in the receiving end. His words stuck inside her heart and how helpful it was in her troubled heart. 

"You don't need to rush or feel obligated. Just follow what you feel is right."

Kie said seeing her having trouble expressing her feelings in the matter. Though, she does like Rias since she seems to be trying to change and be a better person thinking about her actions and decisions more than what her fictional self would have done. 

Despite being portrayed as a logical thinker who thinks and plans ahead, she is naive and always fueled by emotion rather than rationality.

One example is that she could easily invited Issei before all the stupid event and if he refused then just use Hypnosis to make him forget or even tell that it is the only way to keep him safe since people are going to hunt him. 

Instead choice to let him die and only revived him at that very moment. Not to mention, trying to actually handle a situation where it could lead to a war by killing those fallen angels instead of informing her brother to carefully plan the course of action just because she wanted to prove herself to be capable. 

Though, it wasn't wrong trying to prove herself but she should have thought of the outcome instead of just killing them. They're ways that could have prevented many things from happening if she just tried to think logically rather than emotionally. 

"What do you girls like about him anyway?"

Rias wanted to know more about him and see where things lead. 

"For me, I always liked him when we were a child. He was honest, fun and as cliche as it sounds, someone who is willing to do everything for his family."

Justine remembers spending time with him slowly blossoming into romances. He wasn't flawless but his tenacity to keep going and the drive to achieve what he wanted if given the circumstances. 

His honesty rarely lies and never judges someone from how he sees things. She knows that Ryuu doesn't hate Rias like other people, having understood that her life is just different and didn't deserve what she was getting. 

Rias isn't perfect like any other people and if someone were in her shoes then they won't know what to do since their life is just different than her. There was some pressure on her shoulder that made her decision and choice reckless. 

"The same thing, he is the kind of person who would take time to understand someone before judging them. He never took advantage of me when I tried to flirt with him and I ended up being the one pushing myself to him."

Shinobu recalled the time giving herself to Ryuu who tried to stop her, which only fueled her interest. 

"True, I like teasing him. His good qualities are always balanced by the bad ones."

Kanae said having the same reason as her sister and ended up falling for him. He is also the reason why she is alive and is with her sister again. 

"I-I also like him because he always made me feel comfortable and accepting of who I am. In the past, I didn't like my hair and my strength was stronger than average men making it difficult to find a good husband. But he accepted me and always makes me feel special."

Mitsuri said her view on Ryuu since she always thought no one would accept her thinking she's a monster for having incredible strength for a woman but he didn't even care about it telling her everything about her quality as a person. 

"For me, I just liked Ryuu when I met him! Nothing to it, my time with him is always fun to be around! Not to mention, it allowed me to see many incredible animals and gave me a new dream in capturing every animal imaginable."

Nezuko said, imagining herself collecting a wide array of creatures. 

"Well, I never expected to be in a relationship with my daughter since I was grieving at the death of my previous husband but he made my heart flutter and made me feel young. He is also great with the children."

Kie said still loves her deceased husband but now it was full of Ryuu and only held it for her children. She saw how Ryuu threatened the children and how well he was interacting with them. Kie once asked him about it and told how often children in the street come to him and always play with them or give them a helping hand. 

"I had a rough start in my life because of the responsibility passed down by my family. It is the same as you, Rias but mine is more direct and I don't have the same background as you did. But anyway, he appeared in my life and helped me understand that burdening myself would be the end of me, making me realize that it is alright to have your own choice while also shouldering your responsibility."

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